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Using Relational Databases and SQL Steven Emory Department of Computer Science California State University, Los Angeles Lecture 9: Data Manipulation Language
DML for short Contains commands for modifying table data Insertion commands (INSERT INTO) Deletion commands (DELETE) Update commands (UPDATE) Not a query Queries extract data from the database Commands do not extract data from the database
Before We Start When modifying the database data, you are going to mess up because nobody is perfect If you mess up there are two ways to restore the original database: Remove and restore the tables Use transactions (use BEGIN and ROLLBACK) I prefer using BEGIN and ROLLBACK Use BEGIN before entering DML commands Use ROLLBACK to undo all changes USE COMMIT to accept all changes
Transactions ACID Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability SQL Keywords BEGIN/START TRANSACTION COMMIT ROLLBACK
Inserting Records Two syntaxes: INSERT INTO Insert one record at a time INSERT SELECT Insert one or more records at a time
Inserting Records INSERT INTO Syntax -- Form #1: Insert whole record. INSERT INTO tablename VALUES(value1, value2,..., valuen); -- Form #2: Insert partial record. Non-specified fieldnames are assigned default values. INSERT INTO tablename(field1, field2,..., fieldn) VALUES(value1, value2,..., valuen); IGNORE You can use the IGNORE keyword between INSERT and INTO to suppress duplicate error messages.
Inserting Records INSERT SELECT Syntax -- Form #1: Insert whole record. INSERT INTO destination_table SELECT field1, field2,..., fieldn FROM source_tables WHERE conditions; -- Form #2: Insert partial record. Non-specified fieldnames are assigned default values. INSERT INTO destination_table(df1, df2,..., dfn) SELECT sf1, sf2,..., sfn FROM source_tables WHERE conditions;
INSERT INTO Example Example: Add Kung Fu Panda into the database. INSERT INTO Movies VALUES(7, 'Kung Fu Panda', '2008-06-06', 'G', 92, 'USA', 'English', (SELECT CompanyID FROM Companies WHERE Name = 'Dreamworks Pictures'));
INSERT INTO and Subqueries As in the previous example, subqueries in the INSERT command work, but only if the update table and the subquery table are different. This rule only applies to MySQL, other database management systems may behave differently.
INSERT SELECT Example Example: Associate all movies that have ‘The X Files’ anywhere in the title with the romance genre. INSERT IGNORE INTO XRefGenresMovies SELECT MovieID, 'Romance' FROM Movies WHERE Title LIKE '%The X Files%';
Deleting Records Deletes one or more rows from a table Deletes all rows without WHERE condition Two syntaxes Single-Table DELETE Syntax Multi-Table DELETE Syntax
Single-Table DELETE Syntax Deletes one or more rows from a table Deletes all rows without WHERE condition Syntax: DELETE FROM tablename WHERE conditions;
Single-Table DELETE Syntax Examples: Delete all ratings. Delete all ratings by semory.
Single-Table DELETE Syntax Solutions: -- Delete all ratings. DELETE FROM Ratings; -- Delete all ratings by semory. DELETE FROM Ratings WHERE MemberID = (SELECT MemberID FROM Members WHERE Username = 'semory');
Multi-Table DELETE Syntax Deletes rows from multiple tables You must be very cautious or else you may delete something you didn’t want to delete Syntax: DELETE T1, T2,..., Tn FROM T1 JOIN T2 JOIN... JOIN Tn WHERE conditions; Note: If you use table alias in the FROM clause, you must use the alias in the DELETE clause as well (see examples later on).
Multi-Table DELETE Syntax Examples: -- Delete all ratings by semory (use multi-table delete syntax instead of using single-table delete syntax with a subquery). -- Delete all directors from the database (from both the People and XRefDirectorsMovies tables).
Multi-Table DELETE Syntax Examples: -- Delete all ratings by semory. DELETE Ratings FROM Members JOIN Ratings USING(MemberID) WHERE Username = 'semory'; -- Delete all ratings by semory (alternate). DELETE R FROM Members A JOIN Ratings R USING(MemberID) WHERE Username = 'semory'; -- Delete all directors from the database. DELETE P, D FROM People P JOIN XRefDirectorsMovies D ON P.PersonID = D.DirectorID;
Multi-Table DELETE Syntax There is a big problem in the last example. Multi-table delete can lead to orphaned records if misused (a foreign key with no primary key). DELETE P, D FROM People P JOIN XRefDirectorsMovies D ON P.PersonID = D.DirectorID; Jonathan Frakes is both an actor and a director. If we delete him from the People and XRefDirectorsMovies tables, we orphan him in the XRefActorsMovies and Spouses table!
Multi-Table DELETE Syntax Therefore, be careful what you delete! If you delete a record, and that record is referenced somewhere else, you have an orphaned record! Best solution is to only delete records from the XRefDirectorsMovies table and leave the People table alone since these people may be referenced somewhere else. DELETE FROM XRefDirectorsMovies;
Updating Records To update existing records, you may use one of the following syntaxes: Single-table syntax. Multi-table equi-join syntax. Only equi-join is supported. You may not use any other join syntax (JOIN ON, JOIN USING, etc.)
Updating Records To update existing records: -- Single-table syntax. UPDATE [IGNORE] tablename SET field1 = value1, field2 = value2,... WHERE conditions; -- Multi-table equi-join syntax. UPDATE [IGNORE] tablename1, tablename2,... SET field1 = value1, field2 = value2,... WHERE conditions; -- Multi-table subquery syntax. UPDATE [IGNORE] tablename SET field1 = subquery1, field2 = subquery2,... WHERE conditions;
Updating Records You may use the IGNORE keyword immediately after UPDATE to ignore errors when an update produces duplicate primary keys. Example: -- ERROR! BEEP! UPDATE Movies SET MovieID = 1 WHERE MovieID = 2; -- Error will be ignored! UPDATE IGNORE Movies SET MovieID = 1 WHERE MovieID = 2;
Updating Records Examples: -- The user ojisan has decided to change his username to uncle_steve. Update the database to reflect this change. -- The user colderstone has decided to change his username and password to jackstone and slsev0812z3, respectively. Update the database to reflect this change. -- Dreamworks Pictures went bankrupt and was bought out by Paramount Pictures. Modify all CompanyIDs in the Movies table to reflect this change.
Updating Records Examples: -- The user ojisan has decided to change his username to uncle_steve. Update the database to reflect this change. UPDATE Members SET Username = 'uncle_steve' WHERE Username = 'ojisan';
Updating Records Examples: -- The user colderstone has decided to change his username and password to jackstone and slsev0812z3, respectively. Update the database to reflect this change. UPDATE Accounts SET Username = 'jackstone', Password = 'slsev0812z3' WHERE Username = 'colderstone';
Updating Records Examples: -- Dreamworks Pictures went bankrupt and was bought out by Paramount Pictures. Modify all CompanyIDs in the Movies table to reflect this change. UPDATE Movies SET CompanyID = (SELECT CompanyID FROM Companies WHERE Name = 'Paramount Pictures') WHERE CompanyID = (SELECT CompanyID FROM Companies WHERE Name = 'Dreamworks Pictures');
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