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Jacksonian Democracy clip. The Election of 1824 “The Corrupt Bargain”

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1 Jacksonian Democracy clip



4 The Election of 1824 “The Corrupt Bargain”

5 Andrew Jackson Henry Clay John Quincy Adams John C. Calhoun “Killing 2500 British Soldiers does not qualify one for the highest office in the land” Clay Exportation & Protest “Tariff of Abomination”

6 CandidatePopular Vote Electoral Vote Andrew Jackson43%99 J.Q. Adams31%32 William Crawford 13%41 Henry Clay13%37 The Election of 1824 “The Corrupt Bargain”

7 Election of 1824 – The Corrupt Bargain Four candidates: –C–Crawford –J–Jackson –C–Clay –A–Adams No majority in Electoral College John Q. Adams wins in House of Representatives Clay appointed Secretary of State


9 Jackson’s “Style” - Old Hickory - Favored “Commanding” not compromising - Pro-Slavery BUT keep it a “non- issue” - Jackson is Anti-Abolitionist – keep them from spreading their ideas - Despised Indians - A partisan Democrat - “Common Man” theme but…? “to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy”

10 Jacksonian Democracy “The Common Man”

11 Rachel Jackson

12 John Eaton Peggy Eaton Kitchen Cabinet

13 “King Andrew” Spoils System –“–“To the Victors go the spoils” 20% of federal positions went to “loyal” Democrats



16 First Seminole War Jackson invaded Spanish Florida in 1818 –t–tried and executed two British subjects Calhoun condemned Jackson –s–saying that Jackson was not ordered to invade –s–suggested disciplinary action Jackson was not aware until 1831 – while Calhoun was his Vice President

17 Nullification Crisis 1832 – 1833 Tariff of 1832 Election of 1832 Force Bill (Jackson) Compromise Tariff (Clay)

18 Webster – Hayne Debate Nationalism and Union - Daniel Webster, Massachusetts States Rights and Nullification – Robert Hayne, south Carolina

19 States Rights and Nullification Hayne – “The Tariff is unconstitutional and MUST be repealed.” Calhoun had written – “ The rights of the South have been destroyed, and must be restored…The Union is in danger and must be saved.”

20 Nationalism and Union Webster – “I go for the Constitution as it is, and for the Union, as it is. It is Sir, the people’s Constitution, the people’s government, made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people.” “...Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and Inseperable!”

21 Jackson – “Our union, it must be preserved.” Calhoun – “The Union, next to our liberty, most dear.” Newspaper Quote for Jackson – “ Our federal Union; It must and shall be preserved.” Debate Continues- At a Jefferson Day Dinner, Jackson and Calhoun make a toast… (with a drink NOT with bread )

22 The Bank War “the bank is trying to kill me, but I will kill it.” Biddle - president of second bank Debate over renewal of National bank’s charter 1832 - 1836 Biddle accused of corruption by Democrats Bank War clip

23 Bank war Jackson against bank – Vetoed charter saying “…such a concentration of power in the hands of a few men, irresponsible to the people” After re-elected, Jackson effectively destroyed the bank – all federal $ are removed making it essentially a private bank The 2 nd Bank of the U.S. is effectively - out of business by 1841 – becomes the basis of the Bank of America


25 Assassination attempt First attempt on a president’s life in us. History Richard Lawrence –Unemployed English house paint Attempted to shoot Jackson outside capital building Two pistols - both misfired Jackson beat him with his cane while he was restrained by DavY Crockett

26 The Cherokee "Trail of Tears" 1838-1839 Indian Removal clip

27 American Views on Indians Treaty of 1791 created the Cherokee Nation – 17,000 in NW Georgia Jefferson –hoped to convince the indians to abandon their “Savage ways” Georgia argued “the cherokee are ‘holding back civilization’ from the georgia government 1817 as an agent for the war dept., Jackson coerced a treaty from the cherokee to move to nw georgia

28 Cherokee Nation – 334 Million Acres of land – farmers with high level of literacy, had “assimilated” to be americans…but?

29 Indian removal act of 1830 Authorized the u.s. government to remove all eastern tribes(nations) by force if necessary – the seminoles take up arms (1835- 1842) wars cost the U.S. $40- 60 million(in 1830 $)

30 John Marshall’s Court Decision Cherokee Nation v Georgia 1831-in response to the Removal act Cherokee are a “Domestic Independent Nation” and are wards of the U.S. Government – The Indians had NO RIGHT to sue in U.S. Courts – would need an AMERICAN to file

31 John Marshall’s Court Decision Worcester v Georgia 1832 – Worcester was an american and had been removed from the cherokee lands by georgia Court ruled - georgia had neither the right to remove American Nor the indians – the treaties with are CONTRACTS -

32 Indian removal “Five civilized tribes” Sequoya Cherokee, Seminole, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw “Trail of tears” Oklahoma “Indian Reservation” “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it” Andrew Jackson or at least it is attributed to him…






38 Martin Van Buren Vice President 1833 – 1837 Elected President 1836 Established independent Treasury Faced Panic of 1837


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