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N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 1 HPC Technologies & PreService Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 1 HPC Technologies & PreService Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 1 HPC Technologies & PreService Teacher Prep: Overlap? Post Evaluation Thoughts Kris Stewart Ilya Zaslavsky San Diego State University NPACI Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering

2 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 2 Outline of SITE2000 Talk Background Lessons Learned STEP EC/CSE Goals of Projects Strategies We Have Developed Building Infrastructure through Community What’s In It for Me? Will it count? How?

3 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 3 Background for SITE2000 talk What is Computational Science & Engineering? What is NPACI? [National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure] What is EOT-PACI? What is the Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering [EC/CSE]?

4 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 4 What is Computational Science? Science + Simulation/Modeling + Computer Science Science Discipline Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc. Computer Science Hardware/Software Applied Mathematics Numerical Analysis, Modeling, Simulation

5 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 5 Computational Science is Teamwork Science Discipline Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc. Computer Science Hardware/Software Applied Mathematics Numerical Analysis, Modeling, Simulation Teamwork and Collaboration

6 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 6 Sources of Information NPACI Partnership Report Touch the Future enVision quarterly science magazine, especially June99 “The Importance of Science Literacy in a Computing World”, Sid Karin “Online” biweekly electronic publication,

7 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 7 The mission of EOT-PACI is to develop human resources through the innovative use of emerging information technologies in order to understand and solve problems in education, science, business, government, and society. Mission of EOT-PACI

8 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 8 EOT-PACI Education Projects Goal: Support a national level systemic impact on CS&E education (k-12, undergrad, grad/training, informal science)

9 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 9 Education: some remarkable projects Chickscope students watch embryo maturing using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) over the Web Chemviz visualization tools and curriculum for computational chemistry (quantum chemistry computations, web crystallographic databases, etc.) The WHY files explanation of science behind the news (NISE) Biology Workbench collection of computational biology tools and databases Maryland Virtual High School Core models in the K12 classroom Sociology Workbench Online tools for survey data analysis, e.g. student evaluations

10 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 10 Learning Technologies Goal: Develop, apply, and assess computational tools that enhance learning Java-based Web collaboratory for distributed learning Environmental hydrology workbench, watershed mapping and modeling tools Course broadcast over the Web

11 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 11 Access & Inclusion Goal: Increase participation and success of women, minorities and people with disabilities in CS&E and in PACI Universal design and disability access CDC Coalition to Diversify Computing GirlTECH Spend a Summer with a Scientist

12 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 12 Education Center on Computational Science & Engineering [Mission Stmt] Mission: Foster the incorporation of high performance research tools for scientific investigation into the undergraduate curriculum to better prepare learners for post-Baccalaureate activities where: Collaborative, interdisciplinary teams, Sophisticated computer tools and Effective communication among the team members and with others are used in research and problem solving.

13 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 13 Introduce the EC/CSE The mission of the Ed Center on Computational Science and Engineering? Who are the people involved? Some of our projects: Some of our activities: Some resources: Sid Karin: The Importance of Science Literacy in a Computing World (see enVision Sci ence Magazine, V.15 No. 2)Importance of Science Literacy

14 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 14 Faculty Community Faculty Fellows Program Geological Sciences, Geography, Computer Engineering Partnership with LEAD for evaluation Follow-on Activities (Susan Millar, LEAD) CATS (Classroom Assessment Techniques) FLAG (Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide) SALG (Student Assessment of Learning Gains)LEAD CATS FLAG SALG

15 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 15 Faculty Fellows Challenges and strategies building community of HPC users undergraduate faculty and students minority-serving institution, based on exploration of faculty attitudes to computing in the classroom

16 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 16 Faculty Fellows Role of institutions and institutional infrastructure curriculum transformation especially important in the most demanding in terms of efforts time and other resources high performance computing and networking University faculty system of rewards does not encourage investing much effort in teaching innovations (Boyer Report)

17 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 17 Faculty Fellows Stakeholders College Deans - Specific support Faculty - Compensation, and acknowledgement, of the value of the faculty members contribution Benefits College Department (Faculty Fellows as discipline-specific spokespersons for EC/CSE) Faculty (as individuals) Ed Center on Computational Science and Engineering

18 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 18 Computational Science Curricula Evaluation and Assessment User-Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation: Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education, NSF 93-152 Learning through Evaluation, Adaptation and Dissemination, U. Wisconsin NPACI partner

19 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 19 Evaluation and Assessment of Classroom Practice Student Surveys - Need a compatible tool for instructor to examine results with Sociology WorkBench (SWB) developed by team of undergraduate computer science majors employed by the EC/CSE

20 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 20 SWB Convenient Tool to Learn from Student Survey Data Online tool for “standard public data sets” or your own data set http://edcenter.sdsu.edu Small Sample, therefore only useful as feedback for the instructor Can be used with “forms” interface directly into SWB format, as in June ‘99 CSU Faculty Workshop

21 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 21 SWB as Analysis Tool View Student Comments (text)

22 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 22 SWB as Analysis Tool Isolate on Specific Survey Response

23 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 23 SWB as Analysis Tool Explain the Response on Learning

24 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 24 SWB as Analysis Tool Group work in Previous Courses?

25 N ATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP FOR A DVANCED C OMPUTATIONAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SITE2000 Feb 9, 2000 San Diego Mission Valley 25 NPACI Advancing the Computational Infrastructure Resources -- Today’s Digital Laboratory High-performance computing available today to the academic community Develop and Deploy Technology and application collaborations to push the capabilities of tomorrow’s digital laboratory Use and Apply Computational scientists applying enhanced capabilities to achieve new scientific results Disseminate and Incorporate Incorporating technologies into the digital laboratory and disseminating them for use in new communities

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