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Photometry group of Višnjan School of Astronomy 2005 Ljuban Jerosimić, Elektrotehnicka skola Nikola Tesla (Beograd), Visnjan Observatory Aleksandar Cikota,

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Presentation on theme: "Photometry group of Višnjan School of Astronomy 2005 Ljuban Jerosimić, Elektrotehnicka skola Nikola Tesla (Beograd), Visnjan Observatory Aleksandar Cikota,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photometry group of Višnjan School of Astronomy 2005 Ljuban Jerosimić, Elektrotehnicka skola Nikola Tesla (Beograd), Visnjan Observatory Aleksandar Cikota, V. gimnazija (Zagreb), Visnjan Observatory Ljuban Jerosimić, Elektrotehnicka skola Nikola Tesla (Beograd), Visnjan Observatory Aleksandar Cikota, V. gimnazija (Zagreb), Visnjan Observatory M A C E 2 0 0 6 - M a y 1 2 – 1 4 - V i e n n a, A u s t r i a

2 About Višnjan

3 Why are we interested in the light curve? –Rotation period –Shape of the asteroid –Constitution of the asteroid Introduction

4 Learn how to use a remote telescope Learn how use software for astrometry and photometry Determine the light curve (rotation period, shape and constitution) of various asteroids Research of TNO-s in the VOID Goals: Photometry group members: (from left) Ljuban Jerosimić, Petra Korlević, Aleksandar Cikota, Maja Hren Team leader: Reiner Stoss

5 remote telescope (MEADE Schmidt Cassegrain 0.3m) + CCD SBIG STL-1001E lacated on OAM – Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca (MPC 620

6 Software MPO Canopus - a full-featured astrometry and photometry program capable of providing high accuracy results in both fields Astrometrica - a interactive software tool for scientific grade astrometric data reduction of CCD images Easy Sky Pro - shows the complete night sky

7 Results - photometry Objects measured –(143) Adria –(478) Tergeste –(511) Davida –(755) Quintilla –(815) Coppelia Web page: – page_cou.html







14 Results - astrometry Objects reported: –(13564) 1992 UH1 –(K01U19X) 2001 UX19 –(K00R27G) 2000 RG27 –(K01RF5J) –(80017) 1999 GQ39 –(K01QQ1B) 2001 QB261 –Adria –Quintilla –Coppelia –Tergeste –Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

15 New Variable star discovery All our images we send to the light curve database to Raoul Behrend (Geneva, Switzerland) who noticed that one star, on the images of (381) Myrrha, changes the brightness GSC 6321.0798 (OAM2) R.A.: 19:52:35.76 Dec.: -20°05'14.6”

16 Iowa Robotic Observatory (IRO) located at Winer Observatory in Arizona, USA Latitude: N 31° 39' 53“ Longitude: W 110° 36' 03“ Elevation: 1515m Rigel robotic telescope (37 cm diameter, f/14 Cassegrain reflector from Torus with FLI SITe- 003 CCD camera)

17 GSC 6321.0798 (OAM2) CONCLUSIONS Algol type (EA)  Lirae type (EB) W Uma type (EW) – contact system Period: 8.59h Peak to peak variability: 0.55mag We know for 30 000 variable stars, but we know for only a few hundreds contact eclipsing binary systems Elipsing binary

18 Thank you for your attention! Questions? Contact: Aleksandar Ljuban Jerosimić

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