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Bayesian Content-Based Image Retrieval research with: Katherine A. Heller based on (Heller and Ghahramani, 2006) part IB, paper 8, Lent.

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Presentation on theme: "Bayesian Content-Based Image Retrieval research with: Katherine A. Heller based on (Heller and Ghahramani, 2006) part IB, paper 8, Lent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bayesian Content-Based Image Retrieval research with: Katherine A. Heller based on (Heller and Ghahramani, 2006) part IB, paper 8, Lent

2 What is Information Retrieval? finding material from within a large unstructured collection (e.g. the internet) that satisfies the user’s information need (e.g. expressed via a query). well known examples… …but there are many specialist search systems as well:




6 Universe of items being searched… Imagine a universe of items: …. The items could be: images, music, documents, websites, publications, proteins, news stories, customer profiles, products, medical records, … or any other type of item one might want to query.

7 Query set: Result: Query set: Result: Illustrative example

8 Generalization from a small set… Query is a set of items Our information retrieval method should rank items x by how well x fits with the query set

9 Bayesian Inference & Statistical Models Statistical model for data points with model parameters Prior on model parameters Dataset and model class Marginal likelihood (evidence) for model :

10 Query set: Result: Query set: Result: Illustrative example

11 Ranking items Rank each item in the universe by how well it would “fit into” a set which includes the query set Limit output to the top few items Query: Ranking: BestWorst

12 A Criterion? Having observed, belonging to some concept, how probable is it that an item also belongs to that concept ? What we really want to know is relative to,, the probability of the item before observing the query…

13 Bayesian Sets Criterion So we compute: Assume a simple parameterized model,, and a prior on the parameters,. Since is unknown, to compute the score we need to average over all values of :

14 Bayesian Sets Criterion (A Different Perspective) We can rewrite this score as:

15 Bayesian Sets Criterion (A Different Perspective) This has a nice intuitive interpretation:

16 Bayesian Sets Criterion

17 Bayesian Sets Algorithm For simple models computing the score is tractable. For sparse binary data computing all scores can be reduced to a single sparse matrix multiplication. Even with very simple models and almost no parameter tuning one can get very competitive retrieval results.

18 Sparse Binary Data If we use a multivariate Bernoulli model: With conjugate Beta prior: We can compute: This daunting expression can be dramatically simplified… E.g:

19 Sparse Binary Data Reduces to: The log of the score is linear in : where: and

20 Priors broad empirical priors from entire data set chosen before observing any queries prior proportional to mean feature frequency robust to changes in

21 Key Advantages of Our Approach Novel search paradigm for retrieval  queries are a small set of examples Based on:  principled statistical methods (Bayesian machine learning)  recent psychological research into models of human categorization and generalization Extremely fast  search >100,000 records per second on a laptop computer  uses sparse matrix methods  easy to parallelize and use inverted indices to search billions of records/sec

22 Applications Retrieving movies from a database of movie preferences  EachMovie Dataset: (person,movie) entry is 1 if the person gave the movie a rating above 3 stars out of a possible 0-5 stars Finding sets of authors who work on similar topics  NIPS authors dataset: (word,author) entry is 1 if the author uses that word more frequently than twice the mean across all authors Searching scientific literature  NIPS dataset: (word, paper) entry is 1 if the paper uses that word more frequently than twice the mean across all papers Image retrieval based on color and texture features only  Corel dataset: (image, feature) matrix contains 240 binary features per image: Gabor and Tamura texture features and HSV color features Searching a protein database  UniProt database: the “world’s most comprehensive catalog of information on proteins”. Binary features from GO annotations, PDB structural information, keywords, and primary sequences. Patent Search (

23 Retrieving Movies EachMovie Data: 1813 people by 1532 movies

24 Retrieving Movies comparison to Google Sets

25 Retrieving Movies comparison to Google Sets



28 Query Times

29 Content-Based Image Retrieval We can use the Bayesian Sets method as the basis of a content-based image retrieval system…

30 The Image Retrieval Prototype System A system for searching large collections of unlabelled images. You enter a word, e.g. “penguins”, and it retrieves images that match this label, using only color and texture features of the images A database of 32,000 images (from Corel)  Labelled Training Images: 10,000 images with about 3-10 text labels per image  Unlabelled Test Images: 22,000 images  For each training and test image we can store a vector of 240 binary color and texture features A vocabulary of about 2000 keywords  For each keyword, we can compute a query vector q from the labelled training images, as is specified by the Bayesian Sets algorithm.

31 Image features Texture features (75)  48 Gabor features  27 Tamura features Color features (165)  HSV histogram (8x5x5) Binarization  Compute skewness of each feature  Assign value 1 to images in heavier tail

32 The Image Retrieval Prototype System The Algorithm: 1. Input query word: w=“penguins” 2. Find all training images with label w 3. Take the binary feature vectors for these training images as query set and use Bayesian Sets algorithm For each image, x, in the unlabelled test set, we compute score(x) which measures the probability that x belongs in the set of images with the label w. 4. Return the images with the highest score The algorithm is very fast: about 0.2 sec on this laptop to query 22,000 test images









41 Results on all 50 queries…

42 Results for Image Retrieval NNall - nearest neighbors to any member of the query set Nnmean - nearest neighbors to the mean of the query set BO - Behold Search online, A Yavlinsky, E Schofield and S Rüger (CIVR, 2005)


44 Conclusions Given a query of a small set of items, Bayesian Sets finds additional items that belong in this set The score used for ranking items is based on the marginal likelihood of a probabilistic model For binary data, the score can be computed exactly and efficiently using sparse matrices (e.g. ~1 sec for over 2 million non-zero entries) This approach can be extended to many probabilistic models and other forms of data Where applicable, results competitive with Google Sets  Google Sets works well for lists that appear explicitly on the web  Bayesian Sets works well for finding more abstract set completions We have built prototype movie, author, paper, image and protein search systems

45 Appendix

46 Image features Texture features (75): We represented images using two types of texture features, 48 Gabor texture features and 27 Tamura texture features. We computed coarseness, contrast and directionality Tamura features, for each of 9 (3x3) tiles. We applied 6 scale sensitive and 4 orientation sensitive Gabor filters to each image point and compute the mean and standard deviation of the resulting distribution of filter responses. Color features (165): Computed HSV 3D histogram with 8 bins for H and 5 each for value and saturation. The lowest value bin was not partitioned into hues since these are hard to distinguish. Binarization: Each feature was binarized by computing the skewness of the distribution of that feature and giving a binary value of 1 to images falling in the 20 percentile of the heavier tail of the feature distribution.

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