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Tree of Life: primary divisions OEB 192 – 11.09.12.

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1 Tree of Life: primary divisions OEB 192 – 11.09.12

2 Tree of Life: three “domains” Based on 16S rRNA (Woese, 1987):

3 Tree of Life: three “domains” Based on 16S rRNA (Pace, 1997):

4 Bacteria & Archaeal: all genomes as of 12 Feb., 2010 (Lee, Robinson & Marx, in prep)

5 Tree basics: meaning

6 Tree basics: rotation

7 Tree basics: shape

8 Microbial systematics Formerly Pseudomonas (partial list): Ralstonia, Burkholderia, Hydrogenophaga, Sphingomonas, Methylobacterium, Cellvibrio, Xanthomonas, Acidovorax, Hydrogenophillus, Brevundimonas, Pandoraea

9 16S rRNA as phylogenetic marker Why a good molecule? 70S 30S 50S

10 Tree basics: clades & character changes

11 Key phylogenetic terms

12 Phenetics vs. cladistics

13 Maximum Parsimony Parsimony – shortest tree (fewest homoplasies)

14 Neutral theory Developed by Motoo Kimura, 1968

15 Wednesday (9/14): Molecular evolution & phylogenetic inference: case of HIV & comment…

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