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A College Success Course for the New Millennial Generation Dr. Marsha Fralick.

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1 A College Success Course for the New Millennial Generation Dr. Marsha Fralick

2 Ice Breaker What should I visit if I were to travel to your city? Think Think Pair Pair Share Share



5 Overview Program descriptionProgram description Program resultsProgram results Key elementsKey elements Course CreditCourse Credit Career planningCareer planning Learning styleLearning style TechnologyTechnology

6 What is the dream that students have when they begin college?

7 The Reality What Happens?What Happens? After 8 years, only 53% of those seeking degrees achieved their goals.After 8 years, only 53% of those seeking degrees achieved their goals. 40-50% of the students don’t even return the next semester.40-50% of the students don’t even return the next semester. 6 out of 10 transfer students give up their plans or drop out in one semester.6 out of 10 transfer students give up their plans or drop out in one semester. Sources: Achieving the Dream website, PACE Research

8 Changing the Reality “ In just a single generation, America has fallen from 2 nd place to 11 th place in the portion of students completing college. That is unfortunate, but it’s by no means irreversible. With resolve and the right investments, we can retake the lead once more.” President Barack Obama March 10, 2009

9 How can we help college students be successful? ThinkThink PairPair ShareShare

10 Cuyamaca College El Cajon, CA

11 Personal Development 124, Lifelong Success 8000 students enrolled in college8000 students enrolled in college 1600 take PDC 124 each year1600 take PDC 124 each year One of the top 15 revenue producing programs for the collegeOne of the top 15 revenue producing programs for the college 56 sections a year56 sections a year

12 College Success  Motivation  Time and Money  Memory and Reading  Test Taking  Taking Notes, Writing and Speaking

13 Career Success  Personality and Related Majors  Learning Style and Intelligence  Interests and Values  Career and Educational Planning

14 Lifelong Success  Communication and Relationships  Critical and Creative Thinking  Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle  Appreciating Diversity  Positive Thinking  Life Stages

15 Course Choices Face to FaceFace to Face 22 sections 22 sections BlendedBlended 22 sections22 sections OnlineOnline 12 sections12 sections

16 Bridge High School Community College University

17 Key to Success: Make it Count Transfers as general education for CSUC, Area E, Lifelong UnderstandingTransfers as general education for CSUC, Area E, Lifelong Understanding Transfers to University of CaliforniaTransfers to University of California 3 units3 units

18 The Transfer Approval Process Academic RigorAcademic Rigor Theories from psychology and career developmentTheories from psychology and career development Broad ScopeBroad ScopeCareers Lifelong Success Articulate with UniversitiesArticulate with Universities

19 Program Results Program Review 2000, 2005


21 The most significant finding is increased persistence.

22 Persistence Students who return the next semesterStudents who return the next semester Approximately half of community college students nationwide do not persist after the first semesterApproximately half of community college students nationwide do not persist after the first semester

23 College Persistence Semester to Semester 5 Year Average at Cuyamaca College All successful PDC students 89%All successful PDC students 89% All students 63%All students 63% A 26% improvement!

24 College Success: A Study of Positive and Negative Attrition Community College Review

25 The Successful Student Had a definite goal or college majorHad a definite goal or college major Based on this research, choosing a major and career planning was included in our college success course.

26 Keys to Success The program helps students to make a good choice of a major and career.The program helps students to make a good choice of a major and career.

27 How did you choose your major? Career?

28 How to Choose a Major Self AssessmentSelf Assessment PersonalityPersonality InterestsInterests ValuesValues Learning StyleLearning Style Career ResearchCareer Research

29 Carl Jung and personality type Online:



32 Keys to Success The program helps students to understand their learning style and how to become a lifelong learner.The program helps students to understand their learning style and how to become a lifelong learner.

33 The PEPS Learning Style Assessment Measures preferences in 20 areasMeasures preferences in 20 areas PerceptualPerceptual EnvironmentalEnvironmental EmotionalEmotional SociologicalSociological PhysicalPhysical

34 Keys to Success Use technology to make education engaging and inescapable.Use technology to make education engaging and inescapable.

35 Where are you in the technology continuum? Baby boomer 1946-1964Baby boomer 1946-1964 Generation X 1965-1977Generation X 1965-1977 New Millennials 1977-1995New Millennials 1977-1995 How much technology did you use in college?How much technology did you use in college?

36 New Millennials Our current college studentsOur current college students Most were born since 1990Most were born since 1990 Most were born with a computer in the home and were using them by age 5Most were born with a computer in the home and were using them by age 5 Cyber generationCyber generation The connected generationThe connected generation 82% are online daily82% are online daily Average 12 hours per week onlineAverage 12 hours per week online

37 Using Technology Online career and learning style assessmentOnline career and learning style assessment E-textE-text Online portfolioOnline portfolio Engaging material for the New Millennial generationEngaging material for the New Millennial generation

38 Rationale for Using Technology Your students use itYour students use it It captures their attentionIt captures their attention Education on demandEducation on demand Any time or place Any time or place Increased accessIncreased access New roles for facultyNew roles for faculty

39 Resources for Faculty Instructor ManualInstructor Manual Exercises and HandoutsExercises and Handouts SyllabusSyllabus ResearchResearch PowerPointPowerPoint Internet LinksInternet Links

40 Questions?Questions? Evaluation formsEvaluation forms

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