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The North Carolina Institute for Public Health Making Good Choices About Training and Education Steve A. Hicks, Ed.D. University of North Carolina School.

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Presentation on theme: "The North Carolina Institute for Public Health Making Good Choices About Training and Education Steve A. Hicks, Ed.D. University of North Carolina School."— Presentation transcript:

1 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health Making Good Choices About Training and Education Steve A. Hicks, Ed.D. University of North Carolina School of Public Health Office of Continuing Education

2 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 2 Is Training the Solution? Knowledge & Skills Job Expectations Environment & Tools Feedback Motivation/Incentives Performance

3 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 3 Evidence: Workplace Performance 1.Do I know what is expected of me at work? 2.Do I have the resources and materials to do my job right? 3.Do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day? 4.In the last 7 days have I received recognition or praise for doing good work? Buckingham & Coffman, 1995

4 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 4 5.Does my supervisor or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person? 6.Is there someone at work who encourages my development? 7.Do my opinions seem to count? 8.Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel my job is important? Evidence: Workplace Performance

5 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 5 9.Are my co-workers committed to doing quality work? 10.Do I have a best friend at work? 11.In the last 6 months, has someone at work talked to me about my progress? 12.In the last year, have I had opportunities at work to learn and grow? Evidence: Workplace Performance

6 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 6 A Strong Case 1,2,3,4,5,6 have the strongest correlation to organizational performance 1,2,3,5,&7 have the strongest correlation to job satisfaction and retention How many relate to lifelong learning?

7 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 7 Opportunities for Workplace Training and Development Individual training –Classroom –Self-paced learning (e.g., CBT) –Simulations (e.g., drills) Performance Development Plans Orientation/On-the-job training Coaching/Mentoring Project work

8 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 8 If Training is the Solution… How do you decide?

9 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 9 First Consider: The Goal and Gap Where you are Where you want to be

10 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 10 So Where Are You Headed? “If you don’t know where you are going, then any road will take you there.”–Lewis Carroll

11 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 11 Where is Your Gap?

12 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 12 How Do You Decide about Training?

13 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 13 How Would You Shop Today?

14 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 14 Would You Buy a Car from These Guys? How about buying training from them?

15 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 15 Vehicle Body Type Training Format: –Will it accommodate you and your plans? –Degree or non- degree? –Classroom or online?

16 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 16 Engine and Horsepower Instructor: –Does s/he have: Experience? Depth of knowledge? Ability to communicate? Energy and enthusiasm? Objectives / Competencies

17 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 17 Vehicle Parts Content –Is it plain, clear, need-to-know information? –Is there not too much and not too little? –Integrated?

18 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 18 Vehicle Service Learner Support: –Do they stand behind their products? –Is there truth in advertising? –Where do you go to get service? –Are they reliable? Convenient?

19 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 19 Vehicle Safety Standards/ Certification: –Is content reviewed by experts? –Do they meet standards? –Is information accurate? From a credible source?

20 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 20 Tires Learner Interaction: –Does it smoothly move you to action? –Is it engaging?

21 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 21 Test Drive Sample –Course materials Practice: –Are there opportunities for practice?

22 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 22 Paint and Trim Materials and Resources: –Are they up-to- date? –High quality? –Available when you need them?

23 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 23 AC/Heating Systems Atmosphere: –Is the facility comfortable? –Are beverages and appropriate meals provided?

24 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 24 Fuel and Oil Assessment and Measurement: –Are evaluations from other learners available?

25 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 25 Brakes Breaks: –Do you get a chance to stretch? –Ask questions? –Is the content taught at a reasonable pace?

26 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 26 Price Considerations Cost: –What are the total costs of investment in terms of time, energy, effort, money?

27 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 27 Considerations for Training Course Overview/Expectations Learning Objectives/Competencies Assessment and Measurement Resources and Materials Learner Interaction Course Technology Learner Support Accessibility

28 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 28 Sifting through Training Opportunities

29 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 29 Public Health Training…

30 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 30

31 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 31

32 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 32

33 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 33

34 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 34

35 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 35 Public Health Academy

36 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 36 How to Avoid Buying a Lemon Seek assistance –University –Practitioners –Instructors Review content References Sample Standards

37 The North Carolina Institute for Public Health 37 Summary Goals—Will it get you there? Resources & constraints Make informed decisions Will it make you a better and safer driver?

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