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CSC Note Jet 8 Meeting – April 11 '07 Status and plan for single hadron scale check with minimum bias events N. Davidson The University of Melbourne.

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Presentation on theme: "CSC Note Jet 8 Meeting – April 11 '07 Status and plan for single hadron scale check with minimum bias events N. Davidson The University of Melbourne."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC Note Jet 8 Meeting – April 11 '07 Status and plan for single hadron scale check with minimum bias events N. Davidson The University of Melbourne

2 Status Using official production Minimum bias at 14TeV (no pile-up)  approx 50,000 events  Athena version 11.0.42 Minimum bias at 900GeV  approx 100,000 events  Athena version 11.0.5 Single 3GeV pions  approx 100,000 events  Athena version 11.0.41 AOD data dumped to an Ntuple. Code runs over the Ntuple to match extrapolated tracks to caloTopoClusters

3 Status Status from JetRec Presentation:  900 GeV minimum bias sample gave E/p approx 4% greater than single pion sample after cuts.  14 TeV minimum bias gave E/p approx 8% higher than single pions sample after cuts. Cuts only made to remove contamination to the energy of the clusters.

4 Misidentified Pions Pions only make up around 70% of tracks  other hadrons: don't seem to bias the E/p too much  electron: only make up < 3% of tracks deposit more energy as they are electromagnetic cause a bias in the E/p of approx 2% in both 900GeV and 14TeV sample Identification of electron tracks  Energies too low to use the usual identification  In minimum bias sample they come from conversion of photons in the inner detector.

5 Electron Idenfitication Electrons produced after the first ID layer x,y truth production position for pions x,y truth production position for electrons

6 Electron Identification Require at least one hit in B Layer Could also use TRT high threshold hits Leave cuts soft for the moment as csc statistics are low Number of B Layer hits electrons pions electrons pions Ratio of TRT high threshold hits

7 E/p after electron identification Improves E/p  14 TeV: mean: 0.600 -> 0.591 (cf 0.55), bias: ~7% (with ~2% error)  900 GeV: mean: 0.586 -> 0.570 (cf 0.56), bias: ~2% (with ~1.5% error) E/p minimum bias 14TeVE/p minimum bias at 900GeV minimumbias 3GeV single pion

8 Plans Only looked at 3GeV single pions so far.  Will produce single pions from 1GeV upwards to see the E/p and bias at each energy range Need to re-reconstruct minimum bias data with Athena version 12 (12.0.6?)  Use Calibrated TopoClusters (default in 12?)  Look at trigger effects Looks at pion jet reconstruction  For pions over 10GeV.  Will need to use atlfast or stats are too low. Look for better contamination cuts using ESDs info.  Width in strips  Loosen track definition for the track isolation cut

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