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Octopus & Goldmann Kinetic Perimetry

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1 Octopus & Goldmann Kinetic Perimetry
2009 Matthias Monhart Product Manager

2 The instructor has a financial interest in the subject
Octopus & Goldmann Kinetic Perimetry Matthias J. Monhart Engineer FH (BSc) in Electronics, Measurement and Control Product Specialist in Perimetry HAAG-STREIT AG The instructor has a financial interest in the subject

3 Kinetic Perimetry  Principle  Examination  Results
Agenda Kinetic Perimetry  Principle  Examination  Results

4 Standard W/W Perimetry
Role of Perimetry Application fields Progression of the disease Onset End stage Methods Standard W/W Perimetry Low Vision Strategy Kinetic perimetry HFA 10-2 Functional Test: B/Y-SWAP, FDT, Flicker Structural Test: Stereo Fundus-Photography Imaging (HRT, OCT, GDX) From the onset of the disease till the end stage different diagnostic methods need to be applied to follow the patient over time. With the combination of Flicker, SWAP, W/W Standard Perimetry, Low Vision Programs and true Goldmann Kinetic the Octopus 900 covers the whole spectrum from the onset to the end stage of the disease.

5 Anatomy of the eye Hill-of-vision Sensitivity distribution in the eye:
Sensitivity drops steeply towards the periphery In the macula, there is a sensitivity peak. Shown here is a normal visual field together with a depressed (pathological) hill of vision.

6 Static or Kinetic Perimetry
Application fields Cross section through the hill-of-vision Static perimetry is ideal for measuring the rather flat shape of the central 30° field and is more sensitive than the kinetic method to detect early visual field loss. Kinetic perimetry is ideal for the periphery and deep local defects. As mentioned before, the shape of the hill-of-vision makes it clear that the two methods complement each other in the optimum description of the hill-of-vision.

7 Kinetic Perimetry Isopters
Multiple responses connect to one isopterline (Line of equivalent sensitivity)

8 Theoretic eccentricity
Kinetic Perimetry Theoretic eccentricity Stimulus size III and the maximum Intensity (4e) in an average normal subject yield these eccentricities. The normal periphery detectable with the relevant parameters for expert opinion reflect the range visible for a healthy subject, limited only by the physiology of the head examples are the nasal inferior quadrant limited by he nose and the temporal inferior quadrant extending up to 105°. OS OD

9 Practical eccentricity
Kinetic Perimetry Practical eccentricity The effective limitations deal with the individual physiology (nose, forehead, eye brows) and the size/shape of the cupola and limitations of the projector.

10 Instruments: Goldmann
Kinetic Perimetry Instruments: Goldmann Prof. Hans Goldmann invented the Haag-Streit Goldmann Perimeter and set the standard for kinetic perimetry since 1945.

11 Goldmann Perimetry “Drawing” the test

12 Octopus 101 GKP “Drawing” in Windows

13 Octopus 900 Goldmann “Drawing” in Windows

14 Goldmann Examination 1. Prepare the form
So let us see what the basic procedures is to receive a Goldmann field. First we start with the empty template that is being clamped under the pantograph of the Goldmann perimeter. Wherever the pantograph is moved on this template, the stimulus light will be presented in the cupola. This sheet is used to note the examination results and truly draw the visual field from isopter lines.

15 Goldmann Examination 2. Stimulus intensity
Stimulus size Octopus I..V Stimulus-Intensity 4,3,2,1 in 5dB steps Stimulus-Intensity a,b,c,d,e in 1dB steps Maximum 4e = 0dB = 1000asb Minimum 1a = 19dB = 13asb When the instrument is prepared and the patient is instructed, the test parameters need to be set. For the definition of test parameters in the Goldmann perimeter characters, roman and arabic numbers are used. A combination of arabic number and character reflects a certain intensity. From the dimmest stimulus (1a) to the brightest (4e) the intensity is increased in 1dB steps from one character to the next and in 5dB steps from 1 arabic number to the next.

16 Goldmann Examination 3. Stimulus size Blind spot location:
Comparison of stimulus size III with the sensitivity map of the blind spot (approx. 5° Horizontal, 6° Vertical) Blind spot location: X = +15° for OD, -15° for OS Y = -1° for OS and OD Recommendations I Blind spot, scotoma III Periphery V End stage / remaining vision But how do the stimulus sizes relate to the retina? This best can be seen when comparing to the blind spot, the notch in the hill of vision where the optic nerve enters the eye. Stimulus size III has a diameter of about 1/10 of the diameter of the blind spot.

