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Alumni Mentorship Program Kick-Off February 4, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Alumni Mentorship Program Kick-Off February 4, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alumni Mentorship Program Kick-Off February 4, 2005

2 Agenda Overview of Alumni Mentorship Program Registration Instructions & Mentor Selection Demonstration Mentorship Tips & Tools Timeline & Key Deadlines Q & A

3 What Is the Kellogg Alumni Mentorship Program? Unique opportunity to develop a one-to-one relationship with a Kellogg Alum An outlet for advice on career planning An opportunity to learn from someone with valuable experience in your field of interest A resource to assist you in maximizing your Kellogg experience

4 Who are the Kellogg Mentors? Kellogg mentors are alumni in a wide variety of industries, functional roles, and parts of the world. Each of these alums has committed to building a relationship with a Kellogg student. The length of the relationship will be determined by you and your mentor. Alums are prepared to talk about any aspect of your academic or professional life that you would find valuable---they are not prepared to give you a job.

5 What Is the Level of Commitment? Mentors & students are expected to be in contact at least once a quarter You & your mentor may decide to interact more frequently—it is up to you and your mentor! During your initial conversation, you and your mentor should decide how to proceed and how often to interact

6 Mentor Matching Methodology  Students can search the list of available alumni mentors and select their top eight preferences  Each student will be assigned a random number and that will be the order in which their mentor is assigned  When the time comes for them to be matched, if their first choice is already taken, the matching mechanism will assign them their second choice, if that is also taken, the mechanism will move on to their third and so forth  In the rare situation where a student is not matched with a mentor, KAMP will work with you to find an available mentor once matching has been completed  Students will have a 24 hour window of opportunity to opt-out of the program if they are not satisfied with their assigned mentor

7 Just two more Simple Steps to Get a Mentor… 1)Attend Kickoff Meeting - 2)Search the Kellogg Alumni Mentorship Program (KAMP) Directory at to identify your top mentor preferences 3)Go to the Alumni Mentorship Matching System website at and rank your top 8 mentor choices

8 Mentor Preference Selection Tips  Don’t select mentor preferences simply based on their seniority in their company. Consider that some of the best mentors may be less senior but more able to relate to your current status as a student.  Do not use dial-up to connect to the Alumni Mentorship Matching System.

9 Mentorship Tools Program Packet of Information  Personal Statement – send with resume to mentor in introductory e-mail  Rules of The Road – rules and guidelines for the KAMP program  Materials made available on KSA Alumni website at mni/mentorship/mentorship.htm#Students mni/mentorship/mentorship.htm#Students

10 Mentorship Tips Do  Take initiative (you must contact your mentor by March 2 at the latest)  Be persistent and follow up with your mentor  Be professional and focused during conversations  Give the Alumni Committee feedback  Use your mentor as a real resource Don’t  Forget to contact your mentor  Forget about your mentor  Ask or expect your mentor to give you a job

11 Mentorship Tips & Tools Sample Discussion Topics  Career goals and how to create a path to achieving them  Industry and functional roles—the real deal  Balancing professional / personal life  Job hunting strategies—how to find your dream position  Networking strategies

12 Timeline & Key Deadlines  Search alumni mentors and submit ranked preferences by 5:00 PM on February 11 th (Fri)  Students will be notified of their match by end of day on February 21 st (Mon)  Students who wish to ‘opt out’ of program must do so by e-mailing by 5:00 PM on February 22 nd (Tue)  KAMP will contact mentors with the name of their student by end of day on February 22 nd (Tue)  Students must contact their mentor (and supply packet of information) by end of day March 2 nd (Wed)

13 Any more questions?? E-Mail to:

14 Appendix

15 Sign-Up Screen Shots 1)Go to Kellogg Serial and click on Mentorship Program Link OR enter 2)Select “Search Directory” to search the KAMP Alumni Directory to identify mentor preferences

16 Sign-Up Screen Shots 3)Log in to KAMP Alumni Directory using your Network ID and password

17 Sign-Up Screen Shots 4)Search KAMP Alumni Directory using variables available - i.e. Company, Location, Position, etc. 5)Identify up to 8 mentor preferences Ensure that you follow the instructions provided in this presentation to search for mentors via the Kellogg Alumni Mentorship Program Club Directory and NOT the general alumni directory

18 Sign-Up Screen Shots 6)Keep track of first and last names of preferences identified via the Alumni Directory 7)Go to back to Kellogg Serial and click on Mentorship Program Link OR re-enter 8)Click “Rank Mentors” to rank preferences

19 Sign-Up Screen Shots 9)Using the drop down boxes, select your preferences 10)Click “Submit”

20 Sign-Up Screen Shots 11)Confirm preferences 12)Click “Submit Final”

21 Sign-Up Screen Shots 13)Print a copy of your final submission for your records 14)You will be notified of your assigned mentor on February 21 st (Mon)

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