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Zen and the Art of Significance Testing At the center of it all: the sampling distribution The task: learn something about an unobserved population on.

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Presentation on theme: "Zen and the Art of Significance Testing At the center of it all: the sampling distribution The task: learn something about an unobserved population on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zen and the Art of Significance Testing At the center of it all: the sampling distribution The task: learn something about an unobserved population on the basis of an observed sample. Not much of this can be done directly…best guesses are corresponding parameters in the population. To know accuracy and confidence level, the sample isn’t enough…we need the sampling distribution. Sampling distribution is a bridge between sample and population, in that pieces of information about each come together such that we can make statements about the population with varying degrees of confidence and accuracy.

2 Frequency Distribution A sampling distribution is simply another type of frequency distribution. A frequency distribution is a depiction of the number of times each value of a variable occurs in a sample or population. FD often depicted as curve above horizontal axis, such that the height of a point above the axis depicts the number of times that score occurred in the collectivity. The height can also represent relative frequency, that is the proportion of times a value occurs. AHA! The sum of all the relative frequencies always equals 1.0 or 100%. Two components: scores on variable concerned=horizontal axis, and frequency/relative frequency given by height above axis. Infinite distributions can be that in either direction

3 Sampling Distribution: U of A A sampling distribution’s U of A is a collectivity, but not in the sense that a large number of collectivities were observed (such as classes, groves of trees, soil samples). The collectivity in this case is the sample. Since only one sample is observed, how can it be an individual? That’s where the Zen comes in…hang on a minute. What are the variables, or description, of such an individual? A statistic. So… IF there were a lot of samples (not going to happen), they could each be characterized by their own score (statistic) and in this nonreal sense a statistic can be a variable, and have a distribution.

4 Sampling Distribution: U of A A sampling distribution’s U of A is a collectivity, but not in the sense that a large number of collectivities were observed (such as classes, groves of trees, soil samples). The collectivity in this case is the sample. Since only one sample is observed, how can it be an individual? That’s where the Zen comes in…hang on a minute. What are the variables, or description, of such an individual? A statistic. So… IF there were a lot of samples (not going to happen), they could each be characterized by their own score (statistic) and in this nonreal sense a statistic can be a variable, and have a distribution.

5 Deep breath in…Distribution of a sample At the moment before you sample (I mean random, always), you can have in mind a statistic you will calculate once the sample is pulled. Say, the mean (income, intelligence, whatever). That mean will depend on the sample you pull, and likely change with repeated samples. At the moment before you sample, then, there is a set of possibilities for the outcome of the statistic—it is these possibilities for the calculated statistic that are ranged along the horizontal axis. Note that depending on what you are sampling, this range will differ—there are many sampling distributions. The second component of the distribution is the number of times each value occurs, which in this case do not happen in actuality at all, they are merely possibilities.

6 Hold that breath…Distribution of a sample Possibilities… imagine drawing samples of the same size over and over, for fun, forever. The same sample might come up, or the same mean derived from different samples. In this sense, the second component of the distribution is infinite… Some numbers are more probable than others…in an infinite sense there is no sense counting frequency, so we think of relative frequency (or probability) of the means occurring. Depends on the nature of the population and size of hypothetical sample. So…a sampling distribution is a compendium of the probabilities of calculated outcomes when one is about to draw a sample of size n from a population and calculate a certain statistic.

7 Let it go…ahhhh, Probability and Randomness How is this hypothesized distribution useful? We can know probabilities about populations by knowing relevant facts of the population. Even rough, summary information. Why? The mathematics of probability. And the importance of the random sample. Without it, the specifics of the sampling distribution would be unknown. The rules of probability do not apply to anything but random samples to yield a predetermined sampling distribution (our hypothesized one). Everything we are doing is based on a random sampling procedure or one close enough to amounting to the same-o, same-o.

8 Relaxed? Good, let’s talk Curves Predetermined sampling distributions are given by mathematical equations. The normal curve is one such formula. Many statistics we are concerned with happen to have a normal sampling distribution. It just is that way. Be with it. Another curve is the t-distribution, and many statistics are found to have a t-distribution. It just is that way. Be with it. They look kind of similar. They are actually defined by totally different formulae. They both have bell-shaped curves. Both are symmetric about mean, taper to two tails, and asymptotic Can’t arrive at the curves empirically, as the second component is infinite. Thank you mathematicians for figuring this out. The relationship between the sampling distribution of the mean and the normal curve is one of great mathematical convenience and empirical plausibility. It just is that way. Be with it.

9 Normal curve as foundational From the normal curve, all other major curves in statistical inference follow mathematically. That is, the t-distribution, the F- distribution, and Chi-squared are all curves that specify sampling distributions of different statistics, and all are based on the normal distribution. “The whole makes a remarkable, close-knit family that is wonderful in mathematical elegance and momentous in practical utility.” I couldn’t even make that stuff up.

10 Dancing to the Central Limit Theorem As a sample is to be drawn, and we are interested in a mean, x-bar, there is conceptually a sampling distribution of x-bar. The Central Limit Theorem demonstrates that this distribution is approximately normal. And, the mean of x-bar is the mean of the population. “A wonderfully convenient result.” It means: on average, a sample mean is the same as the population mean. CLT also tells us that the standard deviation of the sampling distribution is the population standard deviation divided by square root of sample size. We call this the standard error. CLT tells us, in sum: 1) sampling distribution is normal 2) it has a certain mean, and 3) it has a certain std dev.

11 Dancing to the Central Limit Theorem, Part II That mean thing is neat, but what about the normal and std dev? They help determine how far off from the population mean our sample mean is likely to be, once we actually draw it. A sampling distribution of a mean is normal as long as sample is large (>100). Because a large sample, randomly drawn from a population, tends to mirror the population. That means that of all the possibilities for x-bar, the most likely are those near the true mean. For standard deviation, that of the sampling distribution is much narrower than the population (1/sq rt n times the pop s.d.). Why? Although extreme values are possible, most of the hypothetical sample means will be near the true mean. That is, central values are far more probable than extreme values, so the average distance off center is small. So, once our sample is drawn, if our mean is off at all it is likely not off by much, and the probability of being off by a lot is low.

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