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Impact of Computers in News William Nutt & Nevin Yang.

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1 Impact of Computers in News William Nutt & Nevin Yang

2 Computers have brought a rapid change in the way news is presented to people. Most television, newspaper, magazine and other news companies maintain a website with constantly updating news. We will be discussing: –Company advantages –Reader advantages –Statistics –Personal experiences –Scenario

3 Company Advantages Reduction in cost by eliminating printing and deliveries Easier newspaper creation –Easily formatted –Preview allows companies to compare different formats without having to print –Easy article revision with grammar and spelling tools –Mistakes can be quickly eliminated using the “Backspace” key, whereas the journalist would have to start the page over when using a typewriter A larger audience is reached, which could ultimately lead to an increase in subscribers. Users can often only read the beginning of an article, and then are forced to pay a fee to become members with access to full-length articles.

4 Company Advantages Continued Reporters who are reporting from abroad locations are rarely at a disadvantage as far as time goes thanks to computers.

5 Reader Advantages Ability to view the content of any newspaper with a simple mouse click. Ability to search through entire archives containing years old information using keywords instead of skimming through an entire hardcopy. –Finding the right sequence of words to locate a particular article can be difficult. Constant updates provides event information just seconds after the occurrence. Traveler can read the latest issue of a preferred newspaper or magazine anywhere in the world with connection to the Internet.

6 Reader Advantages Continued If a user wants world news, he or she can simply click on the category found on the website. –When viewing television news, the user would have waste time viewing alternative news until that particular subject is discussed. –The same is true for other categories, such as U.S., weather, business, sports, politics, law, technology, science and space, health, entertainment, travel, and education.

7 Reader Advantages Continued Mobile news –Cell phones, PDA’s, laptops, and other handheld devices

8 The Facts Viewers are relying more on websites, and less on traditional television news –According to a study conducted by Pew Research Center, the reliance of the Internet as a source of news has grown by six folds since 1996. –It was also found that Internet news is especially popular during the time of an election. Eighteen percent of study participants now rely on the Internet as a source of election news, as opposed to the three percent in 1996. –Over the past seven years, the number of regular evening news viewers has been cut in half.

9 Our personal experiences Scenario: Celebrity gossiper hears that there has been a major Hollywood breakup. –How does he handle the situation without the use of computers? With the use of computers?

10 Sources 2000/patterson_internet_news_qa.htm 2000/patterson_internet_news_qa.htm rchive/article22AB5280B8144563AC5DFB E876F02DC0.asp rchive/article22AB5280B8144563AC5DFB E876F02DC0.asp

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