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Stress Management Competencies

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1 Stress Management Competencies
Alan Bradshaw Partner, Work-Life Solutions Director, QoWL

2 This presentation A short history lesson plus context
Stress management competencies??? An interactive bit. HOORAY! What research showed – the ‘Framework’ An application – Management Devt. Results Wild, uninhibited applause

3 A Very Brief History of Stress Management
War: Shell Shock – later called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Prolonged exposure to battlefield conditions - everybody has a breaking point (also true at work!) Hans Selye: Stress research; general adaptation syndrome; eustress/distress; stress if it keeps increasing will lead to illness, exhaustion and ultimately, death (also true at work!) Holmes and Rahe: Importance of Life Events; link made between accumulated stress from events and risk of serious illness (also true at work!)

4 Work-related Stress Management
70s & 80s: Stress Management Training 80s & 90s: Growth of EAPs 00s: Stress Training for Managers, Stress as a Health & Safety issue; Policies 04: Launch of Management Standards; Risk Assessment / Risk Management Approaches 2010s: Stress Management Competencies

5 Stress Management Competencies
Skills and behaviours that lead to improved job performance Management Competencies? ….management performance Stress Management Competencies? Stress management…prevention and reduction of stress at work

6 Does your manager ever make you feel sick?
a) Never! If it wasn’t for the support of my manager, work would be far more stressful b) Sometimes. My manager is ok but sometimes totally loses the plot c) Get me the bucket. NOW!!

7 Brief Exercise: “Best Manager, Worst Manager”
Reflect on best and worst (stress) managers you ever had In pairs, toss a coin to decide whether to discuss best or worst Write a list of the key characteristics of the best/worst managers What was it that made them so good/bad? Will the research findings agree with you? Let’s see…

8 Management Competencies Research
Four Stress Management Competencies emerged: Managing with respect - Managing emotions, having integrity and taking responsibility. Managing workload - Managing existing and future work. Managing individuals - Managing individuals within the team. Managing relationships - Managing difficult situations.

9 Applications: Management Development
Best approach (evidence-based): 360 assessment (not self assess – why?) One-to-one feedback using report Workshop for participating managers

10 Results: What to Expect
Fewer stress problems Improved… Management skills and behaviours Relationships at work Communication Engagement, wellbeing and performance But most of all…

11 Managers that won’t make people sick!

12 Partner, Work-Life Solutions
Thanks for listening! Please hand in slips if you want further information (Competencies, 360, slides) Look out for Roadshows in the Autumn Any questions? Alan Bradshaw Partner, Work-Life Solutions

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