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Jacobsen, D. M. EDER 679.12 Computer Based Learning II.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacobsen, D. M. EDER 679.12 Computer Based Learning II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacobsen, D. M. EDER 679.12 Computer Based Learning II

2 Jacobsen, D. M. Members of our group… Introduce yourself –Green sheet Tell us your favorite color

3 Jacobsen, D. M. Essential Question How do we structure learning environments with the cognitive and technological tools needed for learners to construct and share their own knowledge?

4 Jacobsen, D. M. Objectives to build an understanding of user-centered DESIGN with an extension to the PRODUCTION phase of educational software development –Usability and user experience to work in groups of 2-3 to design and produce a computer- based application that will solve a learning problem

5 Jacobsen, D. M. Weekly f2f seminar & hands-on lab Academic writing & critique –Weekly literature review & response –Team presentations Web-based portfolio (40%)Web-based portfolio (40%) –Publish coursework on the web (wiki) Design Project (60%)Design Project (60%) –Team presentations and peer review –Comprehensive paper Inquiry Based Learning Environment

6 Jacobsen, D. M. Cognitive Tools Seminar discussion & debate of ideas Reflection / Response to Reading –Course texts –Research articles, both print and online Expert guest speakers Videos and web sites Web-based portfolios

7 Jacobsen, D. M. Course Texts Norman, D. (2004). Emotional Design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York, NY : Basic Books. A membership in Intelligence Online - Online book - Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines. URL -

8 Jacobsen, D. M. Technological Tools E-mail, word pro Concept mapping PowerPoint Web design, Dreamweaver, etc. Wiki, various Web research Intelligence Online - custom And so on…

9 Jacobsen, D. M. Design A Learning Application: Constructing Knowledge DESIGNPRODUCTIONEVALUATION Sustained inquiry into the essential questions to do with each stage of the user centered design and development process

10 Jacobsen, D. M. What is the problem? The product? - content - goals - audience - organization Stages in the Design Process Information Design Flowchart

11 Jacobsen, D. M. Information Design: Sharing Knowledge Web-based example of student work

12 Jacobsen, D. M. What is the Learning Theory & Model? Strategy? Stages in the Design Process Information Design Instructional Design FlowchartLearn Specs. What is the problem? The product? - content - goals - audience - organization

13 Jacobsen, D. M. What is the Learning Theory & Strategy? How should It work? - navigation - interaction - controls Stages in the Design Process Information Design Instructional Design Interaction Design FlowchartStoryboardLearn Specs. What is the problem? The product? - content - goals - audience - organization

14 Jacobsen, D. M. Sharing Knowledge

15 Jacobsen, D. M. What is the Learning Theory & Strategy? How should It work? - navigation - interaction - use case - controls How should It look? - style - layout - elements Stages in the Design Process Information Design Instructional Design Interaction Design Presentation Design FlowchartStoryboardPrototypeLearn Specs. Learner tasks What is the problem? The product? - content - goals - audience - organization

16 Jacobsen, D. M. Student Work

17 Jacobsen, D. M. TPGP - CBE

18 Jacobsen, D. M. Telecollaborative Learning

19 Jacobsen, D. M. Successful Processes & Project Ideas Hints on Process –Have fun –Talk –Research on web –Design something enjoyable –Think “big enough” –Team with people who know stuff –Keep a design log Priming the pump! –Kids in school –Kids & Seniors –Adults & kids –Fragile pops –Paupers & Kinds –Playful learning Brainstorm Ideas…

20 Jacobsen, D. M. Weekly Schedule Snacks Seminar Break & Snacks Seminar Lab “Emotion makes you smart. Without emotions, your decision-making ability would be impaired. (10) “… we now have evidence that aesthetically pleasing objects enable you to work better. (10) “…being happy broadens the thought processes and facilitates creative thinking” (19) Norman (2004) Therefore,…

21 Jacobsen, D. M. Team Activity 25 Sites We Can't Live Without –Groups of 4 –Browse sites –Pick one –Design a brief learning activity for the class

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