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ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Guy FREMONT (COFIROUTE)ETC Seminar - Valencia 26/09/02 The Liber't system An interoperable ETC system in France using DSRC Technology.

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1 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Guy FREMONT (COFIROUTE)ETC Seminar - Valencia 26/09/02 The Liber't system An interoperable ETC system in France using DSRC Technology

2 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 8 operators Length of network : 7 600 km 65 billion Km travelled Permanent staff : 18 000 people Number of transactions : 1 billion / year The French Motorway Network (2000) Annual revenue : 5.5 billion Euros

3 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 ETC until 1 July 2000 : Non Compatible Systems Level of service : diverse from one operator to another. Technologies : diverse and non compatible. 673 ETC lanes 310 000 subscribers

4 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 The First ETC Systems in France Introduction of ETC systems in France in 1990. < Each company used proprietary ETC systems. < These ETC systems were incompatible with each other. < Most of these ETC systems were installed on peri- urban networks.  A big issue : Around some big cities : The ETC systems were operated by several different companies.  Necessity for the client of having several tags.  The results : The French motorway companies acquired the knowledge of advantages and disadvantages of the different technical and commercial systems tested :  Choice of the best solution was made accordingly.

5 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 The Process Towards a French Interoperable ETC System First studies started in 1991 < Conclusion of the studies :  Necessity of selecting an international standard which allowed :  Easier integration into European ETC systems  Creation of a huge market of ETC systems through which industrial companies compete.  As a first step : Decision of developing an ETC system for light vehicles only.

6 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 The Main Principles of the System  With only one tag, one contract and a single invoice :  Acceptance of the client on all French motorway networks (all toll plazzas equipped at entrances and at exits). < Post payment system (monthly payment). < No toll discount for the national contract, but possibility of local contracts in addition to the national contract (which can include pricing advantages). < The operation of the service is the responsibility of the companies themselves without the assistance of a third party. < The ETC system is in accordance with European standards.

7 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 The System Architecture A decentralised structure giving full autonomy to the operators for all actions : < Implementation of the system and purchasing of tags. < Contracts with clients and supply of tags to them. < Payment of sums due and issue of invoices. < Inter-company clearing. < Customer service and handling possible complaints.

8 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Contractual Approach Service provider A Contract provider G USER

9 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Payment Mandate USER Contract provider G Single invoice Service provider A Service Refunding

10 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Invoicing Customer data management Encoding machine Tag initialisation Provider E Entry lane Provider S Exit lane Contract provider G USER A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Functional organisation Read / Write Tag Money Flow Management Data Transaction Data

11 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Commercial policy The ETC DSRC technology allows different commercial policies amont the motorway companies 1 common product for all networks Specific products in each company One principle : the autonomy of the motorway companies

12 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Hyper-frequency communication between : ETC : How it works l An on-board equipment : the tag Communicator Toll lane PC l A road side equipment : the antenna

13 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 The toll lane equipment

14 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Technical Interoperability The ETC system has to guarantee the independence of motorway companies. < Two main objectives for the project :  to give freedom to the operator to purchase the ETC equipment.  to give the authorisation to the operator to market a mutual service supported by a joint technical medium (tag). Reconciliation of these two objectives by using standardised products permitting complete interoperability.

15 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Technical Interoperability Setting up procedures :  ASFA participated financially in the study and designing of a prototype. < This process enabled defining detailed specifications of the system that became the reference for the subsequent bid procedures. < This approach also enabled the selection of several suppliers :  2 for roadside equipment (3 by end of 2002)  3 for tags (mid 2002)

16 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Implementation of a Mutual System The French Inter-Operators ETC system A full agreement between French motorway companies The main idea : Only one system Only one tag Only one invoice Only one national subscription Some local contracts

17 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Today’s Situation < Road equipment : 1 800 lanes equipped  1 200 exits  600 entrances < In-vehicle equipment :  1 400 000 tags ordered (to 3 manufacturers)  600 000 tags distributed  600 000 ETC transactions per week

18 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 Different site configurations


20 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 vDSRC technology is the most widely used in Europe (6 millions OBU) vDSRC is in operation for > 10 years vIt is well suited to the toll motorway network (tolling infrastructure) vInteroperability is a common goal of the European motorway operators (ASECAP) vReferences are DSRC CEN prEN and CESARE 2 How to achieve interoperability in Europe ?

21 ETC Seminar - 26/09/02 vGPS/GSM technology is promising, but still in development - no operational experience... vGPS/GSM adapted to introduction of roadpricing on existing networks (no tolling infrastructure) vOperation of Toll Collect will start in Germany by August 2003 vInteroperability between the techniques must be achieved in the short term vBut no Diktat on obligation to use GALILEO ! ETC Interoperability in Europe ?

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