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Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas-fir
Pinanceae family. Monoecious gymnosperm tree with needle-like evergreen leaves and woody ovulate cones. Cones hanging downward with three-lobed bracts protruding from between the cone scales.
Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas-fir
Needles sometimes used as a substitute for coffee. Wood used extensively for lumber (very strong) Wood used to make bows (Blackfoot) White, crystalline sugar exuded from branches sometimes in early summer Pitch used as a gum A Blackfoot story tells how mice ran into the cones to hide from Naapi (a legendary character). What hangs out is their tails and hind legs.
Lewisia rediviva Pursh. Bitterroot
Portulaceae family. Herbs. Leaves mostly simple. Flowers bisexual. Plants with a fleshy, simple or branched taproot over 1 cm long. Sepals 4 or more; petals mm long; First discovered by Meriweather Lewis in present day western Montana during the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Genus named after him. Montana’s state flower.
Lewisia rediviva Pursh. Bitterroot
(Blackfoot) Pounded, dry root chewed for sore throat. (Flathead) Roots eaten for increased milk flow after childbirth. Roots boiled and eaten as staple vegetable food when in season Leaves boiled and eaten Roots an important article of trade Dried roots served only on special occasions
Oryzopsis hymenoides Indian Ricegrass
Poaceae family Native throughout Montana Used ornamentally in water-wise gardens Edible seeds Nevada and Utah state grass
Oryzopsis hymenoides Indian Ricegrass
Ground seeds used as food Seeds gathered and stored for winter use Plant used as fodder for animals Seeds considered a good food to eat when suffering from stomachaches, colic, or aching bones. Along trail in Four Dances Natural Area going down to river.
Elymus spicatus syn Agropyron spicatus, Pseudoroegneria spicata
Colloquial name: Bluebunch wheatgrass Montana’s state grass Wheatgrass rootstocks can be dried, ground into flour, and used in bread making. Roots can also be roasted, ground, and used as coffee substitute Grains can be collected and ground into flour, but collection is tedious.
Plant Sub-classes Magnoliopsida (Dicots) Magnoliidae Hamamelidae
Caryophyllidae Dilleniidae Rosidae Asteridae Liliopsida (Monocots) Alismatidae Arecidae Commelinidae Zingiberidae Liliidae (Arthur Cronquist The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants)
Magnoliaceae Magnoliaceae have their stamens and pistils in spirals on a conical receptacle. This arrangement is found in fossil plants and is believed to be primitive for angiosperms Flowers not so clearly differentiated into having sepals and petals; have tepals instead No plants in this family occur naturally in Montana
Magnoliaceae Sub-class: Magnoliidae
Magnoliaceae Flowers are bisexual usually Flowers have radial symmetry
Flowers have elongate receptacle Leaves are alternate, simple, and sometimes lobed Inflorescence is a solitary flower with tepals
Magnoliaceae Sepals range from six to many
Stamens are numous and feature short filaments which are poorly differentiated from the anthers Carpels are usually numerous, distinct, and on elongate receptacle Fruit an aggregate of follicles which open along the abaxial surface. Fruits have a fleshy coat and are colored usually red to orange except for Liriodendron sp. Carpels thick to avoid insect damage
Magnoliaceae Not an economically significant family
Valued for ornamental qualities in gardens Some wood from certain timber species Bark and flowers from several species reported to have medicinal properties
Ranunculaceae Sub-class: Magnoliidae
Aka as the buttercup family or crowfoot family Found worldwide, but are most common in northern hemisphere in temperate and montane climates Well represented in Montana Leaves are very often more or less palmately compound Mostly herbaceous plants, but with some woody climbers such as Clematis and subshrubs such as Xanthorhiza.
Ranunculaceae Clemati Clematis virginiana Xanthorhiza simplissima
Ranunculaceae Showy and medium to large flowers to attract pollinators
Radially symmetrical but in some cases bilaterally symmetrical Perianth is made of one or more commonly two whorls, often not clearly differentiated into a true calyx and corolla. The sepals may be connate, and the petals are often evolved into spurred nectaries. Flowers have many free stamens arranged in spirals and usually many free pistils. Flowers most often grouped in terminal racemes, panicles or cymes. Fruit most commonly a follicle or an achene.
Ranunculaceae Follicles of Aquilegia Achenes of Anemone sp.
Papaveraceae Sub-class: Magnoliidae
Occurs in temperate and sub-tropical climates. Genera Agemone, Glaucium, and Papaver native to Montana Most are herbaceous plants Produce milky latex, a watery white, yellow, red, or sometimes clear juice. Simple leaves are alternate or sometimes whorled Leaves have petioles and are not enclosed by a sheath Leaves usually lobed; no stipules
Papaveraceae Hermaphroditic (bisexual flowers with stamens and carpels) Pollinated mostly by insects Distinct calyx and corolla Flowers are medium sized or large (therefore more primitive) Flowers are spectacular to look at Flowers solitary in most species Flowers usually odorless and regular
Papaveraceae Many stamens, mostly 16-60, arranged in two separate whorls, the outer one with stamens alternate with the petals, the inner ones opposite. Compound pistil with 2 to 100 carpels. Ovary superior and 1-locular. Ovary without a footstalk (sessile) or on a short stem (stipitate) Fruit usually a non-fleshy, dry capsule
Papaveraceae These plants almost all contain alkaloids
Many are poisonous Few are ever grazed by animals Several species grown as garden ornamentals California poppy, Eschscholtzia californica, is that state’s official flower. Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy, is the source of opium and opiates, and as well as most of the poppy seeds used in cooking and baking
Euphorbiaceae Sub-class: Rosidae
The spurge family is a large family of mostly herbaceous plants. Some are succulent and resemble cacti Occurs mainly in the tropics with most in Indo-Malayan region and tropical America A number also occur in tropical Africa Euphorbia and Croton only genera of this family occurring in our region of North America.