17 Goldmann Examination 4. Patient information
Identification of Patients: Examination date: Pupil diameter Small pupils influence the isopter size OS: left eye OD: right eye Use near correction for isopters and testing within 30° Basic to the examination of course are the identification of the patient, the date and time of the examination to allow to identify changes over time. Then the pupil diameter - as small pupil diameters may „shrink“ the isopters. In addition – if we examine the center 30° - we need to correctly refract the patient to see focused at the 30cm distance where the lights appear. This is important as the accuracy of the results decreases if the patient has difficulty to focus on the fixation target and scotoma boarders „wash out“.

18 Goldmann Examination 5. “Drawing” the exam
„Drawing“ of the examination on the Goldmann form The red areas can actually not be examined in the original Goldmann perimeter as those areas are cut out in the cupola and used for the projector. Thus our example in the original Goldmann could only show a response further to the center, outside the red area.

19 Goldmann Perimetry Limitations
Only coarse calibration of stimulus and background intensities Quality influenced by experience Limited Repeatability Different standards in every clinic But while static automated perimetry is said to be as easy as (though we know there is more to it too) Goldmann kinetic Perimetry requires a high level of skills already to start with.

20 From manual to computer
assisted kinetic perimetry The pantograph is replaced by the mouse While it can be shown that kinetic perimetry has an important role in diagnosing and following diseases, it has become clear that the purely manual Goldmann type perimeters also have many drawbacks. Octopus started the implementation of kinetic perimetry to automated perimeters in Today‘s implementation is the third generation, profiting from our long experience and an intensive cooperation with Professor Ulrich Schiefer of the University eye clinic in Tuebingen. The implementation combines controllable and repeatable parameters available in automated perimeters with the expertise of the perimetrist concluding the test. Even moving the stimulus pantograph-like „by hand“ using the mouse or an optional pen display is possible.

21 From manual to computer
assisted kinetic perimetry The template „travels“ to the screen The Octopus has the widest testable field on the market (X+/-89.5°,Y+60/-70°), superior to Humphrey (X<80°/Y~+50/-60°) and Oculus Twinfield. Octopus Goldmann Kinetic Perimetry is based on age matched normal values from a normal value study in the University of Tuebingen allowing to display normal isopter rings. Octopus shows age matched norms for orientation

22 From manual to computer
assisted kinetic perimetry Near correction for points (isopters) < 30° same principle as in static perimetry Goldmann und Octopus 900 (30cm) 30-40J +1.0 40-45J +1.5 45-50J +2.0 50-55J +2.5 55-60J +3.0 >60J Octopus 101 GKP (42.5cm) 40-44J +1.0 45-49J +1.25 50-54J +1.75 > Same refraction for presbyopia as in the Octopus 900 as in the original Goldmann

23 From manual to computer
assisted kinetic perimetry Stimulus size and -intensity In order to facilitate the transition from orthoptists working with the traditional Goldmann perimeter to Octopus GKP, the familiar elements as the selection of stimulus size and intensity remained unchanged. Also the way stimuli and kinetic vectors are drawn on the working surface have been implemented as close as possible to the original Goldmann. Goldmann Octopus 101 Octopus 900

24 From manual to computer
assisted kinetic perimetry Preset of constant velocities Constant velocities result in better reproducible test results Recommendation <30°: 2°/Sec. >30°: 5°/Sec.

25 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Advantages Automatic and accurate calibration Good quality exams based on constant velocities / stimulus movements Automatic repetition of examination allows for follow up General standards can more easily be applied and exchanged

26 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Vector types Vectors define the path a stimulus moves Test vectors for general examination Guided vectors for special conditions, like the nasal step, where still a constant velocity shall be maintained

27 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Reaction time compensation stimulus visible corrected response response button pushed The RT (Reaction Time) vector must be visible right from the start. The delay in response to an RT vector can be compensated in regular responses.

28 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Possible early responses Only in Octopus 101: A perpendicular line at the beginning of the vector indicates an early response. This means, it might have been seen from the start – or – the patient did produce a false positive response. The perpendicular line in the vector start indicates an early response. This may indicate a false positive or a vector that has been seen from the beginning.

29 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Fluctuation Fluctuation: Response fluctuation exists in kinetic perimetry just the same as in static perimetry. Repeating vectors lead to responses that vary to a certain extent. Short term fluctuation leads to slightly different responses every time the same vector is presented.

