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How does induction affect first year undergraduates’ performance and achievement ? –A pilot study on students’ perception of induction Yun Luan (PhD student,

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Presentation on theme: "How does induction affect first year undergraduates’ performance and achievement ? –A pilot study on students’ perception of induction Yun Luan (PhD student,"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does induction affect first year undergraduates’ performance and achievement ? –A pilot study on students’ perception of induction Yun Luan (PhD student, Institution of Learning Enhancement, University of Wolverhampton) Jenny Spencer (School of Health, University of Wolverhampton)

2 Presentation structure Research background Research design Research findings Discussion and implication

3 Research background A consensus on the significance of FY undergraduates’ induction A consensus on the significance of FY undergraduates’ induction The gap in research on induction The gap in research on induction

4 Research design Research questions Research questions i) How, in students’ perception, does induction affect their first year performance and achievement in HE? ii) What particular elements of induction are playing the substantial roles in making the effects?

5 Research design Data collection tools Data collection tools Non-participant unstructured observation; Non-participant unstructured observation; Semi-structured focus group; Semi-structured focus group; Evaluation Questionnaires Evaluation Questionnaires Research sample and process Research sample and process

6 How induction affects first year undergraduates’ performance and achievements Findings Understanding & Confidence. Morale & Motivation.

7 Findings I Understanding and confidence Understanding and confidence ‘ It was good that a bit of everything was included-practical, theory, information about modules and tutors and practice placements.’ ‘ It was good that a bit of everything was included-practical, theory, information about modules and tutors and practice placements.’ ‘It helped me because I have been able to look ahead to what I have to look forward to.[…] Without this induction I would not have felt ready to start my module.’ ‘It helped me because I have been able to look ahead to what I have to look forward to.[…] Without this induction I would not have felt ready to start my module.’ Morale and motivation Morale and motivation ‘It has helped me and made me more determined to complete the course.’ ‘It has helped me and made me more determined to complete the course.’ ‘I can’t wait to tuck in.’ ‘I can’t wait to tuck in.’ ‘ It lowered morale and unfortunately, I shall take this feeling of resentment away with me.’ ‘ It lowered morale and unfortunately, I shall take this feeling of resentment away with me.’

8 How induction affects first year undergraduates’ performance and achievements Findings Institution facilities and resources Induction contents Induction organization& delivery strategies Understanding & Confidence. Morale & Motivation.

9 Findings II Institution facilities and resources Institution facilities and resources ‘The welcome pack establishes the first impression of the institution.’ ‘The welcome pack establishes the first impression of the institution.’ ‘Less abbreviations on timetable as they cause confusion.’ ‘Less abbreviations on timetable as they cause confusion.’ ‘The mock ward settings and life sized models in clinical skills centre make us feel professional ‘ ‘The mock ward settings and life sized models in clinical skills centre make us feel professional ‘ Induction contents Induction contents ‘More info on modules, also on CAPD! At least one more session on CAPD’; ‘More info on modules, also on CAPD! At least one more session on CAPD’; ‘Maybe a bit more practical to ease us into our placement work’. ‘Maybe a bit more practical to ease us into our placement work’. Induction organization and delivery strategies Induction organization and delivery strategies ‘When we met with our peers, mental health students did not come. I saw this as a disadvantage as adult branch students asked a lot of questions. There are still things I would like to ask about prison placement.’ ‘When we met with our peers, mental health students did not come. I saw this as a disadvantage as adult branch students asked a lot of questions. There are still things I would like to ask about prison placement.’

10 How induction affects first year undergraduates’ performance and achievements Findings Institution facilities and resources Induction contents Induction organization& delivery strategies Understanding & Confidence. Informative to generate comprehensive understanding. Enhance confidence. Good to have a bit of everything included. Know what to expect and what is expected from them. Being able to look ahead and prepare.The clarity of direction signs.The design of welcome pack. The clarity of Printed information materials. Study and life skills. Assessment and retention. Health and safety. Meeting school staff. Career prospects.Information on modules.Equality and Diversity. Registry. Length of induction. Lecture style delivery. Practical. Using PPT to facilitate delivery. Students’ involvement. Order of induction sessions Morale & Motivation. Either being motivated or de-motivated. Enhance determination. Felt negative. Lowered morale. Added pressure. The location of induction. The induction delivery facilities. Electing group representatives and setting ground rules. Fairness &. Individuality. Availability and update of IT networks. Staff’s attitudes. Students’ receive timetables in a good time. Order of induction sessions

11 Discussion & Implication The overall purpose of induction program The overall purpose of induction program Integrating priorities in induction design based on specific aims Integrating priorities in induction design based on specific aims No single factor is decisive in terms of induction efficiency and effectiveness No single factor is decisive in terms of induction efficiency and effectiveness Extra concerns: Individuality and fairness Extra concerns: Individuality and fairness An ‘ideal’ induction checklist An ‘ideal’ induction checklist

12 Thank you

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