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LUDOS Leeds University Digital ObjectS save it share it discover 7 th January 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "LUDOS Leeds University Digital ObjectS save it share it discover 7 th January 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 LUDOS Leeds University Digital ObjectS save it share it discover 7 th January 2009

2 LUDOS = multimedia ‘repository’ for digital objects Initially developed as part of the JISC-funded MIDESS project - acknowledged nationally as leading edge Many Unis now have text-based repositories (like our WRRO) Leeds is one of a small number of institutions with a repository which provides searchable, re-usable digital images and multimedia for both learning and teaching and research purposes LUDOS capitalises on the institutional advantage gained by the MIDESS project, creating a repository platform with a robust and sustainable infrastructure LUDOS has potential to provide long term storage for a variety of digital objects from across campus

3 What does LUDOS do? Save text, images, video, audio, other large collections imported in bulk web interface for growing collections thumbnails, full text indexing, technical metadata for preservation long-term, stable storage Share Discover

4 LUDOS demonstration

5 The Timescapes, LUDOS and UK Data Archive Partnership Timescapes presentation

6 save it Framework for management of digital objects including support for: Different file formats Complex collections Live/growing archives – workflow tools/deposit forms Long-term preservation of digital objects One infrastructure for multiple datasets

7 share it Open/restricted access Access from anywhere/anytime VLE/Portal links Specialised web pages with LUDOS search boxes Individual collection/archive branding Tailored viewing E-shelf Viewing options

8 discover Rich searching and browsing functionality Across all collections or tailored for 1 collection only Advanced search Full text search Makes content more visible Standards compliant – metadata can be harvested by other repositories and LUDOS content is indexed by Google Exposes hidden collections Platform for content which is born digital but also promotes digitisation of content

9 1970’s data leak

10 Things worth knowing

11 LUDOS Leeds University Digital ObjectS email:

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