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Developmental Alterations and Osmoregulatory Physiology of a Larval Anuran under Osmotic Stress I. Gomez-Mestre, M. Tejedo1, E. Ramayo2, J. Estepa2.

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Presentation on theme: "Developmental Alterations and Osmoregulatory Physiology of a Larval Anuran under Osmotic Stress I. Gomez-Mestre, M. Tejedo1, E. Ramayo2, J. Estepa2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developmental Alterations and Osmoregulatory Physiology of a Larval Anuran under Osmotic Stress I. Gomez-Mestre, M. Tejedo1, E. Ramayo2, J. Estepa2

2 Introduction Experiment 1: Effect of Salinity on Development and Physiology Experiment 2: Effect of Salinity on Endocrine Control of Metamorphosis Results Discussion

3 Introduction Amphibians are particularly sensitive to environmental stresses. low food levels extreme temperature low pH And water salinity—which is a stressor that has been less studied to date. (Gordon 1962; McBean and Goldstein 1970)

4 Adult amphibians capable of withstanding dehydrating environments and increase in their osmotic concentration. Caused by urine retention, accumulation of electrolytes, and enhanced urea synthesis. (Gordon 1962; McBean and Goldstein 1970)

5 Amost larvae and aquatic adult forms tend to be ammoniotelic, and do not use urea as an osmolyte. Little research has examined osmoregulation and the ecological implications of osmotic stress on tadpoles. (Boutilier et al. 1992)

6 Bufo calamita

7 Is a common species throughout continental Spain. It typically breeds in freshwater ponds but can also be found in brackish water. Osmotic stress may be especially acute for B. calamita larvae because they occur in temporary water bodies. (Neill 1958; Balinsky 1981; Sinsch et al. 1992; Gomez-Mestre and Tejedo 2002)

8 Experiment 1: Effect of Salinity on Development and Physiology

9 Eleven clutches were collected,pooled together, and kept in freshwater until Gosner stage 25. Three salinity treatments freshwater (4 mOsm) salt 1 (85 mOsm) salt 2 (140 mOsm)

10 Each salinity levels, larvae were placed in eight blocks, each block containing seven replicates = total of 56 replicates per treatment. Larval survival, length of the larval period, and size at metamorphosis.

11 One-half of the replicates from each treatment at 20 days after the beginning of the experiment were used. Developmental stage was assessed, and tadpoles were weighed.

12 The biochemical analysis After tadpoles were frozen, hole-body of the samples were homogenized at tubes and then centrifuged at 7,000 g for 20 min. Parameters were determined from the supernatant. Protein was measured from the pellet. (Weber et al. 1994; Gancedo et al. 1997;Ultsch et al. 1999).

13 Experiment 2: Effect of Salinity on Endocrine Control of Metamorphosis

14 Thyroid hormone is the main endocrine trigger of metamorphosis in amphibians. Populations from brackish ponds suffer less acute developmental alterations than freshwater populations when exposed to osmotic stress. The larvae were collected from two populations, one from freshwater ponds and the other from a brackish pond.

15 Increasing the concentrations with respect to experiment 1 fresh (4 mOsm), 140mOsm, and 200 mOsm

16 It was replicated six times and arranged in six randomized blocks = total of 36 replicates per treatment. Tadple were blotted dry and weighed either Gosner stage 38, Gosner stage 42, or Gosner stage 46. After tadpoles were frozen, hole-body of the samples were homogeneously pulverized then centrifuged 10 min at 3,000 rpm.

17 Thyroid hormone of both thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) were done on the supernatant. thyroxine (T4): 甲狀腺素,能誘使蝌蚪變態 triiodothyronine (T3): 三碘甲狀腺原氨酸,衍生自甲狀腺所產生之酪氨酸 的含碘激素

18 Data Analysis Data were analyzed fitting generalized linear models by means of the SAS package. Nonparametric tests were used to look for differences in developmental stage among treatments.

19 Results Experiment 1: Effect of Salinity on Development and Physiology Survivorship did not differ across treatments. By day 20 Tadpoles in the freshwater treatment were more developed than in brackish water treatments. Tadpole wet weight also decreased as salinity increased.


21 Tadpoles took longer to reach metamorphosis when reared in brackish water. Tadpole weight at metamorphosis did not differ across treatments.

22 Figure 2. Effect of water salinity on larval period of Bufo calamita.

23 Osmolality of the tadpoles differed among treatments than those in the other two treatments. Differences were also observed in Na, Cl, and Ca2+. Glucose levels and total proteins among treatments were higher for those reared in freshwater.


25 Experiment 2: Effect of Salinity on Endocrine Control of Metamorphosis No effect either on survival or on weight at metamorphosis. Salinity affected the larval period, delaying metamorphosis with respect to freshwater controls.

26 Figure 2. Effect of water salinity on larval period of Bufo calamita.

27 Thyroxine (T4) concentration was higher at Gosner stage 38 and decreased in later stages. Triiodothyronine(T3) showed less variable concentrations across developmental stages, increasing at stage 42.


29 Discussion Osmoregulatory Physiology Few reports available on tadpole osmoregulation, Now we know only Rana cancrivora larvae can regulate internal osmolality below that of the environment. (Shoemaker et al. 1992)

30 High tolerance of osmotic stress in adult is based on the metabolites, especially urea. In this exp, tadpoles was due to the increase in Na and Cl concentrations, and urea was not accumulated (Shpun et al. 1992;Hoffman and Katz 1997)

31 The urea cycle is poorly active in tadpoles because thyroid hormone is needed to activate it during metamorphic climax. (Balinsky 1970; Balinsky et al. 1972; Wright and Wright 1996)

32 Increased sodium and chloride content was probably due to passive absorption of the electrolytes. Stengel and Hanke(1990) described the calcium exchange system of tadpoles as an open system that enables a more or less continuous uptake by the skin. Uchiyama et al. (1990) found calcium to be closely regulated in L. cancrivorus serum.

33 In freshwater had higher levels of glucose and total proteins, suggesting a higher metabolic rate expend a larger proportion of their energy

34 Developmental Retardation Metamorphosis as soon as possible to evade the deteriorating environment. our results consistently showed that tadpoles raised in saline water took longer to metamorphose.

35 Delayed metamorphosis due to water salinity might reflect a nonadaptive alteration in the stage-specific levels of active thyroid hormone Lower T4 concentrations found in tadpoles in freshwater suggest that the conversion to T3 was greater.

36 Two possible mechanisms the production of prolactin could be increased under saline conditions and antagonize the thyroid hormone glucocorticoids such as corticosterone are under the same pituitary control as mineralocorticoids

37 Summary Salinity experienced reduced developmental rate. Increased osmolality through sodium and chloride contents. Decreased levels of glucose and total proteins.

38 Producing urea but did not use it as an osmolite during the larval phase. Delayed metamorphosis. Body mass of the metamorphs is not difference.


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