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OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO2 - Using appropriate software, select and use tools and facilities to download files/information. Mr Farmer.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO2 - Using appropriate software, select and use tools and facilities to download files/information. Mr Farmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO2 - Using appropriate software, select and use tools and facilities to download files/information. Mr Farmer

2 Learning/Lesson Objectives We Are Learning To (WALT): Using appropriate software, select and use tools and facilities to download files/information. What I am Looking For (WILF): Completed AO2_Internet_Word_Template_AllGrades to At least a pass standard. Your Template must contain print screen evidence and annotations (comments) to support each print screen.

3 Assessment Criteria PassMeritDistinction Candidates will use search engines to find information on the Internet, although they may not use the most efficient criteria. They will provide their source(s) website addresses. Candidates will locate suitable elements from local media and the World Wide Web, using effective search criteria e.g. keywords. They will provide their source(s) website addresses and will comment on the trustworthiness of the source. They will use bookmarks/favourites to store useful links. They will understand the implications of copyright. They will copy and paste text and graphics from the World Wide Web in compliance with current copyright legislation. Candidates will locate suitable elements from local media and the World Wide Web, making effective use of advanced search criteria e.g. quotes, Boolean operators. They will comment on the validity of their source(s): provide name of their source(s) website addresses, note trustworthiness of source(s) and date of information. They will use bookmarks/favourites to store useful links and will organise these into folders. They will understand the implications of copyright. They will download graphic and text files in compliance with current copyright legislation.They will acknowledge all sources used.

4 Evidence You need to complete AO2_Internet_Word_Template(AllGr ades) –MyComputer > Student (S) > ICT > key_stage_4 > national_certificate > unit_one_ICT_core > AO2 > Intrnet

5 AO2 Internet For this assessment objective you need to use the Internet to research and collect information relating to your PowerPoint presentation for AO3. You can find the assignment here: –S:\ICT\key_stage_4\national_certificate\unit_one_ICT_c ore\AO3\presentation_assignment The assignment is based on Lime Grove Health Centre and you can choose the topic. –Smoking –Alcohol Abuse –Drugs –STIs and STDs –Healthy Eating/Living –Influenza (Bird Flu/Swine Flu)

6 Task A Demonstrate how to use a search engine/s to search for information. For this task you need to perform a simple search on Google.

7 I have changed my Search to medium, JPG And Full colour Task B Demonstrate how to locate suitable elements from local media and the World Wide Web, using effective search criteria. For this task you need to perform an advanced image search.

8 Task C Demonstrate how to locate suitable elements from local media and the World Wide Web, using advanced search criteria. For this task you need to perform an advanced search using Boolean criteria (AND, OR, NOT, “”)

9 Task D Demonstrate how to use bookmarks/favourites For this task you need to create some bookmarks/favourites for sites you can use in your PowerPoint

10 Task E Demonstrate how to organise your bookmarks/favourites into folders. For this task you need to create a folder and add your recent bookmarks/favourites to it.

11 Task F Demonstrate that you understand the implications of copyright by writing a paragraph in your own words. For this task you need to research Copyright and write a paragraph explaining it in YOUR OWN WORDS. Use the links below to help.

12 Task G Demonstrate how you copy and paste text and graphical images from the Internet making sure you comply with current copyright legislation. For this task you need to copy and paste an image and some text and state the source. The task is split into 2 sections on the following slides.

13 Task G – Part 1 Copy and paste TEXT form the Internet.

14 Task G – Part 2 Copy and paste GRAPHICS form the Internet.

15 Task H Demonstrate how you download text and graphical images from the Internet making sure you comply with current copyright legislation. For this task you need to download an image and some text and state the source. The task is split into 2 sections on the following slides.

16 Task H – Part 1 Download TEXT form the Internet.

17 Task H – Part 2 Download Graphics form the Internet.

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