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Disaster Prevention & Recovery Kyle Anderson Nick Kjemperud Holly Marshall 5/15/07.

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1 Disaster Prevention & Recovery Kyle Anderson Nick Kjemperud Holly Marshall 5/15/07

2 Examples 9/11 – Morgan Stanley  Outsourced back ups to Brooklyn and N.J.  Back up and running within hours State of Alaska financial server $2.5 billion  “Honest mistake”  $200 million to rebuild COB disaster  Sharing music files  Hacked back in system and destroyed servers one by one  Rebuild system from scratch, took 5 to 6 weeks  Installed Firewall

3 What is a Disaster? Can be:  Natural disasters  computer crime  Accidents  terrorist events Always unexpected IT is never as ready as they think they are.

4 Prevention Needs to be a mind set  In every decision Backing up IT, double check  IT outsourcing Third Party Separate Location Security/Usability Continuum  Can’t be 100% secure Components of system  Security  Reliability  Scalability COBIT and ITIL framework  “Best practices”

5 Recovery Having a plan IT needs to know your system  Consequences of actions  If I add something here how is it going to affect the system else where. Service by Service  Look at system in parts, not as whole Prioritize systems  Critical first and work your way down Hard to test recovery plan  Theoretically best time to test is busiest day of year  Virtually unexpected  Few firms want to crash their own systems

6 Recovery Plan Rely on your plan Work with the right people Identify the problem, then dig deeper Communicate with all stakeholders Connect with affected colleagues Support your people Move the organization ahead Take a final look back

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