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INTERREG IVC IMplementing DIgital MOuntain Detail of good practices in Auvergne: Telecentre in rural areas & Public Video Conference Spot
TELECENTRE OF MURAT : PRESENTATION FEATURES OF THE TERRITORY : 13 towns/villages - 6 000 inhabitants. DESCRIPTION OF THE GOOD PRACTICE OF MURAT : - opening of the first telecentre in the county of Cantal in 2006, - training to help jobseekers to create their own business, - first French forum of telework. OBJECTIVES : - Create new employment opportunities, - Boost the local economy, - Attract new entrants.
TELECENTRE OF MURAT : RESULTS - 400 applicants - 87 trainees - 69% of trainees come from out of Auvergne - 80 % of trainees are women - 32% of trainees have created their business and 16% have initiated steps to create their business - 3 new entrants on the territory - 4 available offices for teleworking for entrepreneurs - 32% in average for the occupency rate - 50 professionals in the first forum of telework
TELECENTRE OF MURAT : INVOLVED ACTORS AND BUDGET INVOLVED ACTORS : Community Council (contracting authority), Europe (ERDF), State, County Council of Cantal. BUDGET : 200 000 € for the two first years (investissement, creation of training’s content and benefits of trainers ) + 1 half-time employee for the coordination.
TELECENTRE OF MURAT : KEY INNOVATIVE FEATURES INNVOVATIVE FEATURES : - Create a pool of various services (teleworking, multimedia area, access to public services…) - Create the need to use the telecentre by training, - Raise awarness on services through telework with a forum, - Have complementary expertise in teleworkers. TRANSFERABLE ASPECTS : Methodology and assessment indicators. MORE INFORMATION :
GOOD PRACTICE : PUBLIC VIDEO CONFERENCE SPOT (PVCS) PVCS® brings public services to citizens in rural areas
PVCS : DESCRIPTION Facilitate the access of the public services (as National Employment Agency, Social Security, Agricultural Social Health Insurance…) through a virtual counter. The aim isn’t to substitute physical public services when they exist BUT offer public services where they are missing or not enought present.
PVCS : OBJECTIVES FEATURES OF THE TERRITORY : in rural or mountainous areas of Auvergne, the average citizen is 30 Km away from his public service. OBJECTIVES : - Equality for all citizens by providing easy and efficient access to public authorities in areas with a significant lack of public services, - Improvement of productivity for public services, - Reduction of the need to travel in a mountainous area with harsh weather conditions.
PVCS : DEVICE « Citizen spot » installed in a public place (City Hall, Community Council, multimedia areas…) « Professional spot » installed in the office of public services and used by officers to communicate with citizens.
PVCS : ASSETS A real feeling of closeness and friendliness The remote management of administrative documents A very simple use (there isn’t keyboard or mouse, just a touch screen) A virtual counter with many public services (Employment, Social Security Payment, National Electricity Agency…) Three prizes : 1 st prize of Broadband Awards 2007 given by european commission, 1 st prize for the quality of public services and 1 st prize for the modernization of public services given by State.
PVCS : PROGRAM IN AUVERGNE 2005 2 « citizen spots » + 4 « professional spots » 2006 19 « citizen spots » + 14 « professional spots » 20082007 15 « citizen spots » + 11 « professional spots » 27 « citizen spots » + 12 « professional spots » Since2009 Sustainability through digital management, coordination of partners, communication and quality approach Nowadays, 63 territories offer an access to 41 public services through Public Video Conference Spot.
Auvergne is a mountainous region with 1,3 million of inhabitants (42 inhabitants/Km²). 63 PVCS are installed in the territories (green on the map). PVCS is compatible with others virtual counters (if they use standard protocols). In Auvergne, more than 63 PVCS, there are 10 spots called « Cybercantal » in the south-west department (orange on the map). Nowadays, the deployment is complete. PVCS : MAPPING
PROCEDURE FOR HAVING A PVCS Analysing of the applicants by a steering commitee Strategical and technical audit on sites – Validation of application Sending a letter to Regional Council Implementation Definition of operational terms (services, opening hours…) Training’s agents Opening of the news services for the population
PVCS : CHOOSE THE GOOD PLACE The place which receive the « citizens spot » needs : To be accessible for people who have physical problems of accessibily, To have a surface of about 8 m², To respect of confidentiality of the communication between citizens and agents, To have a receptionist to help people to communicate with PVCS, To have wide opening hours.
