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Word Processing. Common Terms Block Clipboard Font Footer Format Grammar Checker.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Processing. Common Terms Block Clipboard Font Footer Format Grammar Checker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Processing

2 Common Terms Block Clipboard Font Footer Format Grammar Checker

3 Common Terms (cont) Hard Return Header Insert Justified Move Outliner

4 Common Terms (cont) Overtype Page Break Pagination Scrolling Smart Tags Soft Return

5 Common Terms (cont) Spell Checker Tab Thesaurus Toggle Word Wrap

6 Starting Word Start button, Programs, Microsoft Office Word icon on the Desktop or Quick Launch toolbar Icon for specific document

7 Preparing a Document Setting format  Before beginning to type  After typing Font Margins Paragraph spacing

8 Using Word Templates Several available Choose a preset style or create a new special document Location

9 Mail Merged Documents Create personalized form letters and envelopes Data Source (Mailing Info for 5 Recipients Form Letter Mail Merge Letter 1Letter 2Letter 3Letter 4Letter 5

10 Viewing a Document Several views – different purposes On the View tab  Which view do you like to work in?

11 Moving Around Document Arrow keys Ctrl + arrow keys Home key End key Ctrl + Home Ctrl + End Page Up Page Down Ctrl + Page Up Ctrl + Page Down Open a document…… See what happens when you use these commands

12 Spelling / Grammar Checks Automatically checked as the user types How identified?  wavy red line  green way line Place the cursor at beginning of the document May not catch all mistakes

13 Saving Work Periodically save all work Pay attention to warnings Backup


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