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Summary of Projects for Ann Arbor City-Owned Lots Best In Class BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Prepared for the Ann Arbor DDA, Planning Commission, Allen Creek.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of Projects for Ann Arbor City-Owned Lots Best In Class BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Prepared for the Ann Arbor DDA, Planning Commission, Allen Creek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of Projects for Ann Arbor City-Owned Lots Best In Class BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Prepared for the Ann Arbor DDA, Planning Commission, Allen Creek Greenway Task Force, and City Council by 56 Multi-Disciplinary Graduate Students Submitted by Students of Peter Allen, Faculty, Ross School of Business and Taubman College of Architecture 6 January 2006

2 Page 2 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Table of Contents Background Best-In-Class Projects –West Side Stories (First & Washington; Best of Three) –CityLink Village (415 W. Washington; Best of Five) –The Arbor (Kline’s Lot; Best of Six) –Ashley Towers (Kline’s Lot) –Washington Square (First & Washington) –North Main Commons (720 N. Main) Key Assumptions –What Community Leaders Must Consider in the Development of These Sites Summary

3 Page 3 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Background: What This Class Is All About Cross-listed under BA517 (Ross School of Business) and UP517 (Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning) What the 56 grad students from 6 graduate programs are asked to do –Prepare a comprehensive development plan for one of three city-owned sites Composition of 14 teams –1/3 MBA, 1/3 MUP/MArch, Engineering, Law Reference Sources –Work with community leaders (e.g. Susan Pollay, Jennifer Hall, adjacent merchants and owners such as Ponce de Leon, Mark Hodash, Cathi Duchon) –Calthorpe, Ann Arbor City Plan, any publicly-available info –Students, many international, come from the great cities of the world: they are legitimate stakeholders to enhance Ann Arbor’s quality of life –Subject-matter experts brought into class such as Bill Kinley, Tom Fitzsimmons, Peter Pollach –Prior term projects on these and other city-owned sites Best Reports Available for Public Viewing –30-page bound reports addressing community values, legal, financial, construction, and design aspects of development –To view electronically, contact Ken Gurney ( for detailed instructions If U of M affiliated, access reports here: If not U of M affiliated, obtain U of M friend account and access reports here: Each team must balance community and stakeholder interests while demonstrating economic and technical feasibility. Cool Cities: How To Create Lively Downtowns & Livable Neighborhoods

4 Page 4 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Five Best-In-Class Projects West Side Stories (First & Washington) – –Best Overall Report, Best First and Washington, Best Construction CityLink Village (415 W. Washington) – –Best 415 W. Washington, Runner-Up Overall, Financial Analysis, Marketing & Market Analysis The Arbor (Kline’s Lot) – –Best Kline’s Lot Ashley Towers (Kline’s Lot) – –Best Architecture, Best Political & Community Values Washington Square (First and Washington) – –Runner-Up Best Architecture North Main Commons (Soon to be vacated City Maintenance Yard, 720 N. Main) These are the best of 14 term projects, evaluated for the best for each site and the best in each of several categories.

5 Page 5 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Westside Stories (First and Washington)   53,000 FT 2 – includes both corner lots (P. DeLeon)   Connects to both Ashley & Liberty   8 stories at highest point   Mixed Use:   2 floors grade level retail   4-6 floors residential   1 floor underground parking Best Overall Report, Best First and Washington, Best Construction Leisure: salon/spa, bookstore - coffee shop, karaoke bar, comedy club, theater (NE corner) Dining: 2 restaurants (at opposite corners), sushi bar, bakery – deli - market, wine tasting 5 unit floor plans, ranging from 721 FT2 to 1,084 FT2 Common area at terrace level (for rental office, lobby, club house, laundry, etc.) 38 spaces underground reserved as private parking for residents; remainder sold to DDA 122 parking spaces, 80 of which are underground, all of which are hidden 15% affordable housing, spread throughout all units

6 Page 6 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Westside Stories (First and Washington) – Cont’d Key Features Walkable terrace Straightens out the alley LEED certification Employs green roofing Affordable housing Key Features Walkable terrace Straightens out the alley LEED certification Employs green roofing Affordable housing Key Facts FAR: 600% Total Dev’t Value: $43.8M Residential - Total: 80,128 ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 15% Retail: 54,860 ft 2 Green Space: 27,218 ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈ $1.1M Key Facts FAR: 600% Total Dev’t Value: $43.8M Residential - Total: 80,128 ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 15% Retail: 54,860 ft 2 Green Space: 27,218 ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈ $1.1M Key Winners Local and nearby merchants Environmentalists Key Winners Local and nearby merchants Environmentalists Likely Opponents Neighbors in close proximity would still likely object to 7/8 story tower Likely Opponents Neighbors in close proximity would still likely object to 7/8 story tower Best Overall Report, Best First and Washington, Best Construction Add: Before/Afte r Pic

