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KHW projects v84 FYP titles 0809 Kh wong. KHW projects v84 KHW0801 Multi-camera vision alert system for the Government Flying Service search and rescue.

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Presentation on theme: "KHW projects v84 FYP titles 0809 Kh wong. KHW projects v84 KHW0801 Multi-camera vision alert system for the Government Flying Service search and rescue."— Presentation transcript:

1 KHW projects v84 FYP titles 0809 Kh wong

2 KHW projects v84 KHW0801 Multi-camera vision alert system for the Government Flying Service search and rescue missions (CS/CE) Multi-camera vision alert system for the Government Flying Service search and rescue missions (CS/CE) We will develop a Multi-camera vision alert system to assist the aircrew and pilot on rescue missions carried out by the Government Flying Service GFS ( The system will use images from onboard cameras to identify shipwreck victims and alert users when possible objects are identified. We will use multiple cameras to enhance the tracking compatibility, that is, each camera is responsible for a small portion of the search area. The work also include: Identify possible search objects using color and other information. Record data during the whole search mission for later retrieval. Students may be required to participate in test flights during installation and development.

3 KHW projects v84 GFS

4 KHW projects v84

5 Sample pictures

6 KHW projects v84 Enlarged pictures

7 KHW projects v84 KHW0802 Mobile handheld projector (CS/CE) Handheld projectors are now available in the market. However, in many situations, the projector is not projecting perpendicular to the screen; therefore the image may be distorted. Using the camera on the mobile device, we can use computer vision methods to correct this distortion. It may even be possible to reduce the vibration created by an unsteady hand. There should be many cool applications based on this system. Similar project: Mobile projector by Microvision, Inc. –( ) Mobile projector demo –( – KH Wong’s vision project –( )

8 KHW projects v84 Examples

9 KHW projects v84 KHW0803 Interactive spoken language tutorial system (CS/CE) The target is to develop an interactive system that can tell whether a student is speaking a language (e.g. English or Mandarin) with the correct intonation. The system first analyses the recorded sound and calculates the pitch profile. Then it compares with the standard answer and shows using graphics or audio feedback to instruct the user for further improvement. Students of this project have to learn mathematical techniques of signal processing of speech first. The work include data collection, programming and building user interfaces. Similar systems – –

10 KHW projects v84 examples

11 KHW projects v84 KHW0804 A 3-D volumetric display system (CE) The aim of this project is to develop a system to display 3D models that are viewed by naked eyes without the use of any visual tools such as shutter glasses. The method uses a rotating (or vibrating mirror) with a holographic diffuser (to limit the viewing angle, ie. on screens of ATM machines) to reflect images from a monitor to the user. As a result each eye can see a different image so a stereo effect can be formed. The work include: 1) control a rotating/vibrating mirror. 2) develop the driver for a graphic card to display images synchronous with the mirror position. This is a challenging project with high commercial potential. References 1) 2) 蔡朝旭.pdf

12 KHW projects v84

13 KHW0805 Large flexible LED display wall (CE) We propose a new distributed and easy deployable (LED based) display technology for large irregular shape objects (external or internal walls of buildings). For example, we can show an MTV video on the surface of a large (100 meters) Christmas tree using 1 million LEDs. It is different from the current matrix display. In our system each LED is serially linked and is free to be placed in any position. After the LED positions are fixed, we can use a video camera to obtain these positions and use computer graphics/vision technology to map them to the video pixels. The work include (1) using VHDL and Xilinx to build the hardware module for each LED. (2) Computer graphics/vision research work for locating the LED positions and calculate the corresponding mapping. Build software for handling/editing the video for the artistic designer. This displaying technology will give a new perspective to the advertising industry. References: (1) 07/book/0909_2.pdf (2) 07/book/0909_2.pdf

14 KHW projects v84 Flexible LED Display

15 KHW projects v84 Example: text A serial bus of LEDs is randomly placed on the tree line of LED We can show the text on irregular surface

16 KHW projects v84 Example: graphics

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