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I S WAR ON T ERROR A J UST WAR ? Saad Khalid PLS 101.

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Presentation on theme: "I S WAR ON T ERROR A J UST WAR ? Saad Khalid PLS 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 I S WAR ON T ERROR A J UST WAR ? Saad Khalid PLS 101

2 W HAT IS A J UST W AR ? What is the meaning of a Just War? A doctrine that specifies restrictions to a State that wants to go to war to have good enough reasons, which are essentially defensive, and or to set free of an another state from an antagonist or a dictator.

3 W HAT IS THE A RGUMENT ? The doctrine states that a nation should abide by the following criteria if it is considering war; the “just” cause, legitimate authority, right intentions, probability of success, last resort and proportionality. The main questions here are that, is the war on terror a “just” war?

4 W HAT DO THE SCHOLARS SAY ? Scholar who says it is a just war- Jean Elshtain says it is a Just War because… She believes that its the United States’ job to protect its people and maintain harmony. We had the right intention to go in and try to emerge a strong democracy in Iraq to help their people live a more secured life. Our Just Cause was to defend our soil after being attacked on 9/11 Our authority was legitimate because Bush held the executive presidential seat when entered the war.

5 S CHOLAR WHO SAY ITS NOT A JUST WAR. Michael Walzer argues- It cannot be a Just War because… - There was no probability of success because they don’t have a well established government yet. -There was no exit strategy, as we are still struggling to end the war. -Enormous number of casualties. Over 100,000 -Torturing innocent people at Abu Gharib is against the Jus ad bello -Proportionality is a factor. US is a nation-state and Al Qaeda/Taliban are miniature groups.

6 C ONCLUSION I believe that war on terror is not a just war because… I agree with Jean Elshtair We had a “just” cause when we were attacked on 9/11 to defend ourselves We had the right intention to go in and try to emerge a strong democracy in Iraq to help their people live a more secured life. Our authority was legitimate because Bush held the executive presidential seat when entered the war. We had to go in and take-out Saddam Hussein who was oppressing his people for decades.

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