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Common knowledge: application to distributed systems Caesar Ogole, Jan Gerard Gerrits, Harrie de Groot, Julius Kidubuka & Stijn Colen
Common Knowledge in Distributed Systems Looking back to the definition: The Kripke Model M associated with a distributed system is M= where: S={( S 1 …………..S m | S i is a local state of processor i)} π : S→P→(t, f), R i ={ (s, t), | S i = t i } for i=1....m
Some limiting properties of M M does not contain any information about the actual state transformations (that the system executes or is subject to). The actual process is determined by: The structure of the process The way they are programmed The protocols by which they communicate
Introducing the notion of a run of system Epistemic logic is limited in the sense that it cannot express anything about the way in which a process comes about. However, it is possible to describe processor knowledge using the concept of a run A run in M is defined as: s(1), s(2) →………… (→ is not to be confused with ) Our main interest in a run Behaviour of some common knowledge during a run (given M)
Some prior knowledge Consider the figure below: 1 Proposition If we let s be a state in the Kripke Model M, and K the ‘upward cone’ of s, then: (i) (M, s)|=Cφ if (M, t)|=φ for all t K s (ii) if Cφ holds in s (i.e. (M, s)|= Cφ) then Cφ holds in the world of ks
Proof (i) (M, s) |=Cφ ↔ (M, t)|=φ for all t with s → > t ↔ (M, t)|= φ for all t K s (ii)…(proof (or hint) to be given) Next: some more concepts
Definition (2.2.3) Strongly Connected Let M = and ↠ be defined as before. Then: M is called strongly connected if for all s, t ∊ S it holds that s ↠ t. Meaning: Every state is reachable from every other state in 0 or more steps
Model s0s0 s1s1 R1 s i ∊ S
Model s0s0 s1s1 R1 s i ∊ S t i ∊ S titi RiRi
Connected S → t s0s0 s1s1 R1 s i ∊ S t i ∊ S titi RiRi
Strongly connected S ↠ t s0s0 s1s1 R1 s i ∊ S t i ∊ S titi RiRi
Proposition ( Connected Distributed Systems The Kripke model associated with a distributed system, is strongly connected, if m > 1. R2 R1 (0,0) (1,0)(1,1) (0,1) All states are reachable within 2 steps, because of the strongly connected relations.
Proof: s ↠ t Prove for any s,t ∊ S in the Kripke model of the distributed system that s ↠ t holds. s = (s 1,s 2,…,s m ), t = (t 1,t 2,…,t m ) s = (s 1,s 2,…,s m ) → (s 1,t 2,…,t m ) → (t 1,t 2,…,t m ) →t R 1 R i i ≠1 Thus: s ↠ t
Example; Model with multiple dimensions s i = s i+1 = t i = Every state is reachable within 2 steps
Theorem (2.2.4) General Result Let M be a strongly connected Kripke model. Suppose that for some state s and a formula φ it holds that (M,s) ⊨ C φ. Then: M ⊨ C φ
Proof IF(M,s) ⊨ C φTHEN M ⊨ C φ because: φ is true for all states in K s In a strongly connected system all s ∊ K s
Corollary Let M be a Kripke model associated with a distributed system with processors 1, …, m, (m > 1) (M, s) ⊨ Cp {s ∊ S } M ⊨ Cp Common knowledge is constant through every run of M (Julius) because a Kripke model of a distributed system is strongly connected
Example 1 Given the following distributed system: Processors:A, B, C Local states:0, 1 (let P = {p, q}) Describe the Kripke Model M for this system, along with a truth assignment such that: (i)M ⊨ Cp (ii)There is a global state such that (M, s) ⊨ Eq, but not M ⊨ Eq
Possible Worlds (0,0,0) (1,0,0) (0,0,1) (1,0,1) (0,1,1) (1,1,1) (1,1,0) (0,1,0)
Description of the model M = S:{(x, y, z) | x, y, z ∈ {0,1}} where s = (x1, y1, z1) andt = (x2, y2, z2) R A :(s, t) ∈ R A ↔ x1 = x2 R B :(s, t) ∈ R B ↔ y1 = y2 R C :(s, t) ∈ R C ↔ z1 = z2 π : ∀s ∈ S: π(s)(p) = t π(s)(q) = f ↔ s = (1,1,1)
Questions 1. M ⊨ Cp P is defined true everywhere, so we have M ⊨ Cp. 2. There is a global state such that (M, s) ⊨ Eq, but not M ⊨ Eq If we choose s = (0,0,0), we have (M, s) ⊨ Eq. Since q is false in (1,1,1), we have M ⊭ Eq
Example 2 Show that for any Kripke model M it holds that: M ⊨ φ ⇒ M ⊨ C φ Answer: Suppose M ⊨ φ.Then in all s ∊ S, ( M, s) ⊨ φ. But then φ is true in all Rc-successors of each world: let s and t ∊ S such that (s,t) ∊ Rc. Since φ is true in all states of S, we have ( M, t) ⊨ φ, and thus ( M, s) ⊨ C φ.