Euphorbiaceae Internal phloem sometimes present.
Chemically diverse, often with laticifers containing milky or colored latex, usually poisonous Hairs, simple to branched, stellate or peltate.
Euphorbiaceae The leaves are alternate, seldom opposite, with stipules usually present. Leaves are mainly simple, sometimes palmately lobed or compound, entire to serrate, with pinnate to palmate venation. Inflorescences determinate, but often highly modified. Flowers unisexual or imperfect (plants monoecious or dioecious). Flowers usually with radial symmetry, showy to inconspicuous.
Euphorbiaceae Sepals usually 2-6, distinct to slightly connate.
Petals usually 1-5, distinct to slightly connate, valvate or imbricate, often lacking. Stamens 1 to numerous, filaments distinct to connate Ovary superior, usually 3-lobed Ovules 1 in each locule
Euphorbiaceae Hevea brasiiensis (rubber tree) is the source of most natural rubber and is also a timber source. Aleurites moluccana (candlenut tree) and Aleurites fordii (tung tree) are sources of oils used in paints and varnishes. Sapirum sebiferum (Chinese tallow tree) is a source of vegetable tallow and wax.
Aceraceae Sub-class: Rosidae
Also called the maple family. Contains two to four genera of some 120 species of trees and shrubs A common characteristic is that the leaves are opposite and the fruit is a schizocarp. Some taxonomists (including our textbook) include Aceraceae in the family Sapindaceae. Dorn lists it as a separate family and indicates two possibly three species of Acer as only representatives of this family in Montana.
Aceraceae Acer negundo Acer glabrum Acer grandidentatum
Rutaceae Sub-class: Rosidae
Commonly known as rue or citrus family Usually placed in order Sapindales Species of this family generally have flowers that divide into four or five parts, usually with strong scents. Range in form from herbs to shrubs and small trees. Most economically important genus in family is Citrus
Rutaceae Frequently aromatic with glands on the leaves
Sometimes with thorns Leaves usually opposite and compound; without stipules. Flowers are bractless, solitary or in cyme, rarely in raceme. Pollinated by insects usually.
Rutaceae Flowers radially or bilaterally symmetric, and generally hermaphroditic (bisexual) Four to five sepals and petals. Eight to ten stamens, usually separate or in several groups Single stigma with two to five united capels. Ovaries separate and styles combined. Fruit variable from berries, drupes, hesperidiums, samara, capsules, and follicles.
Apiaceae Sub-class: Rosidae
Also known as Umbelliferae Family of usually aromatic plants with hollow stems, commonly known as umbellifers. Includes cumin, parsley, carrot, corriander/cilantro, dill, caraway, fennel, parsnip, celery, Queen Anne’s Lace. Large family Inflorescence generally a compound ‘umbel’
Apiaceae Small flowers are radially symmetrical with 5 small sepals, 5 petals, and 5 stamens. Family includes some highly toxic plants such as hemlock. Many members of this plant group are cultivated, for various purposes. The plant structure includes a tap root, which has been sometimes bred to provide food.
Apiaceae Some of these plants concentrate essential oils, so that some are used a flavorful/aromatic herbs such as parsley, cilantro, and dill. The plentiful seeds are sometimes used in cuisine, as with coriander, fennel, cumin and caraway. Many native genera/species in this family in Montana
Asclepidaceae Sub-class: Asteridae
Often referred to as milkweed family Usually milky sap present Dorn lists Asclepias as only genus of this family occurring naturally in Montana. Textbook puts genera of this family into another family Apocynaceae Herbs, shrubs, woody vines, stem-succulents or trees.
Asclepiadaceae Leaves opposite (less frequently alternate or whorled).
Simple and entire leaves, without stipules Inflorescence a cyme or umbel. Flowers perfect, regular, hypogynous to partially epigynous. Sepals five, connate or nearly distinct. Petals 5, connate Stamens 5, adnate to stigma; filaments distinct Carpels 2, distinct at base 2 superior ovaries Fruit a pair of follicles, one of which often aborts Seeds often bearing a tuft of hairs.
Asclepiadaceae Flowers are very unusual
Sepals and petals are comparatively normal in appearance. Stamens bear little resemblance to ordinary stamens; filaments bear inflated or otherwise modified appendages that form a conspicuous corona.
Asclepiadaceae Hoya carnosa
Solanaceae Sub-class: Asteridae
Family contains a number of important agricultural plants as well as many toxic plants Known also as nightshade family Family includes Jimson weed, mandrake, deadly nightshade (belladonna), capsicum (peppers), potato, tobacco, tomato, eggplant, and petunia. Important source of food, spice, and medicine
Solanaceae Flowers typically conical or funnel in shape
Five petals, usually fused Stamens usually present in multiples of four (most commonly four or eight) Ovaries are superior Produces fruit either a berry or a dehiscent dry capsule (breaks open upon drying, or dehiscing, releasing the seeds) Seeds usually round and flat
Solanaceae A famous alkaloid from the Solanaceae family is nicotine.
Peppers (Capsicum) produce the alkaloid capsaicin, which provides the hot flavor in peppers. Tropane alkaloids are found in Atropa, Datura and Brugmansia and many other genera in this family. Tropane alkaoids (named after genus Atropa, aka belladonna) are extremely poisonous but are used in many modern medicines in small dosages.
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