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WELCOME to Antioch Baptist Church. Announcements January 11, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to Antioch Baptist Church. Announcements January 11, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to Antioch Baptist Church

2 Announcements January 11, 2009

3 Remember to check the bulletin for:

4 Wednesday Night Meal, Bible Study Schedule and Announcements

5 Budget Needs New Beginnings Service Church Office Hours

6 Oak Ranch Cookout Planning Meeting Jan 14th Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

7 Baptismal Service Next Sunday Baby Shower Jonathan and Amy Barefoot Feb 1 st 3pm

8 Valentine Banquet Feb 14 th Youth Super Bowl Party Feb 1 st 5pm

9 2008-2009 Budget Reminder Total received last week for budget: $4165.75 Total received for reserves & special offerings: $1465.00 Total Offering received for 1/4/09: $5616.75 Required weekly to meet budget: $7489.00

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