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Radiosity A Fascinating Presentation by Alex Danilevky.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiosity A Fascinating Presentation by Alex Danilevky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiosity A Fascinating Presentation by Alex Danilevky

2 The Very General Idea ● Discretize your environment into n patches and calculate how they interact with each other. ● Use those values to calculate radiosity values for the patches and then we can generate an image...

3 What is Radiosity? ● First lets go through a few Radiometry definitions: – Radiant energy Q, is the energy of a collection of photons – Radiant flux Φ, is a change in radiant energy / time ● Φ = dQ / dt – Radiant flux area density is dΦ / dA ● This can be separated into two parts – Radiant exitance M, is the flux leaving a surface. – Irradiance E, is the flux arriving at a surface. ● Radiant exitance M = Radiosity B!!

4 Form Factors ● F ij is the fraction of the power leaving patch i that arrives at patch j. ● These values are based on the geometry of the scene and are therefore the same no matter where your eye is.

5 The Radiosity Equation ● B i = E i + p i {SUM from 1 to n}(B j F ij ) – E i = the light emmitted (light sources) – p i = diffuse reflectance – F ij = form factor ● HUGE assumption is that all surfaces are lambertian and that the radiosity over a patch is constant.

6 Overview

7 Computing Form Factors ● Matrix Radiosity (Gathering) – Hemicube approximation – Solving the system of equations ● Jacobi Iteration ● Gauss-Seidel Method ● Progressive Refinement Radiosity (Shooting) – Pick patch with the most energy and shoot rays to all the other patches, updating form factors while we're shooting. Repeat until image is accurate.

8 How does all this help us? ● First we rearrange some terms: – B i = E i + p i SUM(B j F ij ) – B i -p i SUM(B j F ij ) = E i ● Keep in mind that these are matrices where B and E are nx1 and F is nxn. Rewritten again the second equation looks like this:

9 The Hemicube ● Break up each face of the cube into cells which have precomputed form factor values ● Project surfaces onto the hemicube.

10 Hemicube ● Sum the form factors of the cells the surface is projected onto and use this value for the form factor F ij between the patch the hemicube is surrounding (j) and the patch that was projected onto it (i).

11 Progressive Refinement ● Pick patch with greatest energy – “Shoot” rays to each of the other patches and update their form factor and radiosity values as you go along. – Loop until you have a good solution.

12 Progressive Refinement cont... Passes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 16

13 A Two-Pass Approach ● Combines radiosity and ray tracing... ● Intensity out = E out + I diffuse + I specular ● Preprocess uses a modified version of the radiosity algorithm that takes into consideration the interaction between diffuse and specular surfaces. – Does so just enough to get accurate diffuse terms – Compute extra form factors that treat specular surfaces as additional routes which light can reach diffuse surfaces by.

14 Two-Pass Approach cont... ● Postprocess completes the solution for a given view. – Now we can efficiently calculate the specular components and add them to the diffuse terms to get accurate intensity values. ● Other hybrid techniques exist. – Use radiosity results for indirect lighting – Generate radiosity results on low resolution versions of the scene to limit computation.

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