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COMP101 – Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing LA1A (Wed 11:00 – 12:50) TA: Jackie Lo.

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Presentation on theme: "COMP101 – Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing LA1A (Wed 11:00 – 12:50) TA: Jackie Lo."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMP101 – Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing LA1A (Wed 11:00 – 12:50) TA: Jackie Lo

2 TA Introduction  Name:Jackie Lo  Office:4213A  Phone:2358 8837  Email:  Web:  Office hour: Thur 11:00 – 13:00  Lab: LA1A (take attendance)

3 Course Introduction  Tips: Keep regular lecture time yourself Do not watch the video only before exam Keep frequent update on the course portal and website

4 Lecture Review  Hardware VS Software Hardware: Computer equipment you can see and touch Software: Instructions that controlling the computer equipment

5 Lecture Review  Computers use binary for calculation Each no. = a sequence of 0 ’ s and 1 ’ s Each digit = bit 8bits (b) = 1 Byte (B) 1,024B = 1kB 1,048,576B = 1024kB = 1MB 1,073,741,824B = 1024MB = 1GB 1,099,511,627,776B = 1024GB = 1TB

6 Lecture Review  For n bits, no. of representation = 2 n  E.g. For 2 bits, Possible representation: 00, 01, 10, 11 No. of representation: 4 = 2 2  Hardware Component Any questions?

7 Lab Notes  Email: Electronic Mail Normal mail but they're in digital format. Email Address: {username}@{domainname} E.g.,  Mailing List list of people (email address) who subscribe to a periodic mailing distribution on a particular topic. E.g.

8 Lab Notes  Mail Client Program for reading and sending email E.g. Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger  SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Protocol for sending email Can also be used for receiving email but not commonly use

9 Lab Notes  POP3: Post Office Protocol 3 Protocol for receiving email Email will be downloaded and deleted from the email server when you check email. i.e. Cannot review the email in other computer  IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol Protocol for receiving email Email will remain in the email server until you delete it. i.e. Can review the email anytime anywhere

10 Lab Notes  FTP: File Transfer Protocol Protocol for exchanging files.  Search Engine set of programs which perform page retrieval, indexing and processing search requests. web portals like Yahoo, Google which allow users make searches of the web using their search engine programs

11 Lab 1  Follow the steps in lab 1  Notes for using web searching A – b: search for A exclude b A +b: search for A include b “ A b ” : search for exact match of [A b] A b OR c: search for A include either b or c intitle:A b: search in title for A and b A site:a.b.c: search in site a.b.c for A define:A: search for defination of A A ~b: search for A with the synonyms A author:B: search for publication A with author B

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