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Investigations on Jet Evolution in (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz, Dirk Rischke, Horst Stöcker, Giorgio Torrieri Institut für Theoretische Physik.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigations on Jet Evolution in (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz, Dirk Rischke, Horst Stöcker, Giorgio Torrieri Institut für Theoretische Physik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigations on Jet Evolution in (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz, Dirk Rischke, Horst Stöcker, Giorgio Torrieri Institut für Theoretische Physik Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main H-QM Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007

2 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Contents I.Introduction and Motivation Measured Jet Signals in Heavy-Ion Collisions Measured Jet Signals in Heavy-Ion Collisions II.(3+1)d hydrodynamical approach Jet ImplementationJet Implementation Jet EvolutionJet Evolution Two- and Three-Particle CorrelationsTwo- and Three-Particle Correlations  Different Energy and Momentum Deposition III.Conclusion and Outlook

3 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 The QCD Phase Diagram John von Neumann-Institut for Computing, Forschungszentrum-Jülich

4 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Jet Quenching Suppression of the away-side jets Suppression of the away-side jets p T assoc > 2 GeV/c p T assoc > 2 GeV/c Signal for QGP J. Adams [STAR Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 072304 (2003) 

5 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Two-Particle Correlation F. Wang [STAR Collaboration], Nucl. Phys. A 774, 129 (2006)  Sideward peaks  0.15 < p T assoc < 4 GeV/c Peaks reflect interaction of jet with medium Peaks reflect interaction of jet with medium 

6 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Origin of Sideward Peaks

7 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Three-Particle Correlation Au+Au central Δ2Δ2 Δ1Δ1     J. Ulery [STAR Collaboration], arXiv:0704.0224v1

8 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Hydrodynamical Approach  understand theoretically the process of the jet-medium interaction  QGP behaves like a fluid  can be described using ideal hydrodynamics Assumptions Assumptions

9 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamik  Hydrodynamics represents (local) conservation of  EoS energy-momentum energy-momentum (local) charge (local) charge  If matter is in local thermodynamical equilibrium

10 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Deposition Scenarios We compare jets that deposit their energy (and momentum) We compare jets that deposit their energy (and momentum) within t = 0.5 fm/c within t = 0.5 fm/c in equal time intervals in equal time intervals  Solving:

11 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 (3+1)d Hydrodynamik Assume: Near-side jet not influenced by medium Assume: Near-side jet not influenced by medium Ideal Gas/ Bag Model EoS Ideal Gas/ Bag Model EoS Implement a jet that... Implement a jet that... moves with ~ c  moves with ~ c Use the Frankfurt (3+1)d ideal hydrodynamical code Use the Frankfurt (3+1)d ideal hydrodynamical code Define a background Define a background

12 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Freeze-out Stopped hydrodynamical evolution after a certain time Stopped hydrodynamical evolution after a certain time  Isochronous freeze-out  Cooper-Frye formula Considered a gas of ,  and  Considered a gas of ,  and  Using the Share program (Monte Carlo) Using the Share program (Monte Carlo)  for a proper number of events statistics Calculate two- and three-particle correlations Calculate two- and three-particle correlations

13 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Jet Deposition within t = 0.5 fm/c into an expanding sphere

14 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Jet Evolution t = 11.52 fm/c Creation of a bow shock

15 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Particle Correlations  Clear Jet Signal  No Mach Cone

16 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 A. Filippone, Jet Deposition in equal time intervals into a homogeneous background

17 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Jet Evolution Mach Cone like signal t = 6.4 fm/c

18 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Single and Multiple Energy and Momentum Deposition of a 15 GeV jet

19 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Jet Evolution single multiple energy and momentum deposition t = 6.4 fm/c

20 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Two-Particle Correlations  Jet Signal single multiple energy and momentum deposition  Mach Cone like signal

21 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Three-Particle Correlations single multiple energy and momentum deposition

22 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Conclusion I. Jets serve as a probe for the QGP Study theoretically the jet-medium interaction Study theoretically the jet-medium interaction II. Hydrodynamical approach and Freeze-out Ideal Gas/ Bag Model EoS Ideal Gas/ Bag Model EoS  Jet visible independent of nature of energy deposition  Evolution of a Mach Cone depends on  Energy and Momentum deposition

23 Graduate Days, 18. 07. 2007 Outlook  Determine a physical background and source term  pQCD  Calculate the respective jet evolution  Performing the freeze-out by solving the Cooper-Frye formula Thank you for your attention !

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