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1 CS1001 Lecture 16. 2 Overview Java Programming Java Programming Midterm Review Midterm Review.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CS1001 Lecture 16. 2 Overview Java Programming Java Programming Midterm Review Midterm Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CS1001 Lecture 16

2 2 Overview Java Programming Java Programming Midterm Review Midterm Review

3 3 Goals Learn to read/understand Java Learn to read/understand Java

4 4 Assignments Brookshear: Ch 1, Ch2, Ch 4, Ch 5 (Read) Brookshear: Ch 1, Ch2, Ch 4, Ch 5 (Read) Read linked documents on these slides (slides will be posted in courseworks) Read linked documents on these slides (slides will be posted in courseworks)

5 5 Midterm History – Know people and the point of their contributions. Be prepared for short answers (2-3 sentences) History – Know people and the point of their contributions. Be prepared for short answers (2-3 sentences) Hardware – Know the main parts of a computer (processor, memory, etc). Understand that programs and data are both information and can be stored in some sort of memory. Hardware – Know the main parts of a computer (processor, memory, etc). Understand that programs and data are both information and can be stored in some sort of memory. Assembly – given a simple assembly language, write a short (very short) program Assembly – given a simple assembly language, write a short (very short) program Problem solving – identify a problem with a given algorithm Problem solving – identify a problem with a given algorithm

6 6 Midterm Networking: TCP vs UDP Networking: TCP vs UDP Good/bad design features: be able to name a few usability features Good/bad design features: be able to name a few usability features Modern architecture: privacy, centralization (references on review sheet) Modern architecture: privacy, centralization (references on review sheet) Programming: given program x, what does it output when run? Programming: given program x, what does it output when run? Find the error (not syntax errors; logic errors only) Find the error (not syntax errors; logic errors only)

7 7 Chapter 1 What is an algorithm? What is an algorithm? Design an algorithm to do … Design an algorithm to do … –Beware of exceptional cases/pitfalls Base Conversion Base Conversion Read History links Read History links

8 8 Chapter 2 2.1 – Program Execution 2.1 – Program Execution 2.2 – Modern Architectures 2.2 – Modern Architectures 2.3 2.3

9 9 Chapter 3 3.5 - Networks 3.5 - Networks 3.6 - Protocols 3.6 - Protocols 3.7 - Security 3.7 - Security

10 10 Chapter 4 Algorithm Design (Read All) Algorithm Design (Read All) No specific facts from this chapter will appear on the exam No specific facts from this chapter will appear on the exam

11 11 Chapter 5 Read 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Read 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Questions on this material will be expressed using Java Questions on this material will be expressed using Java

12 12 Chapter 6 Software Engineering Software Engineering User centered design (slides) User centered design (slides) Usability video Usability video Skim Ch 6 Skim Ch 6 The world wide web! Read slide links, especially the one on the semantic web The world wide web! Read slide links, especially the one on the semantic web

13 13 Chapter 8 8.2 - Files 8.2 - Files

14 14 Format History – factual and importance (short answer) History – factual and importance (short answer) Design an algorithm (in English and in a given assembly language) Design an algorithm (in English and in a given assembly language) Base Conversion (math) Base Conversion (math) Short answer on network protocols Short answer on network protocols Web - short answer about information organization (no HTML) Web - short answer about information organization (no HTML) Usability (short answer) Usability (short answer) Java Code – find the error (not syntax) Java Code – find the error (not syntax) Java Code – what does the following program do? Java Code – what does the following program do?

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