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Cell Phones in College Courses Implementation Proposal 1 Elaine R. Gagne EDUC 8841 Walden University “... If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Phones in College Courses Implementation Proposal 1 Elaine R. Gagne EDUC 8841 Walden University “... If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Phones in College Courses Implementation Proposal 1 Elaine R. Gagne EDUC 8841 Walden University “... If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow…”-- John Dewey (Founder of American Public Schools)

2 Needs Meets unique pedagogical needs of college students and professors for feedback and collaboration Distance education is a viable, research-based option for learning 2 Cell Phone Integration

3 3 Ziff Davis (2010). U.S. cell phone penetration. Retrieved January 8, 2011, from

4 Development 4 : Perceived Problems in Integration

5 Desired Features 5 : Internet Browsers, Cameras, GPS, Memory Slots, Apps, Graphic Displays, SMS, Email, MP3, Games, e-Book, Calculator

6 Commercialization 6  Mass marketed  General public  Students and faculty  Parents  Software/hardware developers

7 7 Research 1.5 billion cell phones in use globally 3G to 4G networking expanding access to service It responds to the on-demand learning interests of connected citizens in an informationcentric world (Wagner, p. 4). “Investigations suggest mobile devices can be effective tools for a broad range of educational activities” (Thornton & Houser, p. 217). It also connects formal educational experience (e.g., taking a class, attending a workshop, or participating in a training session) with informal, situated learning experience (e.g., receiving performance support while on the job (Wagner, p. 3).

8 Cost Comparison 8 ItemInitial Item CostInitial Total CostOngoing Cost Cell phone (student incurs)$50-250 $25-100 (per month varies by plan) Blackboard AppFree Netbook (Student or College incurs) $500-1,000 $50 (per month Internet access, maintenance, repairs Training (College incurs) $125 per Instructor$0 $125.00 per instructor

9 Innovators & Early Adopters 9 Early Adopters Administration Students Affordability Training Redirecting Challenging

10 Laggards 10 Teachers Parents Curriculum Support Trialability

11 Training Needs 11 Teacher Development Maintenance Curriculum integration Students Navigation Sharing files Integrity/Cheating Internet searches Blogging Podcasts

12 Alternatives Less flexible More expensive Space intensive More maintenance Requires strong security measures 12 Media Labs

13 Stakeholder Benefits 13 Professors receive instructional support & interact with students Students participate in collaborative activities Generate Future Leaders

14 English Fine Art History Decentralized Approach Pilot Courses 14

15 Critical Mass 15 1.U.S. has critical mass in cell phone usage. 2.Japan uses cell phones in education. 3.Critical Mass not yet achieved in education in U.S. college classrooms. 4.Fuse cell phone usage into Advanced Placement courses. 5.Coordinate with college cell phone carrier to offer student discounted rate plans as an incentive.

16 Change Agents  Agent #1 Technology Coordinator  Agent #2 Pilot Course Faculty Roger’s Change Agent Roles Show need for cell phone integration Create Pilot Course Cohort Create Student Voice Exchange Offer incentive to try course Student Satisfaction Survey Amalgamate with Blackboard Offer other courses using same model 16

17 17 Identifying the Champion Technical & Information Literacy Collaboration & Increased Use of Blackboard Low Cost

18 Excellence in Teaching 18 Inspire Excellence in Innovation Promote Technical Literacy Promote Information Literacy Decrease the Digital Divide Multiple Intelligence Theory Uses Existing Platform Resources

19 Creative Integration Blackboard eBooks Google & Podcasts Twitter’s Hoot iTunes University 1,000’s more Apps… 19 Inspire Communication & Collaboration Email Discussion Threads Photos, Videos, & Music AOL, MSN Messenger, Skype Mobile Blogging, Wikis, & Social Networking

20 Social Change 20 Inspire Hey, Professor! Do you think U.S. educators will ever embrace cell phones in the collegiate classroom? Yes!

21 21 References Caronia, L. (2009). Mobile phones in peer culture: Teenagers' messaging as a metalinguistic performance. Conference Papers -- International Communication Association, 1-25. Retrieved December 22, 2010, from EBSCOhost. Kolb, L. (2007). Cell phones as classroom learning tools. [audio]. Retrieved January 12, 2011, from Prensky, M. (2004). What can you learn from a cell phone? Almost anything. Innovation. Retrieved January 6, 2010, from Rogers, Everett, M. (2008). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press. Thornton, P., & Houser, C. (2005). Using mobile phones in English education in Japan. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(3), 217-228. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2729.2005.00129.x Wagner, E. D. (2005). Mobile learning. Educause. Retrieved January 7, 2011, from Ziff-Davis. (2007). U.S. cell phone penetration tops 82 percent. Retrieved January 20, 2011, from

22 22 Credits PowerPoint creation: Elaine Gagne, MSET Narrator: Elaine Gagne, MSET A word of thanks goes out to Instructor Dr. Almusude and the members of the Community 2-Diffusion members: Milton Francis, Shannon Gray, Deborah Forest, and Nicholas Jarrell, for their continued support and suggestions regarding the production, content, and flow of my EDUC 8841: Diffusion and Integration of Technology, Week 11 Course Project.

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