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Principal Exports (% of total exports) 190019501995 ArgentinaWool (24%) Wheat (19%) Wheat (17%) Meat (15%) Oil (8%) Wheat (5%) BoliviaSilver (39%) Tin.

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Presentation on theme: "Principal Exports (% of total exports) 190019501995 ArgentinaWool (24%) Wheat (19%) Wheat (17%) Meat (15%) Oil (8%) Wheat (5%) BoliviaSilver (39%) Tin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principal Exports (% of total exports) 190019501995 ArgentinaWool (24%) Wheat (19%) Wheat (17%) Meat (15%) Oil (8%) Wheat (5%) BoliviaSilver (39%) Tin (27%) Tin (67%) Lead (9%) Zinc (11%) Gas (10%) BrazilCoffee (57%) Rubber (20%) Coffee (62%) Cocoa(7%) Soya (8%) Iron (6%) ChileNitrate (65%) Copper (14%) Copper (52%) Nitrate (22%) Copper (39%) Wood (6%) MexicoSilver (44%) Copper (8%) Cotton (17%) Lead (12%) Oil (10%) PeruSugar (25%) Silver (18%) Cotton (34%) Sugar (15%) Copper (19%) Fish (15%)

2 Per Capita Income Growth, Annual Rate (%) Coun- try 1999 GNP per cap 1820 - 1870 - 1913 - 1950 - 1973 - 1980 - 1995 1990 - 1999 gdp pc Argent- ina 11,324 ($ppp) 3.6 Bolivia 2,1930.61.8-0.81.8 Brazil 6,3170. Chile 8,3701. Mexico 7,7190. Peru 4,3872.22.7-0.7-1.53.7

3 Ranks: Human Development Index and GDP Per Capita Spain2127 Argentina 3440 Uruguay 3746 Poland3849 Chile3948 Costa Rica 4147 Mexico5151 Panama5267 Russia5555 Venezuela6171 Colombia6268 Brazil6957 Philippines7091 Peru7381 Paraguay8085 Ecuador84 103 China8794 ElSalvador9586 Bolivia 104 111 Egypt 10597 Nicaragua106113

4 Latin American Growth and Setbacks: Recurrent Themes Export – led growth: primary product Dependence on “center” Debt – financed growth Debt – crisis Populism Inflation – Overvaluation Stabilization crisis – Austerity

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