PVCS : TECHNICAL DUTIES The room needs to have a dedicated Internet access (the minimum speed of connexion required is 1024 Kbps/256 Kbps) A dedicated phone line One outlet near the spot a technical audit is realized in each site by Regional Council in order to give all necessary recommandations.
TYPE OF PLACES FOR « CITIZEN SPOT » Often installed in the most populated town/village of a rural community council, the site is in general :
PVCS : RESULTS More than 12 000 individual communications realized since 2005 646 000 Km saved which represent 119 tons of CO2 saved 63 « citizens spots » et 41 « professional spots » installed Very positive results with Employment Agency, Results on progress on other public services, One european prize and two national prizes. A sustainable program Coordination of the community of partners One website with an intranet for a digital management, Physical meetings to exchange experiences Quality approach engaged
WWW. AUVERGNE-POINTVISIOPUBLIC.COM The website offers : - a general communication about PVCS (public services, opening hours…), - an intranet : each partner is able to manage all the information about him (description of services, contacts, statistical monitoring…).
PVCS : PUBLIC SERVICES PARTNERS The access of the services is customized in relation of the needs of each territory. 20 types of public services : - Employment and training: National employment Agency, Centre for Information and Guidance… - Social Security: Family Allowance Agency, Agrical Social Health Insurance… - Services for entreprises: Chamber of Commerce and Industry… - State’s services: Prefecture… - Services for population : National Electricity Agency…
PVCS : INVOLVED ACTORS AND BUDGET INVOLVED ACTORS : Funders Regional Council (contracting authority), Europe (ERDF), State, County Council of Allier, County Council of Cantal, County Council of Haute-Loire, County Council of Puy-de-Dôme. BUDGET : The overall budget is 1,2 million of euros for the investissment and a minimum of 2 full times employees dedicated to the project. 63 COMMUNITY COUNCILS & 41 PUBLICS SERVICES + Operational partners
BUDGET FOR « CITIZEN SPOT » In charge for a Community Council for EACH « CITIZEN SPOT » : Dedicated Internet access and phone line : 50 € HT/month Maintenance of the spot : 897 € HT/year Insurance of the spot Provision of a room with a receptionist (who isn’t dedicated to the project) Costs of spot’s uses (electricity, paper for the printer…) In charge of Regional Council (30%), ERDF (30%), State (25%) and the County Councils (15%) : 14 987 € ie all the cost of the spot.
BUDGET FOR « PROFESSIONAL SPOT » In charge for a public service for EACH « PROFESSIONAL SPOT » : 3 000 € (40%) Dedicated access Internet and phone line : 50 € HT/month Maintenance : 564 € HT/year Insurance of the spot Provision of a printer/scanner (not comprised in the cost of the spot). In charge of Regional Council (15%), State (15%) et du ERDF (30%) : 4 468 € ( ie 60% of the cost of the spot which is about 7 700 € )
PVCS : MAIN SUCCESS FACTORS a local and regional awarness of PVCS’s interests, a strong political backing, a rigorous methodology which allows to verify the adequacy between supply and demand for services, a daily assistance and a coordination of the community of partners, a partnership between territories, public services and funders, an important communication, a central element of digital development of Auvergne (broadband, teleprocedures…), a project always on move.
PVCS : TRANSFERABLE ASPECTS PCVS is easily transferable. The most important isn’t technical aspects but organizational aspects. Auvergne can share her methodology to manage deployment, co-ordination, steering, partnership, assessment and sustainability of this type of device. More information : Website :
Thank you for your attention ! Good practices in Auvergne : Public Video Conference Spot and Telecentre of the Community Council of Murat Contact : Marlène LESTEVEN Project Manager – Digital Uses Department Phone : + 33 4 73 31 81 74 E-mail :
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