7 Page 7 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects CityLink Village (415 W. Washington) “…CityLink connects its residents with great space and its neighbors with rich Downtown Ann Arbor while serving local and regional needs. Its beautiful setting next to the Greenway, complete with ice rink and amphitheater, will serve generations of Ann Arborites. We have addressed parking, environmental concerns, and OWS Neighborhood Association interests while providing generous conservatively-estimated after-tax returns to the developers. Our affordable housing and car sharing program will both benefit the community-at-large, and our unique plan for an urban grocer … will provide significant foot traffic to our warm, energetic pedestrian hub….” Best 415 W. Washington, Runner-Up Overall, Financial Analysis, Marketing & Market Analysis Rain Garden Pervious Pavement

8 Page 8 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects CityLink Village (415 W. Washington) – Cont’d Key Features Ice Skating Rink/Amphitheater Green Roofs Onsite Stormwater Retention Pervious Paving Car-Sharing Program Urban Grocer Key Features Ice Skating Rink/Amphitheater Green Roofs Onsite Stormwater Retention Pervious Paving Car-Sharing Program Urban Grocer Key Facts FAR: 177% Total Dev’t Value: $40M Retail: 30,400 ft 2 Residential - Total: 109,356 ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 15% Retaurant: 4,800 ft 2 Green Space: 13,318 ft 2 Open Space – Total: 41,913 ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈$1.0M Key Facts FAR: 177% Total Dev’t Value: $40M Retail: 30,400 ft 2 Residential - Total: 109,356 ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 15% Retaurant: 4,800 ft 2 Green Space: 13,318 ft 2 Open Space – Total: 41,913 ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈$1.0M Key Winners Old West Side Residents Liberty Lofts Residents Key Winners Old West Side Residents Liberty Lofts Residents Likely Opponents Next Door Residential Neighbors Likely Opponents Next Door Residential Neighbors Best 415 W. Washington, Runner-Up Overall, Financial Analysis, Marketing & Market Analysis CityLink developers assume a DDA subsidy for a downtown grocery; other cities have used this method to make an urban grocery feasible.

9 Page 9 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects The Arbor (Kline’s Lot) 25,000 square feet of ground floor retail space A 25,000 square foot public market that will provide a variety of goods and services 400 underground and under street parking spaces 96,000 square feet of small office space 72 market rate cohousing units 4 cohousing units at 60% AMI, 8 units at 80% AMI Utilize environmentally conscious design principles that will qualify for both LEED New Building and LEED Neighborhood Design ratings 53,000 square feet of green roof usable as garden, patio, and recreation space for residents A retail arcade with artisan classrooms above connecting The Arbor to Main Street Best Kline’s Lot The Arbor will be a seven-story building and arcade that includes retail, a public market, small office space, and 4 floors of cohousing.

10 Page 10 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects The Arbor (Kline’s Lot) – Cont’d Key Features LEED Certification Arcade connecting to Main Green Roofs Cohousing Key Features LEED Certification Arcade connecting to Main Green Roofs Cohousing Key Facts FAR: 600% Total Dev’t Value: $67.4M Residential Total: 105,392 ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 15% Office: 107,730 ft 2 Retail: 63,106 ft 2 Green Space:53,865 ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈ $1.7M Key Facts FAR: 600% Total Dev’t Value: $67.4M Residential Total: 105,392 ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 15% Office: 107,730 ft 2 Retail: 63,106 ft 2 Green Space:53,865 ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈ $1.7M Key Winners Nearby retail & sidewalk ambiance Environmentalists Key Winners Nearby retail & sidewalk ambiance Environmentalists Likely Opponents Nearby residents in shadow of tower Likely Opponents Nearby residents in shadow of tower Best Kline’s Lot

