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Identity Based Encryption

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1 Identity Based Encryption
Based on a paper by Dan Boneh and Matthew Franklin Presented by: Saar Ron

2 Outline Introduction to IBE Applications of IBE Definition of IBE
Security Properties The Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme

3 Outline Introduction to IBE Applications of IBE Definition of IBE
Security Properties The Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme

4 What is IBE? IBE is a public-key encryption system in which an arbitrary string can be used as the public key

5 History of IBE The concept was formulated by Adi Shamir in 1984
First usable IBE schemes in 2001 Boneh and Franklin [crypto 2001, SIAM J. of computing 2003] Cocks [IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding 2001]

6 email encrypted using public key: I am “”
An example of IBE encrypted using public key: I am Private key CA/PKG master-key

7 Outline Introduction to IBE Applications of IBE Definition of IBE
Security Properties The Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme

8 Applications of IBE Bob encrypts mail with pub-key = “alice@hotmail”
Easy to use: no need for Bob to lookup Alice’s cert Bob can send mail to Alice even if Alice has no cert Bob encrypts with pub-key = || current-date” Short lived private keys: revocation + mobility Bob can send mail to be read at future date Credentials: embed user credentials in public key Encrypt with: || date || clearance=secret” Alice can decrypt only if she has secret clearance on given date Easy to grant and revoke credentials at PKG

9 Outline Introduction to IBE Applications of IBE Definition of IBE
Security Properties The Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme

10 Definition of IBE (1) Setup Extract input: a security parameter t
output: params and master-key Extract input: params, master-key, and ID∈{0,1}* output: dID

11 Definition of IBE (2) Encrypt Decrypt input: params, ID∈{0,1}*, M∈M
output: C Decrypt input: params, dID, C ∈C output: M

12 Is the following RSA based IBE scheme correct?
Setup (t) randomly picks two t-bit primes p, q params = 〈n=pq, H〉 master-key = 〈p,q〉 Encrypt (〈n,H 〉,ID,M) = MH(ID) mod n Extract (〈n,H〉, 〈p,q〉, ID) = dID such that dID H(ID) = (p-1)(q-1) mod n Decrypt (〈n,H〉,ID,C) = CdID mod n

13 Outline Introduction to IBE Applications of IBE Definition of IBE
Security Properties The Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme

14 Security properties of Crypto schemes
Formalization of the notion that no algorithm breaks a crypto system defined via a game between an Adversary and a Challenger no polynomially bound Adversary wins the game with non-negligible advantage

15 Security demands for IBE
Semantic security against an adaptive chosen ciphertext attack No polynomially bound adversary wins the following game with non-negligible advantage

16 The Game (1) The Challenger The Adversary issues m queries
chooses a security parameter t and runs Setup keeps the master-key gives the Adversary params The Adversary issues m queries extraction query 〈IDi〉 decryption query 〈IDi , Ci〉

17 The Game (2) The Adversary picks M0, M1 and a public key ID
The Challenger picks a random b∈{0,1} and sends C=Encrypt(params, ID, Mb) The Adversary issues n additional queries extraction query 〈IDi〉 decryption query 〈IDi , Ci 〉

18 The Game (3) The Adversary outputs b’ The Adversary wins if b=b’
| P (the attacker wins) – ½ | should be negligible

19 A weaker notion: Semantic Security
Almost the same game, but with a small difference: The adversary is not allowed to use decryption queries

20 Outline Introduction to IBE Applications of IBE Definition of IBE
Security Properties The Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme

21 Bilinear maps (1) e : G1× G1 → G2 Bilinear Map
G1 and G2 are cyclic groups of prime order p Bilinear Map for all x, y ∈ G1 and for all a, b ∈ Zp e(ax,by) = e(x,y)ab

22 Bilinear maps (2) Non-Degenerate Computable
There exists x,y ∈ G1 such that e(x,y) ≠ 1G2 Computable computing e(x,y) for any x,y ∈ G1 is efficient

23 The Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme (1)
Setup (t) uses t to generate a prime q generates cyclic groups G1, G2 of order q, and a bilinear map e: G1×G1 → G2 chooses an arbitrary generator g∈G1 picks a random s∈Zq* and set P= sg picks two crypto hash functions: H1:{0,1}* →G1* and H2:G2 → {0,1}n

24 The Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme (2)
Setup (t) M = {0,1}n C = G1* × {0,1}n params = q, G1, G2, e, n, g, P, H1, H2 master-key = s Extract (ID) dID=s H1(ID)

25 The Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme (3)
Encrypt (M) chooses a random r∈Zq* C=〈rg, M⊕H2(e(H1(ID),P)r〉 Decrypt(C=(U,V)) V ⊕ H2(e(dID,U)) e(sH1(ID), rg) = e(H1(ID), g)sr = e(H1(ID), sg)r = e(H1(ID),P)r

26 The security assumption
Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem (BDHP) in 〈G1, G2, e〉 given a generator g of G1 and three elements ag, bg, cg ∈ G1 for random a, b, c in Zp, compute e(g,g)abc Security Assumption: BDHP is hard

27 The security of BF-IBE It can be shown that there is a reduction between breaking the BF-IBE in the Semantic Security model and the BDHP problem The question: How can we improve BF-IBE so this will be true in the Semantic Security Against an Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack model?

28 The answer: The Fujisaki-Okamoto technique
εpk(M) – The encryption of M using the public key pk Fujisaki-Okamoto: If εpk(M) is a one-way encryption scheme, the hybrid scheme εpkhy(M) = <εpk(σ;H3(σ,M)),H4(σ)⊕M> is secure in the Semantic Security Against an Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack model

29 Improving BF-IBE (1) Setup (t) Extract (ID) As before
params = q, G1, G2, e, n, g, P, H1, H2, H3, H4 Extract (ID)

30 Improving BF-IBE (2) Encrypt (M) Decrypt(C=(U,V,W))
Chooses a random σ∈{0,1}n r = H3(σ,M) C = <rP, σ⊕H2(e(H1(ID),P)r, M⊕H4(σ(> Decrypt(C=(U,V,W)) σ = V ⊕ H2(e(dID,U)) M = W ⊕ H4(σ)

31 Open issues Authentication of the message receiver to the PKG (Private Key Generator) The IBE system is an escrowed system Key Revocation

32 That's all, folks

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