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What are new media? communication theory. To start with…  “Art is experimental, or it isn’t art” Who believes this crap?!

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Presentation on theme: "What are new media? communication theory. To start with…  “Art is experimental, or it isn’t art” Who believes this crap?!"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are new media? communication theory

2 To start with…  “Art is experimental, or it isn’t art” Who believes this crap?!

3  How can we broadly define Technology?  How can we define digital technology?  How can we broadly define Media?  How can we define new media? new media represents a convergence of two separate historical trajectories: computing and media technologies.

4 A brief history of new media  Computer Babbage & Turing Code Algorithm  Internet Internet Connectivity  ‘world wide web’ Content management/development Ubiquitous delivery  Web 2.0 Web 2.0

5  Is photography static? Eadweard Muybridge 1878  Horses Horses William Dickson and the KinetoscopeKinetoscope  Bitmap grids: scanning a 3D object [demo]  Walter Benjamin: If an image can be reproduced easily, where is the art?  Digital imaging Non-linear narrative Science as art? Time-based work a related part of how media has changed due to computing technology

6  Play CanabaltCanabalt  Is there any question as to how this game is played or what is to be done? Why?  What is Second Life?Second Life Economic statisticsstatistics

7 Marshall McLuhan  From Understanding Media (@0:41)Understanding Media  The medium is the message? Lightbulbs and video games I Haz Internetz? I Haz Internetz What is the message of Second Life?Second Life



10 Principles of Digital Media

11 Language of New Media  1. Numerical Representation Mathematical in nature, manipulated by algorithms  In short, digital media becomes programmable.  2. Modularity LEGOs  3. Automation Halo  4. Variability Walter Benjamin  5. Transcoding Cultural layer vs. computer layer

12 Numerical Representation

13, 404, 1997

14 Corinne Vionnet, Photo Opportunities, 2005


16 Modularity

17 Jim Campbell, Illuminated Average: Fleming’s Wizard of Oz, 2001

18 Jim Campbell, Illuminated Average: Hitchcock’s Psycho, 2000

19 Mark Napier, Shredder, 1998

20 Automation

21 MTAA, 1 year performance video, 2004

22 Variability

23 Josh Om,, 2001


25 Transcoding




29 Jim Campbell, Low Resolution Works: Home Movies, 2008

30 Joseph DeLappe, The Salt Satyagraha Online, 2008

31 Intro to Network Theory  What is a slinky? [DEMONSTRATION]  Why does it behave this way?  There is an interconnectedness that comes with all network systems What are the internal behaviors (goals)? What are the external forces limiting and pushing on it (environment and interface)?

32 Model of Network Theory Goals Interface Design Environment

33 Model of Network Theory “Slinking Wave” Hand Held Metallic Spring Gravity, Friction

34 Model of Facebook? Goals Interface Design Environment

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