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Assembly Language Structures and Macros.

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Presentation on theme: "Assembly Language Structures and Macros."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assembly Language Structures and Macros

2 Examples Walk.asm List.asm Wraps.asm putChar.asm Nested.asm

3 Exercise 1 Create a macro named mMult32 that multiplies two unsigned 32-bit memory operands and produces a 32-bit product. INCLUDE mMult32 MACRO op1,op2,product ; ***** YOUR CODES HERE ************* ENDM .data val1 DWORD 1000h val2 DWORD 200h prod DWORD ?

4 .code main PROC mMult32 val1,val2,prod ; Display results mov eax,prod call WriteHex call Crlf exit main ENDP END main

5 ch10_04.exe

6 Due date: 96/1/4 Zip your files as a09xxxxx_ zip

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