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KFUPM Science Park (PASP): A New Era for Sustainable Technology Based Development Sadiq M. Sait (0n behalf of PASP Project Committee) 8th January 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "KFUPM Science Park (PASP): A New Era for Sustainable Technology Based Development Sadiq M. Sait (0n behalf of PASP Project Committee) 8th January 2004."— Presentation transcript:


2 KFUPM Science Park (PASP): A New Era for Sustainable Technology Based Development Sadiq M. Sait (0n behalf of PASP Project Committee) 8th January 2004

3 2 Presentation Outline Part I: A Brief Overview about Science Parks Part II: Plan of PASP Part III: Progress, Status & Discussion

4 3 Part I: About Science Parks What are they? History and Trends Stakeholders Motives Relevant Joint Activities The Incubator

5 4 What Are Science Parks? A property based initiative which: – Has operational links with universities and research centers – Is designed to encourage knowledge based industries – Has an element of technology transfer and job opportunities Over a thousand Science parks around the world: Australia, Singapore, Hong-Kong, Morocco, Finland, Brazil, UK, USA, and others IASP (International Association of Science Parks, 250+ membership almost half are University Parks) Different from Research Institutes (RI)? A Recent Trend

6 5 Benefits from the Park Development of the region and creation of wealth and employment opportunities University to become skilled at industry collaboration Tenants forming associations with the University Commercialization of University research, including incubation facilities for start-ups

7 6 What is an Incubator? An incubator generates and sustains the dynamic process of business enterprise development for individuals eager to start companies to build commercially viable products It provides support of infrastructure, logistics, finance, training, and advice, until the businesses find their own place outside

8 7 Part II: Conceptual Plan of PASP The Vision The Mission Goals/Objectives Benefits to KFUPM Benefits to Tenants Success Factors

9 8 Vision To make a significant contribution to the wealth & welfare of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the development of knowledge based companies that will also strengthen the achievement of the mission of KFUPM to be a leading institution in the creation and dissemination of knowledge in its chosen fields of study Keywords: Closer ties and enduring links between academia and the industry

10 9 Mission To develop financially self-sustaining physical and operational entity designed to create wealth through the commercialisation of scientific and technological knowledge from KFUPM; Development of an entrepreneurial culture amongst faculty, researchers, students, of KFUPM and providing technical, business, and financial advice to clients; Providing space in incubator and science park with access to university facilities and creation of a self sustaining and self supporting community of knowledge based companies.

11 10 Goals/Objectives The primary purpose of instituting a science park within KFUPM can be listed as follows: – To forge a strong collaboration between the university and industry in R&D – To promote small tech-specific businesses and start-ups through an incubator program – To direct significant technology-driven foreign investment into the Kingdom – Commercialization of research – Providing a strong point of presence for major international companies and enterprises – Technology Transfer: Channeling new global technologies and practices into the Kingdom

12 11 What is in their for KFUPM Joint research projects, especially for graduate and doctoral students Work experience programs for undergrads (part- and full-time jobs for university students) Sharing of university equipment and laboratories Custom-designed education programs for tenants Many staff in tenant companies can enroll in our graduate programs Advice from tenants (companies) on course design Adjunct appointments of industry experts to teach and research in the university

13 12 Other Benefits to KFUPM Close links and collaborative efforts between the science park’s businesses and tenants and the university’s faculty, researchers and students Attraction and retention from amongst the best faculty and researchers Industrial presence for the benefit of students The presence of International major companies will help keep the university abreast of the latest technological trends and developments Employment opportunities for students (during study and upon graduation)

14 13 Benefits to Tenant Firms Tenant companies can have a significant point of presence in the region especially from an R&D perspective Availability of a highly skilled work-force pool from graduate and undergraduate student body Assistance in identifying university programs and resources that best relate to the tenant’s research Opportunity for commercial deployment of university’s proprietary patents and innovations Access to the university’s advanced educational and training programs Different from Research Institute