30 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Examination procedure Search for scotoma with static points Stimulus I4e, 0°/Sec. (static), Example blind spot There is a saying that a good perimetrist can smell a scotoma. And I would even say this is true for good perimetrists whether they examine with static or kinetic perimetry. But while there is not much influence to take in static perimetry besides choosing the appropriate program and strategy, the examination procedure in Goldmann kinetic is purely manual. Therefore different schemes exist and the one explained here is just an example. It is based on a quick assessment of the general conditions in each quadrant, a confirmation of the fixation stability and quality and a continuation of the examination that is strongly relating to the visual field and the subjects abilioties to cooperate with the perimetrist. 1. search horizontal extent 2. search vertical extent

31 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Examination procedure Define the size and shape with kinetic vectors Stimulus I4e, 2°/Sec., example blind spot There is a saying that a good perimetrist can smell a scotoma. And I would even say this is true for good perimetrists whether they examine with static or kinetic perimetry. But while there is not much influence to take in static perimetry besides choosing the appropriate program and strategy, the examination procedure in Goldmann kinetic is purely manual. Therefore different schemes exist and the one explained here is just an example. It is based on a quick assessment of the general conditions in each quadrant, a confirmation of the fixation stability and quality and a continuation of the examination that is strongly relating to the visual field and the subjects abilioties to cooperate with the perimetrist. Draw vectors from inside of a scotoma to outside Vectors are placed starting in non-seeing area and ending in seeing area, ideally perpendicular to the border of the scotoma or visual field border

32 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Examination procedure Reaction time testing and compensation Stimulus I4e, 2°/Sec., example around the blind spot: There is a saying that a good perimetrist can smell a scotoma. And I would even say this is true for good perimetrists whether they examine with static or kinetic perimetry. But while there is not much influence to take in static perimetry besides choosing the appropriate program and strategy, the examination procedure in Goldmann kinetic is purely manual. Therefore different schemes exist and the one explained here is just an example. It is based on a quick assessment of the general conditions in each quadrant, a confirmation of the fixation stability and quality and a continuation of the examination that is strongly relating to the visual field and the subjects abilioties to cooperate with the perimetrist. RT-Vectors have to be visible all the time, they thus must start in areas of preserved vision. Responses on the right side include reaction time compensation.

33 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Manual operation The operation of the Goldmann pantograph can be reproduced by moving the mouse. Stimulus I4e, „free“, example of manual spiraling at the blind spot: 0-1°/sec black 2-3°/sec blue 4-7°/sec green ≥ 8°/sec red There is a saying that a good perimetrist can smell a scotoma. And I would even say this is true for good perimetrists whether they examine with static or kinetic perimetry. But while there is not much influence to take in static perimetry besides choosing the appropriate program and strategy, the examination procedure in Goldmann kinetic is purely manual. Therefore different schemes exist and the one explained here is just an example. It is based on a quick assessment of the general conditions in each quadrant, a confirmation of the fixation stability and quality and a continuation of the examination that is strongly relating to the visual field and the subjects abilioties to cooperate with the perimetrist. Drawing spirals is one method of searching remaining vision

34 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Examination procedure Setting anchor vectors to judge the quadrants Stimulus III4e (oder III3e), 5°/Sec., example quadrantanopia There is a saying that a good perimetrist can smell a scotoma. And I would even say this is true for good perimetrists whether they examine with static or kinetic perimetry. But while there is not much influence to take in static perimetry besides choosing the appropriate program and strategy, the examination procedure in Goldmann kinetic is purely manual. Therefore different schemes exist and the one explained here is just an example. It is based on a quick assessment of the general conditions in each quadrant, a confirmation of the fixation stability and quality and a continuation of the examination that is strongly relating to the visual field and the subjects abilioties to cooperate with the perimetrist. Vectors towards the center (Meridians) on 45,135,225 and 315° from outside to inside the normal range.

35 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Examination procedure Outlining a quadrantanopia There is a saying that a good perimetrist can smell a scotoma. And I would even say this is true for good perimetrists whether they examine with static or kinetic perimetry. But while there is not much influence to take in static perimetry besides choosing the appropriate program and strategy, the examination procedure in Goldmann kinetic is purely manual. Therefore different schemes exist and the one explained here is just an example. It is based on a quick assessment of the general conditions in each quadrant, a confirmation of the fixation stability and quality and a continuation of the examination that is strongly relating to the visual field and the subjects abilioties to cooperate with the perimetrist. Best accuracy is given when vectors cross the scotoma borders perpendicularly

36 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Examination procedure The nasal step There is a saying that a good perimetrist can smell a scotoma. And I would even say this is true for good perimetrists whether they examine with static or kinetic perimetry. But while there is not much influence to take in static perimetry besides choosing the appropriate program and strategy, the examination procedure in Goldmann kinetic is purely manual. Therefore different schemes exist and the one explained here is just an example. It is based on a quick assessment of the general conditions in each quadrant, a confirmation of the fixation stability and quality and a continuation of the examination that is strongly relating to the visual field and the subjects abilioties to cooperate with the perimetrist. Especially in glaucoma, a sensitivity difference slightly above and below the nasal midline appears: The guided vectors can be used in this situation.

