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Church Gate Conservation Area Click mouse for next slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Church Gate Conservation Area Click mouse for next slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Church Gate Conservation Area Click mouse for next slide

2 Map of 1903

3 Current map showing the conservation area and listed buildings Reproduced from Ordnance Survey digital mapping. © Crown copyright. Licence No 100023558

4 The variety in the nature of the streets and spaces

5 The dominance of All Saints church tower

6 The surviving medieval street pattern

7 Narrow entry points and sense of enclosure to the area in front of All Saints church

8 Groups of trees that add to the townscape, foil or contrast buildings

9 Survival of some unbroken groups or blocks of historic buildings

10 Wide range of building types & layouts

11 The quality of historic building stock

12 The wealth and variety of the architectural details

13 The use, colours & textures of local materials.

14 The use of granite kerb stones

15 Traditional independent shops

16 Some sensitive and appropriate redevelopment

17 For more about Church Gate download the Appraisal – either text or illustrated version

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