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Unit-6 nafan-market-leader, 2005 1 G0642 – BAHASA INGGRIS III Unit 6 RISK Page 46.

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1 Unit-6 nafan-market-leader, 2005 1 G0642 – BAHASA INGGRIS III Unit 6 RISK Page 46

2 Unit-6nafan-market-leader, 20052 Quote of the Week “ The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all ” Jawaharlal Nehru (1899-1964, Indian’s first prime minister

3 Unit-6 nafan-market-leader, 2005 3 Learning Objectives Students shold be able to idetify the positive and negative size of Globalisation Students shold be able to idetify the positive and negative size of Globalisation

4 Unit-6nafan-market-leader, 20054 Vocabulary Describing risk Answer the questions Exercises : A - D

5 Unit-6nafan-market-leader, 20055 Reading Risk from globalization Risk from globalization Discus and answer the questions Discus and answer the questions Exercises : A - F Exercises : A - F

6 Unit-6 nafan-market-leader, 2005 6 Discussion Additional Resources (reading assignment) Additional Resources (reading assignment) gazine/70/dispatches1.html gazine/70/dispatches1.html gazine/57/riskreward.html gazine/57/riskreward.html

7 Unit-6nafan-market-leader, 20057 Language Review Intensifying adverbs Exercises: A –C Additional Exercises : grammar/adverbs/ grammar/adverbs/

8 Unit-6nafan-market-leader, 2005 8 SKILLS -A Reaching Agreement Work in Group Read information on page 51 Then role play the meeting

9 Unit-6nafan-market-leader, 2005 9 SKILLS -B USEFUL LANGUAGE Discuss and practice these sentences: 1. Asking for opinions Does any body have …. 2. Giving opinions Well, unfortunately, I think we’ll probably have to.. 3. Agreeing I think I’d agree with you there…. 4. Disagreeing Well hold on ….

10 Unit-6nafan-market-leader, 2005 10 SKILLS -C USEFUL LANGUAGE Discuss and practice these sentences: 5. Making Suggestions What about if we …. 6. Emphasizing I keep going on about this, but ….. 7. Summarizing Can I just clarify that ….

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