37 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Examination procedure Conclusion Suggested procedure: Blind spot with I4e, 2°/Sec. Test reaction time Outer periphery with III4e (sometimes III3e) 5°/Sec. Additional isopters, eg. I3e, 5°/Sec. I2e, 3 oder 5°/Sek. Please refer to the Octopus 101 GKP manual or Octopus 900 SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) For the accuracy and readability of the result, the labelling of isopters and position identification of responses are esssential. Nonetheless there is an enormous examiner dependency in the recgnition and documentation of responses, in the speed of the stimulus movement and overall a certain danger of self-fulfilling expectations. Besides and maybe worst, sometimes even results are documented that have never really been tested as – after all – this examination is a drawing.

38 Reaction time compensation
Application example - 1

39 Reaction time compensation
Application example - 2 Blind spot size in 2 eyes, red isopter: not corrected While reaction time may add some variability over all, the accuracy of the result is getting better. Red isopters show the areas of the blind spot before reaction time compensation, green lines after reaction time compensation. The intersubject variability decreases.

40 Reaction time compensation
Application example - 3 55 yrs, female, OD Another example for compensation of reaction time is this examination. The 55year old female subject has a reaction time of approx ,5 seconds. When receiving “unlogical” results in the beginning of the test, the Orthoptist tested reaction time and activated compensation of reaction time for the continuing test. Now the responses given by the subject made perfect sense and the test could be completed. Without compensation With RT compensation: 2300ms (!)

41 Reaction time compensation
Advantages Testing the real visual field Receiving reaction time as additional information Better reproducibility

42 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Automating tests Use an existing test or draw a generic one When drawing a generic test, click „Pause“ first

43 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Automating tests Saving an existing test as standard test

44 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Automating tests Selecting a test from the library

45 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Automating tests Running the test automatically

46 Standardization of tests within the clinic
Automated testing Advantages Standardization of tests within the clinic Combination of intial standard test and when needed individual continutation of the test Simple to administer and delegate

47 Automated testing Follow up button

48 Automated testing Follow up button The previous test performed on a patient is automatically repeated, no matter whether it was based on a standard test or was individual  Allows for progression analysis  Improves reliability Simple to perform

49 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Features Description Goldmann like template Age matched norms Reaction time compensation Individual test library Follow up button Implementation of „Complete examination“ and „Randomized sequence“ functions Kinetic examination produces EMR response file

50 Octopus Goldmann Kinetic
Display and printout Description Turn on/off vectors Zoom function „What you see is what you get“ print function

51 Kinetic printout Ausdrucksfunktionen

52 Kinetic Perimetry Application
Advanced visual field defects of any kind Patients that require an interactive examination and cannot perform a purely automated test (when used in semi-automated or manual testing mode) Neuro-Ophthalmic conditions Peripheral visual field quantification and follow up for studying the medical safety of drugs

53 Static & kinetic perimetry

54 Static & kinetic perimetry
Application Example for the remainin local drop of sensitivity years after a Berlin edema

55 Glaucoma Aulhorn III, S.M., f, 1944 OS

56 Glaucoma Aulhorn IV, S.L., f, 1933 OS

57 Hemianopsia

58 Diplopia Double Vision
Octopus & Goldmann kinetic perimetry can be used with different response criteria In this case, the patient shall respond whenever seeing two targets instead of one

59 Kinetic Training Learn, teach, repeat
Training software downloadable free of charge on 10 cases, partly with patient history Full functionality There maybe is no other eyetest as Goldmann kinetic perimetry that depends so much on the experience of the examiner. In order to allow exercising without a true subject and even without a perimeter, a training module has been developed that exactly simulates the different patient characteristics, the timing and behaviour of the instrument. This allows to get a realtime experience and truly helps to learn from basic to expert level.

60 Octopus & Goldmann Kinetic Perimetry
Thank you Matthias Monhart Octopus gives you a great outlook

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