Counter example Counter example of: M ⊨ φ → C φ In first example (cube). (M (0,0,0)) ⊨ q ʌ ¬Cq and thus: M ⊭ q → Cq. (0,0,0) (1,0,0) (0,0,1) (1,0,1) (0,1,1) (1,1,1) (1,1,0) (0,1,0)
Example: Increasing common knowledge Model: M = obtained as: S = {a, b}; π(x)(p) = t iff x = a and R1 = R2 = {(a, a), (b,b)}. In run a ➙ b it’s the case that the common knowledge about ¬p increases: We have (M, a) ⊨ ¬C¬p while (M, b) ⊨ C¬p a p b ¬p R1R2R1R2 R1R2R1R2
Some comments We would expect common knowledge in distributed systems to increase by communication Why not? Hence the Kripke model loses the property of being strongly connected
Plausible solution Consider Kripke models M = where S is a subset of S 1,S 2,…,S m rather than (S = S 1 × … × S m ) The task at hand is to prove that C-knowledge is constant, hence…
Definition 2.2.11 A run s (1) → s (2) → …. is called non-simultaneous if for every transition s (k) → s (k+1) there exists a processor 1 ≤ i ≤ m with s i (k) = s i (k+1)
Theorem 2.2.12 “In non-simultaneous runs common knowledge is constant”
Proof of Theorem 2.2.12 Suppose s → s' for s = (s 1, s 2, …, s m ) and s' = (s 1 ', s 2 ’, …, s m ’) with s i = s i ', and consequently (s, s') ∈ R i, and suppose (M, s') ⊨ Cφ. Now it holds that: (M, s') ⊨ Cφ → (M, s') ⊨ ECφ → (M, s') ⊨ KiCφ
…. Since R i is an equivalence relation, then it holds that: (s, s') ∈ R i → (s', s) ∈ R i Using the definition of the semantics of the K i -operator, we have: (M, s) ⊨ Cφ
…. From above, any C-knowledge present in s' is also present in s and vice versa as well Hence, C-knowledge is constant at the non-simultaneous transition s → s' Then by induction, C-knowledge is also constant in a non-simultaneous run.
Co-ordinated Attack Problem Two separated generals co-ordinating an attack Cφ (φ=“attack at time x!”) necessary Messengers may be captured by enemy General A General B Hostile army Communication
Attaining Cφ φ, Messenger: φ K B φ, messenger: K B φ K A K B φ, messenger: K A K B φ Ad infinitum… Cφ is never attained (in finite time) Even without actual deletion or delay (common knowledge about deletion or delay is enough) Each message adds only one level of knowledge
Proof by induction: no finite amount of messages is enough 0 messages: ¬K B φ Inductive step, k messages insufficient: ¬Cφ If k+1 suffice: k+1’s sender attacks without confirmation k+1 was apparently irrelevant k should have sufficed …which contradicts the inductive hypothesis
Non-guaranteed communication NG1: for all r and t, r’ exists extending (r,t) r’ has same history and internal clock as r r’ receives no messages on or after t NG2: if in r, p i does not receive messages in (t’, t) r’ exists extending (r, t’), with h(p i, r, t’’) = h(p i, r’, t’’) for all t’’ <= t no other processor p j receives message in r’ in [t’, t)
Consequence of NG1 & NG2 If Cφ can be attained by communication, Cφ can be attained without communication Since no k messages are enough, either is impossible in the current problem Proof by induction follows
C without guaranteed communication (1) Theorem: r: run in R d(r): amount of messages in r up to time t r * : same run in R, no messages up to time t (I, r, t) ╞ Cφ ↔ (I, r *, t)╞ Cφ d(r) = 0 h(p 1, r, t) = h(p 1, r *, t) (I, r, t) ╞ Cφ ↔ (I, r *, t)╞ Cφ
C without guaranteed communication (2) Assume hypothesis holds for all runs r’ with d(r’) = k Assume d(r) = k + 1: t’ < t is latest time of message reception in r before t p j receives message at t’ in r There is a run r’ for which h(p i, r, t’’)=h(p i, r’, t’’) for all t’’ ≤ t Other processor p k receives no messages in [t’, t)
C without guaranteed communication (3) d(r’) <= k Inductive hypothesis, when d(r’) = k: (I, r *, t) ╞ Cφ ↔ (I, r’, t)╞ Cφ Since h(p i, r, t) = h(p i, r’, t): (I, r, t) ╞ Cφ ↔ (I, r’, t)╞ Cφ Therefore: (I, r, t) ╞ Cφ ↔ (I, r *, t)╞ Cφ
Possible solution Problem: t > n > b > a OR t > n > a > b “Attack, I will attack once I am sure we both will.” Solution: t > b > n > a OR t > a > n > b “Attack, please ack, I will not re-ack.”
Discussion Does TCP protocol solve the problem? Are there real-life equivalents of this problem? With less strict requirements?
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