15 14 Other Joint Activities Larger companies can have their research work contracted to the university. (The proximity with the academic departments producing hundreds of graduates in an area of expertise is a plus) Companies can donate equipment and tools, share expertise, etc., in return for using university labs, faculty, and students Senior staff of tenant companies can serve on University advisory committees Tenants can offer scholarships to postgraduate students There are several types of parks: For a Science Park linked to a University, collaboration is the key

16 15 Critical Success Factors Factors that can greatly impact the development and growth are: 1. Planning, leadership, commitment and involvement of all concerned parties for effective implementation of the plan 2. The detailed plan should be based on clear objectives, well integrated with the long-term mission and goal of the university (UNESCO Team coming to assist and consult, and also British Council is involved) 3. Close interaction between the tenant firms and the university (openness) 4. A clear management structure with a Park Manager appointed at an early stage 5. Preference to companies in the general strengths of the university

17 16 Part III: Progress/Status 1. Some Facts 2. What to Expect? 3. Consultants (UNESCO, British Council, etc.,), Tenants, and MegaCompanies 4. LookAhead Plan, Action Plan

18 17 Some Facts 1. Despite the considerable benefits, genuine collaboration is difficult to achieve 2. Many parks are prestigious real-estate 3. We do not want to degenerate into a business park 4. We are working on attracting organizations capable of 'forming any useful association with the University’

19 18 What to Expect? The university will be surrounded by some of the world’s leading technology companies Industry participation in academia The university will build on its current strengths due to proximity with industry. Proximity will assist greatly in fostering relationship with tenants Research & teaching programs will concentrate on modern high technology

20 19 Chronology of Events KFUPM Science Park Project Committee Formed: 19/05/2002 International Companies Contacted: 20/06/2002 Letters of Intent Received: 15/07/2002 Conceptual Plan (prepared by PASP Project Committee): 15/09/2002 PASP Website Created ( 01/10/2002 Foundation Stone by HRH Prince Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz: 20/10/2002 UNESCO Experts Visit to KFUPM: 22-25/02/2003 PASP Plan Finalized: 25/03/2003 Schlumberger Contract Signed: 04/04/2003 Project Awarded for Layout/Infrastructure Planning: 09/04/2003 Marketing Campaign Launched: 15/04/2003 Presentation to HH Prince Saud Al-Saud, Chairman SABIC:26/04/2003 Preliminary Report on Layout/Infrastructure finalized: 27/04/2003 Look-ahead Plan 2004 Action Plan 2004

21 20 Potential Tenants UNESCO Experts visit First Tenant in PASP (Schlumberger) Potential Tenants JCCP, Japan (currently working fulltime at KFUPM) CIBA Chemicals, Switzerland Other International Companies Wipro, India Idemitsu Kosan Company Ltd., Japan Cytec Industries, B.V., The Netrherlands Institute France Petrole (IFP), France Membrana GmbH (a member of the ACORDIS Group), Germany DevCorp International, Bahrain

22 21 Mega-Companies Invitation letters sent to Saudi Aramco and SABIC for involvement and participation in PASP Potential Advantages Cited  Availability of additional R&D laboratory space for expansion of R&D activities not covered in existing R&D facilities  Opportunity for company ’ s researchers with new and novel ideas to begin to exploit them in a separate atmosphere  Opportunity to come into direct contact with, and to evaluate, students who are potential new company ’ s employees.

23 22 Finally … The KFUPM Science Park (PASP) is a strong statement of KFUPM’s determination to maintain its high standards in research, technological development and academic excellence It is an initiative to couple the University’s research resources with the technological capabilities of the industrial sector, thereby creating a highly collaborative environment with vast potential for joint technological R&D With the establishment of this science park, KFUPM moves forward into its fiftieth year with a far-reaching initiative that will be a dynamic catalyst for technological development and collaboration between the university and the industry

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