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Short-Term Mating Strategies Why Jerry Springer is so Much Fun.

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Presentation on theme: "Short-Term Mating Strategies Why Jerry Springer is so Much Fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short-Term Mating Strategies Why Jerry Springer is so Much Fun

2 Inter-Sexual Differences Once again, we come to minimum investment  Women have greater obligatory investment, so have greater risk in pursuing short-term mating (STM) strategy  Men invest less, so have less to risk

3 Male Benefits Greater number of offspring  Due to greater reproductive variance among males  Achieved through larger number of partners rather than invest in one partner

4 Male Costs STDs “Womanizer” reputation Decreased parental investment Death or injury from jealous husbands, female’s kin Cuckolding by, or loss of, long-term mate (LTM)

5 Adaptive Problems for Males Partner Variety Sexual accessibility of female partners Fertility identification Commitment avoidance

6 Evidence for Male STM (1) Physiological  Sperm competition Behavioural  Incidence of extra-pair copulation  Prostitution seeking

7 Evidence for Male STM (2) Psychological  Desire for partner variety (Coolidge effect)  Desire for early intercourse  Lowered & changed standards Closing time phenomenon  Sexual fantasies

8 Female Benefits Resources** Good or diverse genes (untested) Mate switching** Improved mating skills* Increasing status* Mate manipulation or expulsion Jury still out: field research needed

9 Female Costs Reputation of promiscuity Increased risk of abuse and rape Sole parental responsibilities for offspring  Increased incidence of infanticide Risk loss of LTM STDs

10 Evidence for Female STM Female orgasm  Increased sperm retention  Ovulation & copulation timing in STM Incidence of extra-pair copulations

11 Context Effects Sexual gratification Life transitions Sex ratio Self-perceived mating success & self-esteem

12 Selection of Reproductive Traits HumanChimpanzeeOrangutanGorilla Penis Testes HumanChimpanzeeOrangutanGorilla Breasts

13 The Wrap-Up Minimum investment Costs & benefits for STM Evidence Context effects Selected physiological characteristics

14 Things to Come The Problems of Parenting  Sex differences in parental care  Genetic relatedness Investment Abuse & neglect  Offspring reproductive success  Parent-offspring conflict

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