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Kansas Algebra Program Spring Orientation. Agenda Student Success - Fall 2008 Reflection Spring outlook Finalize scheduling Spring meetings Student Success.

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas Algebra Program Spring Orientation. Agenda Student Success - Fall 2008 Reflection Spring outlook Finalize scheduling Spring meetings Student Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas Algebra Program Spring Orientation

2 Agenda Student Success - Fall 2008 Reflection Spring outlook Finalize scheduling Spring meetings Student Success - Fall 2008 Reflection Spring outlook Finalize scheduling Spring meetings

3 Math 002 Fall Results

4 Math 101 Fall Results

5 What do you think? Sticking points Likes & dislikes How did I do? What will I change? Advice for success

6 Key Areas Help Room Professional conduct Consistent, accurate information Content KAP Exam proctoring Skills Test Lab Help Room Professional conduct Consistent, accurate information Content KAP Exam proctoring Skills Test Lab

7 Enrollment Outlook Math 002 15 sections 197 students Math 101 37 sections 788 students Math 002 15 sections 197 students Math 101 37 sections 788 students

8 Spring schedule at KAP Differences in the students. Fewer sections of Math 002 Separate Final Exam for 002/101 TA meetings every two weeks (vs. every week) Down time?? Differences in the students. Fewer sections of Math 002 Separate Final Exam for 002/101 TA meetings every two weeks (vs. every week) Down time??

9 Employee Roles for Spring Gateway lab monitor Skills Test lab monitor Group tutor leader Grader for TA with 2 classes Gateway lab monitor Skills Test lab monitor Group tutor leader Grader for TA with 2 classes

10 Organized Group Tutoring Reserve study rooms in 323 11:00, 3:00, 6:00 -- MTWR Students sign up at KAP office desk Consistency - group membership Opportunities for ‘extras’ Calculator work Student led discussions Group work Reserve study rooms in 323 11:00, 3:00, 6:00 -- MTWR Students sign up at KAP office desk Consistency - group membership Opportunities for ‘extras’ Calculator work Student led discussions Group work

11 Spring Meetings Tutors - attend two 002 and two 101 meetings during the semester TAs - attend two meetings for course you are not teaching (in addition to required) Tutors - attend two 002 and two 101 meetings during the semester TAs - attend two meetings for course you are not teaching (in addition to required)

12 Meeting Schedule Gateway lab monitors Now - Here  KAP responsibilities 12:00 pm - Snow Lab Skills Test lab monitors Now - ST 323 TAs & Graders Now - KAP office 101 TAs - ST 330 002 TAs - ST 335 Gateway lab monitors Now - Here  KAP responsibilities 12:00 pm - Snow Lab Skills Test lab monitors Now - ST 323 TAs & Graders Now - KAP office 101 TAs - ST 330 002 TAs - ST 335

13 Kansas Algebra Program Spring Orientation Group Leaders Spring Orientation Group Leaders

14 Group Leader Folders HW Score sheet for Unit 1 (101TAs) Initial class roster Replacement pages for IG HW Score sheet for Unit 1 (101TAs) Initial class roster Replacement pages for IG

15 Break Out Sessions Changes to make this semester - what I will say &/or do differently Homework policy forms & grading Openers / Closers Time management & Reviewing Changes to make this semester - what I will say &/or do differently Homework policy forms & grading Openers / Closers Time management & Reviewing

16 Starting the semester Get to know the students in your class What are their names? Background? Gender Balance? Interests (major?) Concerns & expectations Get to know the students in your class What are their names? Background? Gender Balance? Interests (major?) Concerns & expectations

17 Homework Policy See the sample on page 6 (IG) for the format and content requirements. Approved copy is to be on file with Ingrid. When & how to articulate to the students? What are their expectations? (get to know them) Wait for enrollment to settle down? Will need to repeat/remind several times. Consistency is key!! See the sample on page 6 (IG) for the format and content requirements. Approved copy is to be on file with Ingrid. When & how to articulate to the students? What are their expectations? (get to know them) Wait for enrollment to settle down? Will need to repeat/remind several times. Consistency is key!!

18 Unit I - Foundations, Lines, Circles, Systems & Matrices Review of Algebra Skills - AR #1 Distance & Midpoint Circles Graphs Lines Systems Review of Algebra Skills - AR #1 Distance & Midpoint Circles Graphs Lines Systems

19 Day 1 - Overview Syllabus Purpose/nature of Algebra Review Projects Sample sheet Syllabus Purpose/nature of Algebra Review Projects Sample sheet

20 Plan Ahead - Have Options Who comes to the 1 st class? Most everyone on the roster? Quite a few absences or irregularities? Time factor Who comes to the 1 st class? Most everyone on the roster? Quite a few absences or irregularities? Time factor

21 Considerations 1. It is possible to cover distance/midpoint (F.1) and circles (F.4) in one day - mostly! 2. Lines - if done well - will lay the foundations for work with linear functions, systems, etc. later in the course. 1. It is possible to cover distance/midpoint (F.1) and circles (F.4) in one day - mostly! 2. Lines - if done well - will lay the foundations for work with linear functions, systems, etc. later in the course.

22 Wrap Up Checklist Supplies Forms completed / turned in Rosters & Syllabii Next meeting is: HAVE A GOOD SEMESTER!! Supplies Forms completed / turned in Rosters & Syllabii Next meeting is: HAVE A GOOD SEMESTER!!

23 Thinking Outside the Box

24 Connect all of the dots below with 4 straight lines without lifting your pencil

25 Do the Math! 2201 students on roster (less 265 w/d) 99 sections taught ---- visits to the Help Room Over 16,000 exams graded 240 red pens used (lost?) > 50 pots of coffee & bags of candy ?? Sudoku/Crossword puzzles solved 2201 students on roster (less 265 w/d) 99 sections taught ---- visits to the Help Room Over 16,000 exams graded 240 red pens used (lost?) > 50 pots of coffee & bags of candy ?? Sudoku/Crossword puzzles solved

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