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The Relationship between Formal and Informal Social Care Dr Robin Humphrey University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

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Presentation on theme: "The Relationship between Formal and Informal Social Care Dr Robin Humphrey University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Relationship between Formal and Informal Social Care Dr Robin Humphrey University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

2 Distinction between Neighbourhoods 鄰里之區別  Traditional Neighbourhoods 傳統的 鄰里  Modern Neighbourhoods 現代的鄰里

3 The Four Sectors of Care 照顧的四部門 Formal( 正式照顧部門 ) Statutory( 政府 ) Commercial/Private( 商業 / 私人 ) Voluntary( 志願 )  Informal ( 非正式照顧部門 )

4 Definition of Neighbourhood Care Schemes 鄰里照顧計畫之定義  Organised( 有組織的 )  Local( 社區性 )  Link formal and informal care ( 正式與非正式之連結 )  With dual objective of( 雙重目標 ): Delivering social care( 輸送社會照護 ) Stimulating informal care( 激勵非正式照護 )

5 Neighbourhood Care Strategies towards Local Community 對地方社區鄰里照護策略  Voluntary Service( 志願服務 )  Mutual Aid( 互助團體 )  Community Development( 社區發展 )  Localised Service Delivery ( 地方化之服務輸送 )

6 Conclusions  Look at local social environments ( 檢視地方社會環境 )  Neighbourhood care not a cheap option ( 鄰里照護並非是經濟的選擇 )  The State should play a central role ( 政府仍應扮演中心角色 )  Don’t recreate traditional neighbourhood care! ( 勿需重新創造一個傳統鄰里照顧 )

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