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SUNY IR Update John D. Porter Associate Provost for Institutional Research AIRPO Jamestown, NY June 16, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "SUNY IR Update John D. Porter Associate Provost for Institutional Research AIRPO Jamestown, NY June 16, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUNY IR Update John D. Porter Associate Provost for Institutional Research AIRPO Jamestown, NY June 16, 2005

2 Organizational Update Acting Chancellor John Ryan Acting Vice Chancellor & CFO Kimberly Cline Jinrong Li joined IR in March Initiating search for Assistant Provost (P-16) Barb Owad retired (for real) Roy Spoor – some encouraging sings! New email addresses: And a new Chief Data Officer – Craig Abbey!

3 SOS Next administration Spring 2006. Process to update survey begins this summer. Possible enhancements? –Transfer student –First-time Freshmen –Senior/Graduating Section

4 NSSE/CSSE NSSE/CSSE recommended for strengthened campus-based assessment in Spring 2007. Three-year administration cycle Campus participation voluntary SUNY promises to support No impact on next SOS - may impact subsequent administrations.

5 Faculty Survey Last faculty survey (HERI) was Spring 2002. Considering FSSE in conjunction with NSSE/CSSE for next administration. Anticipated date Fall 2008 - coinciding with national survey.

6 Alumni Survey Still want to do this survey With the addition of Elizabeth Bringsjord and a new senior analyst, we will resurrect this survey. However, timing is problematic –SOS Spring 2006 –NSSE/CSSE Spring 2007 –FSSE Fall 2008 –Other Federal surveys?

7 National Community College Benchmarking Project All community colleges should participate in the data collection this year. SUNY IR supports campuses by providing data that we collect centrally. Campuses need to register, but SUNY pays! Campuses can use the peer benchmarking capabilities now – All CCs in New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Arizona, and Florida participate. Working on California.

8 SDF Submission Start planning now for your fall submission. Preliminary survey due mid September (won’t know date until July BOT meeting). Areas of concern: –Reporting Student IDs, new edits this fall –Capture HS information –Identify Remedial and Distance Learning Courses –Identify EOP students –Community college need to capture student goals

9 ADF Submission You should be starting work on this submission. Due end of September Student ID problem –8% of baccalaureate degrees could not be associated with a first semester of attendance!

10 Teacher Educaiton 16 campuses participating in FIPSE grant to improve teacher ed assessment. Central IR creating a NYSTCE database to assist campuses in analyzing test scores. Graduating/alumni survey planned next year – four year cycle. IR coordinating with SED to make employment/certification data available.

11 NYS Higher Education Plan 2004-2012 Regents’ Statewide Master Plan covers SUNY, CUNY, private & proprietary Greater emphasis on outcomes & performance than previous plans See plan at SUNY Master Plan provided input to SED’s plan - See SUNY’s plan at: tions.cfm

12 Mission Review II Mission Review II continues: 26 campus visits will be completed by June 30 (20 SO & 6 CCs). All campus visits should be completed by end of 2005. At SA, mission review teams meet to review campus responses, identify issues for further discussion, develop dialogue points for campus visits. Included in discussion are the identification of additional questions relating to SUNY’s Strategic Plan (e.g., enrollment in high-need disciplines/workforce needs, tracking alumni, condition of facilities, etc.). Drafting campus MOUs begins after the campus visit (this is an iterative process involving SA and campus leadership). IR will continue to provide analytic support – incorporating data from SUNY, IPEDs, College Board, and other sources to assist MR teams. Thank you for your continuing work - many of you have gone above and beyond the call in helping your campus respond to the guidance document and subsequent dialogue points.

13 New Education Trust Website that you should know about: legeresults/mainMenu.aspx

14 New “Zebra Book” Series Enrollment by Level Enrollment by Geo Diversity Enrollment by Racial/Ethnic Enrollment by Age/Gender First-time/Full-time New Transfer Retention and Graduation Degrees

15 Current IPEDS Surveys: Inst CharacteristicsFinance CompletionsFaculty Salaries Fall EnrollmentGraduation Rates Fall StaffStudent Financial Aid Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

16 Participation condition of Title IV eligibility Identification of 2005-06 keyholders begins July 27, 2005. What’s new? –“New” transfer students identified this year (future GRS cohort?) –May eliminate “first-professional” and replace with “research/applied” –Difference between employee surveys eliminated - EAP rules. –Peer Analysis System improving!

17 Institution Review Boards (IRB) Do you need one? If you have federal sponsored research, yes. Otherwise, no. NYS law does not require it. If your campus has an IRB, surveys involving human subjects should be approved when the respondent is identified (even if only for tracking). Do not survey minors without IRB approval and permission of the parent/guardian. In all cases, use informed consent.

18 New IR Data Systems Response to campus comments sent to presidents in March (see handout). Currently incorporating campus feedback and revising revised plan. SA continues to gather input from campuses as system is develops. Implementation plan being reviewed by new administration - schedule to be decided based on final approval. Project will not conflict with IPEDS UR.

19 Tell me again, what are the new data submissions? Courses Students Term/Sections Course Completions Degrees

20 New IR Data Systems - Process Course & Term/Section files - first priority. Anticipated Course & Term/Section pilot in Fall 2006 10 pilot campuses will be invited to participate both Banner & non-Banner SA will continue to use AIRPO for feedback from the IR community

21 New IR Data Systems - Process Continue current SDF and ADF submissions (with targeted enhancements) until IPEDS UR strategy is clear. This strategy allows us to associate SDF/ADF records with new course and term/section data – a big value-added.

22 New IR Data System - Benefits Better technology/data architecture Facilitates record integration (within IR and outside IR) Supports data warehousing Resolves student tracking issue Addresses many data shortfalls, e.g., allows double majors Greater flexibility, e.g. accommodates variable course scheduling patterns

23 New IR System - Benefits Analytical Value Added: –Associate curriculum w/ academic programs –Create infrastructure for advanced transfer articulation at the course level –Calculate academic program cost for participating institutions –Better understanding of graduate programs –Better understanding of retention/graduation –Better reporting of successful educational outcomes

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