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Chapter 3 The Goods Market Blanchard: Macroeconomics.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 The Goods Market Blanchard: Macroeconomics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 The Goods Market Blanchard: Macroeconomics

2 Chapter Topics The Composition of GDP The Demand for Goods
The Determination of Equilibrium Output Blanchard: Macroeconomics

3 Introduction Blanchard: Macroeconomics

4 The Composition of GDP C -- Consumption I -- Fixed Investment
The Components of Aggregate Production (GDP) C -- Consumption Goods and services purchased by consumers (68% of GDP) I -- Fixed Investment Nonresidential and residential investment (15% of GDP) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

5 The Composition of GDP G -- Government Spending
The Components of Aggregate Production (GDP) G -- Government Spending Purchases by federal, state, and local governments. Excludes transfer payments (18% of GDP) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

6 The Composition of GDP X - Q -- Net Exports
The Components of Aggregate Production (GDP) X - Q -- Net Exports Exports (X) (11% of GDP) - Imports (Q) (13% of GDP) X > Q -- trade surplus X < Q trade deficit (2% of GDP) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

7 The Composition of GDP IS -- Inventory Investment
The Components of Aggregate Production (GDP) IS -- Inventory Investment Production - sales (1% of GDP) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

8 The Demand for Goods Total Demand Blanchard: Macroeconomics

9 The Demand for Goods Assumptions
1. All firms produce the same good (The Goods Market) 2. The supply of goods is completely elastic at price P 3. The economy is closed. (X - Q = 0) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

10 The Demand for Goods Therefore, Blanchard: Macroeconomics

11 The Demand for Goods Consumption (C)
The main determinant of C is disposable income (YD) The consumption function C = C(YD) (+) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

12 The Demand for Goods Consumption (C) C = C0 + C1YD
C1 = propensity to consume Change in C from a dollar change in income 0 < C1 < 1 Blanchard: Macroeconomics

13 Consumption and Disposable Income
Consumption, c Consumption function C = c0 + C1YD Slope = c1 Disposable Income,YD Blanchard: Macroeconomics

14 The Demand for Goods Consumption (C) C = C0 + C1YD
Blanchard: Macroeconomics

15 The Demand for Goods Consumption (C) C = C0 + C1YD
Blanchard: Macroeconomics

16 The Demand for Goods Consumption is a function of Y & T
Observations Consumption is a function of Y & T Higher Y increases C, but less than 1 for 1 Higher T decreases C, but less than 1 for 1 Blanchard: Macroeconomics

17 The Demand for Goods Investment is an exogenous variable
Exogenous variables Variables that are assumed to be given and are not explained within the model Blanchard: Macroeconomics

18 The Demand for Goods Investment (I) or I does not respond to changes in production (Y) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

19 The Demand for Goods Endogenous Variables
Variables that depend on other variables in the model C is endogenous because it responds to production (Y) C = C0 – C1 (Y – T) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

20 The Demand for Goods G & T are exogenous Government Spending (G)
no reliable behavioral role for G & T G & T are determined outside the model Blanchard: Macroeconomics

21 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
Demand for Goods (Z) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

22 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
Assume Firms do not hold inventories Y = supply of goods Blanchard: Macroeconomics

23 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
Equilibrium occurs when: Supply of goods (Y) = Demand for goods (Z) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

24 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
The Model and Equation Types Identity Equations Behavioral Equations Equilibrium Equations Blanchard: Macroeconomics

25 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
Finding Equilibrium Y = supply Z = Demand = Y = Z (equilibrium) Blanchard: Macroeconomics

26 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
The Algebra Equilibrium Condition Y=Z Blanchard: Macroeconomics

27 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
The Algebra Subtracting C1Y from both sides gives: Blanchard: Macroeconomics

28 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
Dividing both sides by (1 - C1) gives The Algebra Blanchard: Macroeconomics

29 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
The Algebra: Y=Z Blanchard: Macroeconomics

30 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
The Algebra: Y=Z Blanchard: Macroeconomics

31 The Determination of Equilibrium Output
Question for Discussion Would a change in I, G, or T have the same impact on Y? Blanchard: Macroeconomics

32 Equilibrium in the Goods Market
45o line Production Demand (Z), Production (Y) Slope = 1 Y1 Y1 Income,Y Blanchard: Macroeconomics

33 Equilibrium in the Goods Market
45o line Production Slope = 1 ZZ A Demand (Z), Production (Y) Demand Equilibrium point: Y = Z Autonomous spending Income,Y Blanchard: Macroeconomics

34 Equilibrium in the Goods Market
45o line B ZZ’ Y1 C D A’ Y ZZ A Demand (Z), Production (Y) Income,Y Blanchard: Macroeconomics

35 End of Chapter The Goods Market Blanchard: Macroeconomics

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