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Computer Science 01 Introduction to the Internet Neal Sample.

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1 Computer Science 01 Introduction to the Internet Neal Sample

2 About this Course What is the Internet? How does it work? How can I use it effectively? How is it changing the world? What is its future?

3 About you (hopefully) Non-technical  we will start with the very basics  more technical people will want a CS 99? Comfortable editing files  if not, you will probably want CS 01c Want to learn about the Internet in more detail

4 Computer Accounts You need an account that can:  send and receive email  browse the web  host small web pages A Leland account can do all of this  to get one call 725-2101  or second floor of Sweet Hall or the Tressider LAIR

5 Contact Information Electronic mail  Office hours Tuesdays 11am-12pm and by appointment  Gates 424 On the web 

6 Assignments This course is 1 credit, CR/NC Weekly ungraded simple assignments  You must complete all of them Two short written assignments  200 words? One small project  design and build your own homepage!

7 Part 1: Building blocks The Physics of the Internet Introduction to and History of the ‘Net Internet Infrastructure Internet Protocols and Services

8 Part 2: Using the Internet Electronic Mail, Usenet News, Instant Messagers and other Communications An information consumer’s view of the Internet Searching the web An information producer’s view of the Internet

9 Part 2: Using the Internet Security and privacy Electronic commerce Internet communities

10 Part 3: Culture and Future Internet culture Internet law The future of the Internet

11 Weekly Project Getting something FREE off the Internet (with no regrets!) Free Email accounts  you get what you pay for? – –  Free Email Provider’s Guide FEPG –  simple protection

12 Weekly Project Free web pages   Free stuff you can touch =)    NBCi:,566,-305,00.html

13 What to “turn in” this week Email me at:  Tell me one thing you applied for (or at least found) for free.  Also, if you could take away full understanding one about “Internet thing,” what “Internet thing” would it be?

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