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1 追求卓越 – 企業文化 清華大學. 心靈發電廠. 滾動學習院 -- 自強講堂 薛孝姝 2009.04.28.

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Presentation on theme: "1 追求卓越 – 企業文化 清華大學. 心靈發電廠. 滾動學習院 -- 自強講堂 薛孝姝 2009.04.28."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 追求卓越 – 企業文化 清華大學. 心靈發電廠. 滾動學習院 -- 自強講堂 薛孝姝 2009.04.28

2 2009.04.282 9 Rules for Meeting (Discipline turns a meeting into a power meeting) (1/2)  Define the objective of the meeting and clearly communicate it in the invitation (never go to a meeting without an objective)  Invite the right people and only them - sufficiently in advance (never go to a meeting unless you are sure you have to be there)  Send key information in advance, along with agenda and timetable (never go to a meeting without an agenda)  Begin on time and end on time (never go a second time to a meeting that didn’t keep to the timetable)  Introduce the moderator and stipulate who will keep the minutes (never go to a meeting a second time if you didn’t receive any minutes) Source: Siemens AG

3 2009.04.283 9 Rules for Meeting (Discipline turns a meeting into a power meeting) (2/2)  End every agenda item with a summary and a consensus of the participants (summarize every agenda item in your own words- that way you will know if everyone understood things the same way you did)  At the end: who’s going to do what by when-and when will there be another meeting? (a power meeting with out a to-do list is just a tea party)  Send minutes showing the results along with the to-do list  Get feedback from the participants-and now you’re ready for the next round Source: Siemens AG

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