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1 Physics 102 Astronomy of the Planets Dr. Tyler E. Nordgren.

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1 1 Physics 102 Astronomy of the Planets Dr. Tyler E. Nordgren

2 1 Question Why did you sign up for this class? a.I have always wanted to learn about the stars and planets. b.I have always wanted to learn about my horoscope. c.I am not comfortable with science but since I need the MS1 I heard good things about this class. d.I am not comfortable with science but since I need the MS1 this looked easier than chemistry or bio. e.None of the above.

3 1 The MS1 LAF Students completing an MS1 will demonstrate: knowledge of the basic concepts and accepted theoretical principles in a particular scientific discipline; knowledge of how a particular scientific discipline advances understanding of the physical world through its application of the scientific method; the ability to apply the scientific method through the acquisition and analysis of data within a laboratory or field setting.

4 1 Semester Goals What is science? How does it work? –Why is science different from philosophy or religion? –Why is a scientific “theory” different from a conspiracy “theory?” Learn about the Scientific Method through study of Astronomy: 1.Are there planets around other stars? 2.Is there life on Mars? 3.Is there global warming? 4.What are the dangers of an asteroid hitting the Earth?

5 1 Grades Final Grades: “C Acceptable. The quality of work was acceptable meeting minimal course standards but was not exceptional.” University of Redlands Catalog 2005-2007 pg 25.

6 1 Grades A – Outstanding B – Exceptional C – Acceptable D – Poor F – Failing University of Redlands Catalog 2005-2007 pp 25 – 26.

7 1 Organization Class three days a week (MWF): –1 hour and 20 minutes –Lectures available on website Labs as part of class “Optional” Activities –Evenings and weekends –Check the syllabus and website for exact dates and times!

8 1 Structure 9:30 am homework due Short lecture Concept questions – “clickers” In-class discussions Lab experiments –Some classes entirely lab experiments New homework assigned.

9 1 Homework Assigned every class. Due 9:30 morning of every class. Three or four questions. Must include a topic of confusion. Class tailored to homework.

10 1 Labs Science is a process, not a body of knowledge! Labs are integrated into the class schedule. –Included with discussion and lecture. –Classes entirely devoted to lab work. –Some “Optional” activities include lab work.

11 1 “Optional” Activities Seven (7) optional activities. Accentuate class material. You are required to do at least three (3). An excellent student does more.

12 1 Calendar of Activities ActivityDate 1. Dark sky telescopic observing (Mill Creek Picnic area, 7:00pm) Thursday, Sept 28 2. Division of Planetary Sciences Public Talk: 7:30pm Will provide shuttle to Pasadena. Monday, Oct 9 3. Roving Mars IMAX, Reuben H. Fleet Science Center Will provide shuttle to San Diego (time TBA) Saturday, Oct 28 4. An Inconvenient Truth, (on campus, time TBA)TBA 5. Al Gore Centennial Lecture (Chapel, time TBA) Must attend at least one of Activity 4 or 5. Tuesday, Nov 7 6. Leonid Meteor Shower overnight in Joshua Tree See me for camping details. Sat, Nov 18 – Nov 19 7. Lunar telescopic observations (Astrodeck, time TBA)Wednesday, Nov 29

13 1 Grading Homework: 20% In-class labs: 15% “Optional” Activities: 10% Class citizenship: 5% Exams: 50% –4 exams, lowest grade dropped

14 1 Class Rules See hand-out and website. You are adults and responsible for ALL rules. A few in particular: –No late homework is accepted. –No admittance to lab once started. –No make-up exams. –Cheating will not be tolerated.

15 1 Why should I believe? How do we decide what to believe is true? –Astrology. –Astronomy. –The Face on Mars. –Search for life on Mars. –Creationism (Intelligent Design). –The Big Bang. Why should you believe one over any other?

16 1 Homework #1 Due Fri 8-Sept: Read Tyson Ch. 2. (denoted “Ty2” on Physics 102 lecture web page) 1.What two principle things must a scientific theory do? a.Explain what is seen and tie together a wide range of ideas. b.Explain what is seen and predict the results of future experiments. c.Be based on observational data and unify disjointed sets of ideas. d.Predict the results of future experiments and be falsifiable. e.None of the above. 2.Which of the following is a strength of the scientific method? a.A scientific theory is considered correct only as long as the results of new experiments continue to confirm it. b.A scientific theory that has been widely accepted can still be called into question by the results of a single new experiment. c.If one researcher claims a result that can not be reproduced by another researcher, then the first researcher’s results may not be accepted. d.All of the above. e.None of the above. 3.The difference between scientific laws and theories is: a.A theory is a guess that becomes a law when it has survived repeated testing. b.Nothing. c.Since 1900 no new theories have been sufficiently proved in order to meet the criteria of being a law. d.All of the above. e.None of the above. 4.An example of a non-scientific theory is: a.An all powerful being created the universe 12 days ago with all our memories and all physical evidence intact. b.Twelve days ago the universe exploded out of an infinitely tiny point, called the Small Bang. c.All Scorpios are dark and brooding loners. d.All of the above. e.None of the above.

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