11 Page 11 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Ashley Towers (Kline’s Lot) Efficient utilization of the available F.A.R - 3 towers: 5, 13, 3 stories tall (~400% FAR). 40’ wide Esplanade between middle and south towers connects Ashley to Main - create a pedestrian and bike friendly streetscape; relocate Middle Kingdom. Mix building uses for a vibrant and 24 hour street life. Optimize solar access to all buildings and open spaces through upper-level setback towers. Provision of service-type shopping opportunities to downtown and fringe neighborhood residents. Add public open space of varying scales and character (hierarchy). Best Architecture, Best Political & Community Values Section view of Ashley Towers

12 Page 12 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Ashley Towers (Kline’s Lot) – Cont’d Key Features Esplanade Green Roof Affordable housing at 20% Key Features Esplanade Green Roof Affordable housing at 20% Key Facts FAR: 417% Total Dev’t Value: $58.2 M Residential Total: 73,680 ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 20% Office: 12,438 ft 2 Retail: 65,318 ft 2 Hotel: 64,767 ft 2 Banquet Hall: 13,000 ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈ $1.5M Key Facts FAR: 417% Total Dev’t Value: $58.2 M Residential Total: 73,680 ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 20% Office: 12,438 ft 2 Retail: 65,318 ft 2 Hotel: 64,767 ft 2 Banquet Hall: 13,000 ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈ $1.5M Key Winners Nearby retail Key Winners Nearby retail Likely Opponents Nearby residents in shadow of tower(s) Likely Opponents Nearby residents in shadow of tower(s) Best Architecture, Best Political & Community Values View of the Ashley Towers from Main Street

13 Page 13 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Washington Square (First and Washington) Narrative from report (summary) Image(s) from report Runner-Up Best Architecture Need electronic version

14 Page 14 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Washington Square (First and Washington) – Cont’d Key Features Solar access Green building elements, LEED certification Green roofs Car-sharing Robotic parking Key Features Solar access Green building elements, LEED certification Green roofs Car-sharing Robotic parking Key Facts FAR: 400% Total Dev’t Value: $41.0 M Residential Total: ? ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 20% Office: ? ft 2 Retail: ? ft 2 Green Space:? ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈ $1.03M Key Facts FAR: 400% Total Dev’t Value: $41.0 M Residential Total: ? ft 2 Residential – Affordable: 20% Office: ? ft 2 Retail: ? ft 2 Green Space:? ft 2 Annual Tax Revenue: ≈ $1.03M Key Winners Nearby retail Environmentalists Key Winners Nearby retail Environmentalists Likely Opponents Nearby residents in shadow of tower(s) Likely Opponents Nearby residents in shadow of tower(s) Runner-Up Best Architecture Need electronic version

15 Page 15 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects North Main Commons (720 N. Main St.) Narrative from report (summary) Best for 720 N. Main Need electronic version-- only have powerpoint

16 Page 16 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects North Main Commons (720 N. Main St.) – Cont’d Need electronic version-- only have powerpoint

17 Page 17 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Key Assumptions: What Community Leaders Must Consider in the Development of These Sites (EDIT FOR AUDIENCE) The PUD zoning designation, while flexible, introduces considerable schedule and financial risk to would-be developers of the City-owned site –The Calthorpe recommendations regarding zoning overlay districts must be fast-tracked Transfer of Development Rights –Yields opportunity to compensate those who retain areas of less or no development –Transfer from low intesinty streetscape area to high intensity (e.g., Herb David to LeDog) –Creates closed “market” for exchange of development rights The Allen Creek Greenway is pivotal to the development of the 415 W. Washington site –Greenway plans and timetables must be coordinated with the sale of this property –The floodway and flood plain present an opportunity compatible with community values—keep the space green and pedestrian-focused More… These themes were repeated throughout the final reports.

18 Page 18 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Incorporating the Calthorpe findings not only aligns these projects with community values, but does so in way which makes the developments economically feasible and produces economic benefit to the community. Overall, development of four sites (old YMCA, Kline’s, 110 W. Washington, 415 W. Washington), could include the following: ## units at market rate ## affordable units ## retail stores at 1000 ft 2 each ## public parking spaces ## dedicated parking spaces $$ total dollar value $$ total annual property taxes $$ total annual DDA receipts Innovations and Key Themes (EDIT FOR AUDIENCE) Need full reports to do this

19 Page 19 DRAFT Summary of BA517/UP517 Fall 2005 Best-In-Class Projects Summary (EDIT FOR AUDIENCE) There are several common themes for Community Leaders to review & manage Many innovations may be useful to potential bidders and developers for the city sites. There is significant detail supporting the reports which is available for review (next steps for them if they’re curious?)

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