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César Chávez Social Studies – Pre Kindergarten Nancy Delgado An American Hero.

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2 César Chávez Social Studies – Pre Kindergarten Nancy Delgado An American Hero

3 Who is your Hero ?







10 He worked to help farm workers have a better life. He worked to help farm workers have a better life. César Chávez is a hero to many people. César Chávez is a hero to many people.

11 César Chávez worked to help farm workers have a better life. César Chávez worked to help farm workers have a better life. Better working hours Better homes Lunch and break time Restrooms

12 Drinking water No pesticides Better salaries

13 Cesar Believed in Nonviolence. He was a man of peace. Cesar Believed in Nonviolence. He was a man of peace. BoycottsStrikesDemonstrations

14 César Chávez went on many hunger strikes. A hunger strike is when you don’t eat and you only drink water. Many people learned about César’s hunger strikes by watching the news on T.V. People learned about the farm worker’s hard times. Many people began to support César Chavez and the farm workers.

15 We remember his words: Sí, Se Puede ! Yes, It can be done !1 Today we remember César Chávez and how he helped the farm workers.

16 ! Que Viva La Causa !

17 Resources Websites esar+Chavez&hl=en Other César Chávez by Lucile Davis,and César Chávez César Chávez by Susan Eddy, Jeanne Clidas La Causa: The Migrant Farmworkers' Story by Dana Catharine De Ruiz, Rudy GutierrezDana Catharine De Ruiz Rudy Gutierrez Elegy on the Death of Cesar Chavez by Rudolfo A. Anaya, Gaspar EnriquezRudolfo A. AnayaGaspar Enriquez The Fight In The Fields César Chávez and the Farmworkers Movement by Susan Feriss and Ricardo Sandoval Harvesting Hope by Kathleen Krull

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